XPDIQ ;SFISC/RSD - Install Questions ;12/16/98 12:06 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**21,28,58,61,95,108**;Jul 10, 1995 Q DIR(XPFR,XPFP) ;XPFR=prefix, XPFP=file no._# or Mail Group ien ;XPFP is for XPF or XPM questions N DIR,DR,XPDI,XPDJ,X,Y,Z S XPFP=$G(XPFP),XPDI=$S(XPFP:XPFR_XPFP,1:XPFR) D QUES(XPDI) ;ask questions S X=XPFR F S X=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"QUES",X)),Z="" Q:X=""!($P(X,XPFR)]"") D I $D(DIRUT) S XPDQUIT=1 Q .S XPDJ=$S('XPFP:X,1:XPDI_$P(X,XPFR,2)) .F S Z=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"QUES",X,Z)) Q:Z="" M DIR(Z)=^(Z) .;if there was a previous answer, reset DIR("B") to external or internal answer .S:$L($G(XPDQUES(XPDJ))) DIR("B")=$G(XPDQUES(XPDJ,"B"),XPDQUES(XPDJ)) D Q:'$D(Y) ..N FLAG,X,Z K Y ..;this is the M CODE node that was set to DIR("M") in prev for loop ..;FLAG is used by KIDS questions ..I $D(DIR("M")) S %=DIR("M"),FLAG="" K DIR("M") X % ..Q:'$D(DIR) ..;'|' is used to mark variable in prompt, reset prompt with value of variable ..S:$G(DIR("A"))["|" DIR("A")=$P(DIR("A"),"|")_@$P(DIR("A"),"|",2)_$P(DIR("A"),"|",3) ..K:$G(DIR("B"))="" DIR("B") ..D ^DIR .S %=$P(DIR(0),U) .;read was optional and didn't timeout and user didn't enter anything .I %["O",'$D(DTOUT),$S(%["P":Y=-1,1:Y="") K DIRUT Q .;quit if the user up-arrowed out .Q:$D(DIRUT) .;if pointer, reset Y & Y(0) .I %["P" S Y(0)=$S(%["Z":$P(Y(0),U),1:$P(Y,U,2)),Y=+Y .;if Y(0) is not defined, but Y is .S:$D(Y)#2&'($D(Y(0))#2) Y(0)=Y .S XPDQUES(XPDJ)=Y,XPDQUES(XPDJ,"A")=$G(DIR("A")),XPDQUES(XPDJ,"B")=$G(Y(0)) .K DIR K XPDJ S XPDI=XPFR ;code to save XPDQUES to INSTALL ANSWERS in file 9.7, loop thru the answers starting with the from value, XPFR F Y=1:1 S XPDI=$O(XPDQUES(XPDI)) Q:XPDI=""!($P(XPDI,XPFR)]"") D .S X="XPDJ(9.701,""?+"_Y_","_XPDA_","")",@X@(.01)=XPDI,@X@(1)=$G(XPDQUES(XPDI,"A")),@X@(2)=$G(XPDQUES(XPDI,"B")),@X@(3)=XPDQUES(XPDI) K XPDI D:$D(XPDJ)>9 UPDATE^DIE("","XPDJ","XPDI") Q ; QUES(X) ;build XPDQUES array, X="INI","INIT","XPF","XPM" ;move INSTALL ANSWERS from file 9.7 to XPDQUES ;XPDQUES(X)=internal answer, XPDQUES(X,"A")=prompt, XPDQUES(X,"B")=external answer. N Y,Z K XPDQUES S Z=X F S Z=$O(^XPD(9.7,XPDA,"QUES","B",Z)) Q:Z=""!($P(Z,X)]"") S Y=$O(^(Z,0)) D .Q:'$D(^XPD(9.7,XPDA,"QUES",Y,0)) .S XPDQUES(Z)=$G(^(1)),XPDQUES(Z,"A")=$G(^("A")),XPDQUES(Z,"B")=$G(^("B")) ; ^(1) refer to prev line ^XPD(9.7,XPDA,"QUES","B",Z) Q ; ANSWER(QUES) ;E.F. Return answer to question N IEN I '$D(XPDA)!