XPDI1 ;SFISC/RSD - Cont of Install Process ; 8/30/04 9:45am ;;8.0;KERNEL;**58,61,95,108,229,275,L33**;Jul 10, 1995 ;lookup into file 9.7, XPDS=DIC("S") for lookup ;return 0-fail or ien, XPDT=array of linked builds LOOK(XPDS,XPDL) ;lookup Install N DIC,Y,XPD,XPDIT,% S:$D(AAQP) DIC("B")=AAQP ;MPLS XU*L33 used only by XPDZPAT and AAQMENU S DIC(0)="QEAMZ",DIC="^XPD(9.7," S:$L($G(XPDS)) DIC("S")=XPDS D ^DIC Q:Y<0 0 I '$G(XPDL) L +^XPD(9.7,+Y,0):0 E W !,"Being accessed by another user" Q 0 S XPD=+Y,XPDIT=0 W !!,"This Distribution was loaded on ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(Y(0),U,3))," with header of ",!?3,$G(^XPD(9.7,XPD,2)),!?3,"It consisted of the following Install(s):",! ;build XPDT array I '$D(^XPD(9.7,"ASP",XPD)) D XPDT(1,XPD) Q XPD F S XPDIT=$O(^XPD(9.7,"ASP",XPD,XPDIT)) Q:'XPDIT S Y=+$O(^(XPDIT,0)) D XPDT(XPDIT,Y) I '$O(XPDT(0)) S XPDQUIT=1 D QUIT(XPD) Q XPD ; QUIT(Y) ;unlock ien Y L -^XPD(9.7,+Y) Q ; XPDT(P1,P2) ;Build XPDT array N % S %=$P($G(^XPD(9.7,P2,0)),U) I %="" W:$X ! W "**ERROR in Install, You need to remove the Distribution and reload it**",! S XPDQUIT=1 Q S XPDT(P1)=P2_U_%,(XPDT("DA",P2),XPDT("NM",%))=P1 W:$X>64 ! W $J(%,15) Q ; QUES(XPDA) ;install questions; XPDA=ien in file 9.7 N XPDANS,XPDFIL,XPDFILN,XPDFILO,XPDFLG,XPDNM,XPDQUES,X,Y S XPDNM=$P(^XPD(9.7,XPDA,0),U) W !!,"Install Questions for ",XPDNM,! ;pre-init questions D DIR^XPDIQ("PRE") I $D(XPDQUIT) D ASKABRT^XPDI Q ;file install questions S (XPDFIL,XPDFLG)=0 F S XPDFIL=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"FIA",XPDFIL)) Q:'XPDFIL S X=^(XPDFIL),X(0)=^(XPDFIL,0),X(1)=^(XPDFIL),XPDFILO=^(0,1) D Q:$D(XPDQUIT) .;check for DD screening logic .I $G(^(10))]"" N XPDSCR S XPDSCR=^(10) ;^(10) is ref to ^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"FIA",XPDFIL,0,10) from prev line .;XPDFILN=file name^global ref^partial DD .;XPDANS=new file^DD screen failed^Data exists^update file name^user .;doesn't want to update data 1=yes,0=no .S XPDFILN=X_X(0)_U_X(1),XPDANS='($D(^DIC(XPDFIL,0))#2)_"^^"_''$O(@(X(0)_"0)")) .I 'XPDFLG W !,"Incoming Files:" S XPDFLG=1 .W ! D DIR^XPDIQ("XPF",XPDFIL_"#") Q:$D(XPDQUIT) .S:$G(XPDQUES("XPF"_XPDFIL_"#2"))=0 $P(XPDANS,U,5)=1 .S ^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"FIA",XPDFIL,0,2)=XPDANS .;kill the answers so we can re-ask for next file .F I=1:1:2 K XPDQUES("XPF"_XPDFIL_"#"_I) ;XPDQUIT is by file questions in previous do loop, set in XPDIQ I $D(XPDQUIT) D ASKABRT^XPDI Q ;ask for coordinators to incoming mail groups S (XPDFIL,XPDFLG)=0 F S XPDFIL=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",3.8,XPDFIL)) Q:'XPDFIL S X=^(XPDFIL,0),Y=$G(^(-1)) D Q:$D(XPDQUIT) .;XPDANS=Mail Group name .Q:$P(Y,U)=1 ;Don't ask if deleting .S XPDANS=$P(X,U) .I 'XPDFLG W !!,"Incoming Mail Groups:" S XPDFLG=1 .W ! D DIR^XPDIQ("XPM",XPDFIL_"#") Q:$D(XPDQUIT) .;kill the answers so we can re-ask for next MG .K XPDQUES("XPM"_XPDFIL_"#1") .Q I $D(XPDQUIT) D ASKABRT^XPDI Q ;ask to rebuild menus if Option is added S (XPDFIL,XPDFLG)=0 S XPDFIL=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",19,XPDFIL)) D:XPDFIL .S X=^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",19,XPDFIL,0) .;XPDANS=Menu Rebuild Answer .S XPDANS=$P(X,U) .W ! D DIR^XPDIQ("XPO") Q:$D(XPDQUIT) I $D(XPDQUIT) D ASKABRT^XPDI Q ;post-init questions W ! D DIR^XPDIQ("POS") I $D(DIRUT)!$D(XPDQUIT) D ASKABRT^XPDI Q Q ; XQSET(XPDA) ;get options & protocols to disable ;put in ^TMP($J,"XQOO",starting build name) N A,I,X,Y S I=0 F S I=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",19,I)) Q:'I S X=^(I,0),A=^(-1) D .S Y=$O(^DIC(19,"B",$P(X,U),0)) .;check that option exist and 0=send,1=delete,3=merge or 5=disable .I Y,$D(^DIC(19,Y,0)),$S('A:1,1:A#2) S ^TMP($J,"XQOO",XPDSET,19,Y)=$P(^(0),U,1,2) S I=0 F S I=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,I)) Q:'I S X=^(I,0),A=^(-1) D .S Y=$O(^ORD(101,"B",$P(X,U),0)) .I Y,$D(^ORD(101,Y,0)),$S(A=3:1,A=5:1,1:'A) S ^TMP($J,"XQOO",XPDSET,101,Y)=$P(^(0),U,1,2) Q ;XPDIJ need to install XPDIJ now & set routine flag to skip XPDIJ N DIE,XPDA,XCM,XCN,XCS,X S XPDA=XPDIJ,DIE="^XTMP(""XPDI"",XPDIJ,""RTN"",""XPDIJ"",",XCN=0,X="XPDIJ" X ^%ZOSF("SAVE") D RTNLOG^XPDUTL("XPDIJ") ;Save and update ROUTINE file S XCN=$$RTNUP^XPDUTL("XPDIJ",2) Q