XPDIN007 ; ; 03-JUL-1995 ;;8.0;KERNEL;;JUL 10, 1995 Q:'DIFQ(9.6) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y Q Q ;;^DD(9.641,.01,21,11,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.641,.01,21,12,0) ;;=After selecting a valid DD NUMBER you will then be prompted to select ;;^DD(9.641,.01,21,13,0) ;;=field number(s). ;;^DD(9.641,.01,21,14,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.641,.01,21,15,0) ;;=If a DD NUMBER is selected and no fields are selected, KIDS will send all ;;^DD(9.641,.01,21,16,0) ;;=the fields contained within, including multiple fields below the selected ;;^DD(9.641,.01,21,17,0) ;;=level. ;;^DD(9.641,.01,"DT") ;;=2940829 ;;^DD(9.641,.02,0) ;;=CHECKSUM^F^^0;2^K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3) X ;;^DD(9.641,.02,3) ;;=Answer must be 3-30 characters in length. ;;^DD(9.641,.02,21,0) ;;=^^1^1^2950330^ ;;^DD(9.641,.02,21,1,0) ;;=This field contains the checksum for this subDD ;;^DD(9.641,.02,"DT") ;;=2950330 ;;^DD(9.641,1,0) ;;=FIELD NUMBER^9.6411^^1;0 ;;^DD(9.641,1,"DT") ;;=2940525 ;;^DD(9.6411,0) ;;=FIELD NUMBER SUB-FIELD^^.02^2 ;;^DD(9.6411,0,"DT") ;;=2950330 ;;^DD(9.6411,0,"NM","FIELD NUMBER") ;;= ;;^DD(9.6411,0,"UP") ;;=9.641 ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,0) ;;=FIELD NUMBER^MFX^^0;1^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) S X=$$FLDCHK^DIFROMSD(D2,+$G(X),"MN") K:X'>0 X S:$D(X) DINUM=+X,X=$P(X,"^",2) ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,1,0) ;;=^.1 ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,1,1,0) ;;=9.64^APDD^MUMPS ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,1,1,1) ;;=S ^XPD(9.6,DA(3),4,"APDD",DA(2),DA(1),DA)="" ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,1,1,2) ;;=K ^XPD(9.6,DA(3),4,"APDD",DA(2),DA(1),DA) ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,1,1,"%D",0) ;;=^^2^2^2950117^ ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,1,1,"%D",1,0) ;;=Used to create an array structure containing Partial DDs. This array ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,1,1,"%D",2,0) ;;=is passed to FIA^DIFROMSU as a list of DD numbers and fields to transport. ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,1,1,"DT") ;;=2940525 ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,3) ;;=Enter a valid field NUMBER. ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,4) ;;=D DDIOLFLD^DIFROMSD(D2,"M") ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,0) ;;=^^13^13^2940903^ ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,1,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,2,0) ;;=Select field(s) to be sent for this Partial Data Dictionary. ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,3,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,4,0) ;;=Only the attributes for the field(s) selected are sent. Attributes such ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,5,0) ;;=as identifers, "ID" nodes for a field, are not sent when sending a ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,6,0) ;;=partial. Some attributes are considered file attributes, such as ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,7,0) ;;=identifiers, and are only sent with a Full Data Dictionary. ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,8,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,9,0) ;;=If the .01 field for a sub-file, multiple, is selected, the field at the ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,10,0) ;;=level above, which points to the multiple, is automatically sent. ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,11,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,12,0) ;;=If no field is selected, all fields will be sent, as well as the multiple ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,21,13,0) ;;=fields below this level. ;;^DD(9.6411,.01,"DT") ;;=2940906 ;;^DD(9.6411,.02,0) ;;=CHECKSUM^F^^0;2^K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3) X ;;^DD(9.6411,.02,3) ;;=Answer must be 3-30 characters in length. ;;^DD(9.6411,.02,21,0) ;;=^^1^1^2950330^ ;;^DD(9.6411,.02,21,1,0) ;;=This field contains the checksum for this field. ;;^DD(9.6411,.02,"DT") ;;=2950330 ;;^DD(9.65,0) ;;=GLOBAL SUB-FIELD^^1^2 ;;^DD(9.65,0,"DT") ;;=2950105 ;;^DD(9.65,0,"IX","B",9.65,.01) ;;= ;;^DD(9.65,0,"NM","GLOBAL") ;;= ;;^DD(9.65,0,"UP") ;;=9.6 ;;^DD(9.65,.01,0) ;;=GLOBAL^MFXO^^0;1^D GLOBALE^XPDET(.X) ;;^DD(9.65,.01,1,0) ;;=^.1 ;;^DD(9.65,.01,1,1,0) ;;=9.65^B ;;^DD(9.65,.01,1,1,1) ;;=S ^XPD(9.6,DA(1),"GLO","B",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" ;;^DD(9.65,.01,1,1,2) ;;=K ^XPD(9.6,DA(1),"GLO","B",$E(X,1,30),DA) ;;^DD(9.65,.01,2) ;;=S Y(0)=Y S Y=$TR(Y,"'","""") ;;^DD(9.65,.01,2.1) ;;=S Y=$TR(Y,"'","""") ;;^DD(9.65,.01,3) ;;=Answer must be 2-30 characters in length and not begining with "^". ;;^DD(9.65,.01,7.5) ;;=S X=$TR(X,"""","'") ;;^DD(9.65,.01,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2950105^^^ ;;^DD(9.65,.01,21,1,0) ;;=Enter a global name or a closed global root you want to transport. ;;^DD(9.65,.01,21,2,0) ;;=The global should not begin with a "^". i.e. %ZIS(2). ;;^DD(9.65,.01,"DT") ;;=2950106 ;;^DD(9.65,1,0) ;;=KILL GLOBAL BEFORE INSTALL^S^y:YES;n:NO;^0;2^Q ;;^DD(9.65,1,21,0) ;;=^^5^5^2950105^ ;;^DD(9.65,1,21,1,0) ;;=YES means that you want this global killed before it is installed ;;^DD(9.65,1,21,2,0) ;;=at the installing site. ;;^DD(9.65,1,21,3,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.65,1,21,4,0) ;;=NO means you want this global install on top of the existing global ;;^DD(9.65,1,21,5,0) ;;=at the installing site. ;;^DD(9.65,1,"DT") ;;=2950105 ;;^DD(9.66,0) ;;=PACKAGE NAMESPACE OR PREFIX SUB-FIELD^^1^2 ;;^DD(9.66,0,"DT") ;;=2940307