XPDIL ;SFISC/RSD - load Distribution Global ;05/17/2006 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**15,44,58,68,108,422**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 2 ;This routine has the changes made for patch 345 but was released as 422 to fix a read HFS problem ; EN1 N POP,XPDA,XPDST,XPDIT,XPDT,XPDGP,XPDQUIT,XPDREQAB,XPDSKPE S:'$D(DT) DT=$$DT^XLFDT S:'$D(U) U="^" S XPDST=0 D ST I $G(XPDQUIT) D ABRTALL^XPDI(1) G NONE ;XPDST= starting Build ;XPDT("DA",ien)=seq # to install ;XPDT("NM",build name)=seq # ;XPDT(seq #)=ien^Build name ;XPDT("GP",global)= 1-replace, 0-overwrite^ien ;XPDGP=globals from a Global Package ;XPDSKPE=1 don't run Environment Check^has question been asked S XPDIT=0,XPDSKPE="0^0" F S XPDIT=$O(XPDT(XPDIT)) Q:'XPDIT S XPDA=+XPDT(XPDIT) D I '$D(XPDT) Q .;check if this Build has an Envir. Check .I $G(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"PRE"))]"" D I $G(XPDQUIT) D ABRTALL^XPDI(1) Q ..;quit if we already asked this question ..Q:$P(XPDSKPE,U,2) ..S $P(XPDSKPE,U,2)=1 ..N DIR,DIRUT ..S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Want to RUN the Environment Check Routine",DIR("B")="YES" ..S DIR("A",1)="Build "_$P(XPDT(XPDIT),U,2)_" has an Enviromental Check Routine" ..;p345-rename AND* to XPD* ..I '$G(XPDAUTO) D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S XPDQUIT=1 Q ..I $G(XPDAUTO) S Y=1 ..S:'Y XPDSKPE="1^1" .D PKG^XPDIL1(XPDA) ;Global Package G:$D(XPDGP) ^XPDIGP ;p345-rename AND* to XPD* I $D(XPDT),$D(^XPD(9.7,+XPDST,0)) S:$G(XPDAUTO) XPDANM=$P(^(0),U) W:'$G(XPDAUTO) !,"Use INSTALL NAME: ",$P(^(0),U)," to install this Distribution.",! Q ST ;global input N DIR,DIRUT,GR,IOP,X,Y,Z,%ZIS G:'$D(^DD(3.5,0)) OPEN I '$D(^%ZIS(1,"B","HFS")) W !!,"You must have a device called 'HFS' in order to load a distribution!",*7 S XPDQUIT=1 Q ;p345-rename AND* to XPD* I '$G(XPDAUTO) D HOME^%ZIS I $G(XPDAUTO) S IO(0)=XPDDEV S DIR(0)="F^3:75",DIR("A")="Enter a Host File",DIR("?")="Enter a filename and/or path to input Distribution." ;p345-rename AND* to XPD* I '$G(XPDAUTO) D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S XPDQUIT=1 Q I $G(XPDAUTO) S (X,Y)=XPDFTPF S %ZIS="",%ZIS("HFSNAME")=Y,%ZIS("HFSMODE")="R",IOP="HFS" D ^%ZIS I POP W !,"Couldn't open file or HFS device!!",*7 S XPDQUIT=1 Q ;don't close device if we have a global package, we need to bring in the globals now D GI,^%ZISC:'$D(XPDGP)!$G(XPDQUIT) Q ; ;if no device file, Virgin Install OPEN ;use open command N IO,IOPAR,DIR,DIRUT S DIR(0)="F^1:79",DIR("A")="Device Name" S DIR("?",1)="Device Name is either the name of the HFS file or the name of the HFS Device.",DIR("?",2)="i.e. for MSM enter 51",DIR("?")=" for DSM enter DISK$USER::[ANONYMOUS]:KRN8.KID" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S POP=1 Q S IO=Y,DIR(0)="FO^1:79",DIR("A")="Device Parameters" S DIR("?",1)="Device Parameter is the Open parameter this M operating system needs to",DIR("?",2)="open the Device Name.",DIR("?",3)="i.e. for MSM enter (""B:\KRN8.KID"":""R"")",DIR("?")