XPDIN001 ; ; 03-JUL-1995 ;;8.0;KERNEL;;JUL 10, 1995 Q:'DIFQ(9.6) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y Q Q ;;^DIC(9.6,0,"GL") ;;=^XPD(9.6, ;;^DIC("B","BUILD",9.6) ;;= ;;^DIC(9.6,"%D",0) ;;=^^4^4^2940705^^^^ ;;^DIC(9.6,"%D",1,0) ;;=This file identifies the elements of a package that will be transported ;;^DIC(9.6,"%D",2,0) ;;=by the Kernel Installation & Distribution System. All components of the ;;^DIC(9.6,"%D",3,0) ;;=package, i.e. templates, options, Security Keys, etc., must be listed in ;;^DIC(9.6,"%D",4,0) ;;=in this file. ;;^DD(9.6,0) ;;=FIELD^NL^916^19 ;;^DD(9.6,0,"DT") ;;=2950330 ;;^DD(9.6,0,"ID",1) ;;=S %I=Y,Y=$S('$D(^(0)):"",$D(^DIC(9.4,+$P(^(0),U,2),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:""),C=$P(^DD(9.4,.01,0),U,2) D Y^DIQ:Y]"" W " ",Y,@("$E("_DIC_"%I,0),0)") S Y=%I K %I ;;^DD(9.6,0,"IX","B",9.6,.01) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6,0,"IX","C",9.6,1) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6,0,"NM","BUILD") ;;= ;;^DD(9.6,0,"PT",9.63,.01) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6,0,"VRPK") ;;=KERNEL ;;^DD(9.6,.01,0) ;;=NAME^FX^^0;1^D INPUTB^XPDET(.X) ;;^DD(9.6,.01,1,0) ;;=^.1^^-1 ;;^DD(9.6,.01,1,1,0) ;;=9.6^B ;;^DD(9.6,.01,1,1,1) ;;=S ^XPD(9.6,"B",X,DA)="" ;;^DD(9.6,.01,1,1,2) ;;=K ^XPD(9.6,"B",X,DA) ;;^DD(9.6,.01,3) ;;=Enter Package or Patch Name and version in the format 'PACKAGE nn.n[V|T]n' or 'PATCH*nn.n*nn'. ;;^DD(9.6,.01,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2950105^^^^ ;;^DD(9.6,.01,21,1,0) ;;=The name and version number of this Package or Patch. ;;^DD(9.6,.01,21,2,0) ;;= i.e. KERNEL 8.0T1 or XU*8.0*1 ;;^DD(9.6,.01,"DT") ;;=2950105 ;;^DD(9.6,.02,0) ;;=DATE DISTRIBUTED^D^^0;4^S %DT="EX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X ;;^DD(9.6,.02,21,0) ;;=^^1^1^2940608^ ;;^DD(9.6,.02,21,1,0) ;;=The date this Build is distributed to the sites. ;;^DD(9.6,.02,"DT") ;;=2940608 ;;^DD(9.6,1,0) ;;=PACKAGE FILE LINK^*P9.4'^DIC(9.4,^0;2^S DIC("S")="I $$PCK^XPDET(Y)" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X ;;^DD(9.6,1,1,0) ;;=^.1 ;;^DD(9.6,1,1,1,0) ;;=9.6^C ;;^DD(9.6,1,1,1,1) ;;=S ^XPD(9.6,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" ;;^DD(9.6,1,1,1,2) ;;=K ^XPD(9.6,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA) ;;^DD(9.6,1,1,1,"DT") ;;=2930820 ;;^DD(9.6,1,3) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6,1,12) ;;=Must be the same Package Name or Namespace ;;^DD(9.6,1,12.1) ;;=S DIC("S")="I $$PCK^XPDET(Y)" ;;^DD(9.6,1,21,0) ;;=^^4^4^2950113^^^^ ;;^DD(9.6,1,21,1,0) ;;=Enter this field only if you want to update the Package file when this ;;^DD(9.6,1,21,2,0) ;;=package is installed at the recipient's site. You can only reference ;;^DD(9.6,1,21,3,0) ;;=a Package with the same Name as your Build. If this is a patch, you can ;;^DD(9.6,1,21,4,0) ;;=only reference a Package with the same Namespace as your Build. ;;^DD(9.6,1,"DT") ;;=2940425 ;;^DD(9.6,2,0) ;;=TYPE^S^0:SINGLE PACKAGE;1:MULTI-PACKAGE;2:GLOBAL PACKAGE;^0;3^Q ;;^DD(9.6,2,3) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6,2,21,0) ;;=^^5^5^2950105^^ ;;^DD(9.6,2,21,1,0) ;;=This field is used to determine information about a Build. ;;^DD(9.6,2,21,2,0) ;;=A package can be Single, Multi, or Global. A single package is ;;^DD(9.6,2,21,3,0) ;;=one package and multi package can contain more than one package. ;;^DD(9.6,2,21,4,0) ;;=A global package contains only globals to transport build, no ;;^DD(9.6,2,21,5,0) ;;=files or components can be included. ;;^DD(9.6,2,"DT") ;;=2950105 ;;^DD(9.6,3,0) ;;=DESCRIPTION OF ENHANCEMENTS^9.61A^^1;0 ;;^DD(9.6,3,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2940607^^^^ ;;^DD(9.6,3,21,1,0) ;;=A complete and detailed description of the Package's or Patch's ;;^DD(9.6,3,21,2,0) ;;=enhancements and capabilities. ;;^DD(9.6,3,"DT") ;;=2940607 ;;^DD(9.6,4,0) ;;=VERSION^CJ8^^ ; ^S X=$$VER^XPDUTL($P($G(^XPD(9.6,D0,0)),U)) ;;^DD(9.6,4,9) ;;=^ ;;^DD(9.6,4,9.01) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6,4,9.1) ;;=S X=$$VER^XPDUTL($P($G(^XPD(9.6,D0,0)),U)) ;;^DD(9.6,4,21,0) ;;=^^1^1^2940914^^ ;;^DD(9.6,4,21,1,0) ;;=This field returns the version number for this package. ;;^DD(9.6,5,0) ;;=TRACK PACKAGE NATIONALLY^S^y:YES;n:NO;^0;5^Q ;;^DD(9.6,5,21,0) ;;=^^4^4^2941108^^^ ;;^DD(9.6,5,21,1,0) ;;=YES means you want to send a message to the National Package File on ;;^DD(9.6,5,21,2,0) ;;=FORUM to track this package when it is installed at an installing site. ;;^DD(9.6,5,21,3,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6,5,21,4,0) ;;=NO means you don't want to generate a message. ;;^DD(9.6,5,"DT") ;;=2940422 ;;^DD(9.6,6,0) ;;=FILE^9.64PA^^4;0 ;;^DD(9.6,6,21,0) ;;=^^3^3^2940502^^^^ ;;^DD(9.6,6,21,1,0) ;;=Any FileMan files which are part of this Package are documented ;;^DD(9.6,6,21,2,0) ;;=here. This multiple controls what files (Data Dictionaries and ;;^DD(9.6,6,21,3,0) ;;=Data) are distributed from this Package entry. ;;^DD(9.6,7,0) ;;=BUILD COMPONENTS^9.67PA^^KRN;0 ;;^DD(9.6,7,21,0) ;;=^^1^1^2940503^^ ;;^DD(9.6,7,21,1,0) ;;=The list of the components that make up a package.