($G(QUES)="") Q "" S IEN=$O(^XPD(9.7,XPDA,"QUES","B",QUES,0)) I IEN'>0 Q "" Q $G(^XPD(9.7,XPDA,"QUES",IEN,1)) ;codes for install process questions ;XPDFIL=file #, XPDFILN=file name^global ref^partial DD ;XPDFILO=update DD^security codes^^^resolve pt^list template^data with file^add,merge,overwrite,replace^user override data update ;XPDSCR=screen to determine DD update ;XPDANS is define in QUES^XPDI XPF1 ;write over existing file N XPDI W !!?3,XPDFIL,?13,$P(XPDFILN,U),$P(" (Partial Definition)",U,$P(XPDFILN,U,3)),$P(" (including data)",U,$P(XPDFILO,U,7)="y") ;file doesn't exists I XPDANS K DIR Q I $L($G(XPDSCR)) S XPDI=1 D Q:'XPDI .X XPDSCR S XPDI=$T Q:XPDI .W !,"Data Dictionary FAILED the screening logic, file will NOT be installed!" .S $P(XPDANS,U,2)="1" K DIR S FLAG=$P($G(^DIC(XPDFIL,0)),U) ;file exist and has the same name I $P(FLAG,$P(XPDFILN,U))="" W !,"Note: You already have the '",$P(XPDFILN,U),"' File." K DIR Q W *7,!,"*BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE '",FLAG,"' AS FILE #",XPDFIL,"!" S $P(XPDANS,U,4)=1 Q XPF2 ;data ;if they don't want to overwrite a file with a different name then set the DIRUT flag and ABORT, this will stop the rest of the questions and abort the install I $G(XPDQUES("XPF"_XPFP_1))=0 S DIRUT=1 K DIR Q ;if Data doesn't exists or DD failed screen or data wasn't sent, don't ask question I '$P(XPDANS,U,3)!$P(XPDANS,U,2)!($P(XPDFILO,U,7)'="y") K DIR Q S %=$F("amor",$P(XPDFILO,U,8))-1 ;if this is add and file is not new I %=1 W !,"Data will NOT be added." K DIR Q ;check if dev. doesn't want to ask user I $P(XPDFILO,U,9)'="y" W !,"I will ",$P("^MERGE^OVERWRITE^REPLACE",U,%)," your data with mine." K DIR Q S FLAG=$P("^merged with^to overwrite^to replace",U,%) Q ;XPDDIQ(name)=internal value, (name,"A")=prompt, (name,"B")=external XPQ(NM) ;Build XPDDIQ Q:'$D(XPDDIQ(NM)) I $D(XPDDIQ(NM))#2 S XPDQUES(NM)=XPDDIQ(NM) K DIR Q S:$D(XPDDIQ(NM,"A")) DIR("A")=XPDDIQ(NM,"A") S:$D(XPDDIQ(NM,"B")) DIR("B")=XPDDIQ(NM,"B") Q XPI1 ;Inhibit Logons D XPQ("XPI1") Q XPM1 ;mail groups S FLAG=XPDANS D XPQ("XPM1") Q XPO1 ;rebuild menu trees D XPQ("XPO1") Q XPZ1 ;disable options D XPQ("XPZ1") Q XPZ2 ;move routines N Y ;if they are not in production UCI don't ask X ^%ZOSF("UCI") I Y'=^%ZOSF("PROD") K DIR Q ;if they are not running MSM don't ask I ^%ZOSF("OS")'["MSM" K DIR Q Q:'$D(XPDDIQ("XPZ2")) I $D(XPDDIQ("XPZ2"))#2 S XPDQUES("XPZ2")=XPDDIQ("XPZ2") K DIR Q S:$D(XPDDIQ("XPZ2","A")) DIR("A")=XPDDIQ("XPZ2","A") S:$D(XPDDIQ("XPZ2","B")) DIR("B")=XPDDIQ("XPZ2","B") Q