=" for DSM enter READONLY" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S POP=1 Q S IOPAR=Y X "O IO:"_IOPAR_":10" E U $P W !,"Couldn't open ",IO S POP=1 Q S IO(0)=$P D GI D ^%ZISC Q ; GI N X,XPDSEQ,Y,Z U IO R X:10,Y:10 ;rwf was :0 U IO(0) W !!,X,!,"Comment: ",Y S XPDST("H")=Y,XPDST("H1")=Y_" ;Created on "_$P(X,"KIDS Distribution saved on ",2) ;Z is the string of Builds in this file U IO F X=1:1 R Z:1 S Z=$P(Z,"**KIDS**",2,99) Q:Z="" S X(X)=Z U IO(0) I $G(X(1))="" W !!,"This is not a Distribution HFS File!" S XPDQUIT=1 Q ;global package, set XPDGP=flag;global^flag;global^... flag=1 replace I $P(X(1),":")="GLOBALS" S XPDGP=$P(X(1),U,2,99),X(1)=$P(X(1),U) S XPDIT=0,X(1)=$P(X(1),":",2,99) W !!,"This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following Package(s):" F X=1:1:X-1 F Z=1:1 S Y=$P(X(X),U,Z) Q:Y="" D Q:$G(XPDQUIT) . ;can't install if global exist, that means Build never finish install . ;INST will show name . S XPDIT=XPDIT+1 I '$$INST^XPDIL1(Y) S XPDQUIT=1 Q Q:$G(XPDQUIT) W !,"Distribution OK!",! D:$D(XPDGP) DISP^XPDIGP S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Want to Continue with Load",DIR("B")="YES" ;p345-rename AND* to XPD* I '$G(XPDAUTO) D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!'Y S XPDQUIT=1 Q I $G(XPDAUTO) S Y=1 W !,"Loading Distribution...",! ;reset expiration date to T+7 on transport global S ^XTMP("XPDI",0)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,7)_U_DT ;start reading the HFS again U IO R X:10,Y:10 ;rwf was :0 ;the next read must be the INSTALL NAME I X'="**INSTALL NAME**"!'$D(XPDT("NM",Y)) U IO(0) W !!,"ERROR in HFS file format!" S XPDQUIT=1 Q ;XPDSEQ is the disk sequence number S %=XPDT("NM",Y),GR="^XTMP(""XPDI"","_+XPDT(%)_",",XPDSEQ=1 ;X=global ref, Y=global value. DIRUT is when user is prompted for next disk in NEXTD and they abort ;rwf next line was :0 F R X:10,Y:10 Q:X="**END**" D I $D(DIRUT) S XPDQUIT=1 Q .I X="**INSTALL NAME**" D Q ..S %=+$G(XPDT("NM",Y)) I '% S DIRUT=1 Q ..S GR="^XTMP(""XPDI"","_+XPDT(%)_"," .;I X="**CONTINUE**" D NEXTD Q .S @(GR_X)=Y U IO(0) Q ; NEXTD I ^%ZOSF("OS")'["MSM" U IO(0) W !!,"Error in disk, ABORTING load!!" S XPDQUIT=1 Q N DIR ;close current device C IO U IO(0) S XPDSEQ=XPDSEQ+1,DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Insert the next diskette, #"_XPDSEQ_", and Press the return key",DIR("?")="This distribution is continued on another diskette" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) W " OK",! ;MSM specific code to open HFS O @(""""_IO_""":"_IOPAR) U IO R X:10,Y:10 ;rwf was :0 ;quit if comments are not the same on each diskette G:Y'=XPDST("H") NEXTQ ;quit if not the expected sequence, Z is for the blank line R Y:10,Z:10 G:Y'=("**SEQ**:"_XPDSEQ) NEXTQ ;rwf was :0 Q NEXTQ U IO(0) W !!,"This is NOT the correct diskette!! The comment on this diskette is:",!,X,!! S XPDSEQ=XPDSEQ-1 G NEXTD ; NONE W !!,"**NOTHING LOADED**",! Q