XPDV ;SFISC/RSD - Verify Build ;04/02/99 09:23 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**30,44,58,108**;Jul 10, 1995 ;checks that everything is ready to do a build ;XPDA=build ien, loop thru all nodes in ^XPD(9.6,XPDA and verify data EN ;check a build N DA,FGR,TYPE,XPDFILE,XPDOLDA,Y0,Y2 K ^TMP($J) S Y0=$G(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,0)),TYPE=$P(Y0,U,3) I $P(Y0,U,2)="" W !,"No Package File Link" I '$P(Y0,U,2) W !,$P(Y0,U,2)," in Package File Link field is freetext, not a pointer" I $P(Y0,U,2),'$D(^DIC(9.4,$P(Y0,U,2),0)) W !,$P(Y0,U,2)," in PACKAGE File ** NOT FOUND **",*7 ;type is global package goto CONT G CONT:TYPE=2 I TYPE=1 S Y0=$$MULT(XPDA) G DONE S XPDFILE=0 ;check DD being sent F S XPDFILE=$O(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,4,XPDFILE)) Q:'XPDFILE D .Q:$$FILE(XPDFILE)="" .S Y0=0,Y2=$G(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,4,XPDFILE,222)) .Q:'$$DATA(XPDFILE,Y2) .F S Y0=$O(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,4,XPDFILE,2,Y0)) Q:'Y0 D ..I '$D(^DD(Y0)) W !," SubDD #",Y0," in File #",XPDFILE," ** NOT FOUND **" Q ..S XPDOLDA=0 ..;check fields being sent for partial DD ..F S XPDOLDA=$O(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,4,XPDFILE,2,Y0,1,XPDOLDA)) Q:'XPDOLDA D ...I '$D(^DD(Y0,XPDOLDA)) W !,"Field #",XPDOLDA," in SubDD #",Y0," in File #",XPDFILE," ** NOT FOUND **" Q ; ;build components files S XPDFILE=0 F S XPDFILE=$O(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"KRN",XPDFILE)) Q:'XPDFILE D .;if file doesn't exist, save in ^TMP and deleted at end .S FGR=$$FILE(XPDFILE),XPDOLDA=0 I FGR="" S ^TMP($J,XPDFILE)="" Q .F S XPDOLDA=$O(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"KRN",XPDFILE,"NM",XPDOLDA)) Q:'XPDOLDA S Y0=$G(^(XPDOLDA,0)) D ..;check action, quit if deleting at site ..Q:$P(Y0,U,3)=1 ..;check that entry exist ..S:$P(Y0,U,2) $P(Y0,U)=$P(Y0," FILE #") S DA=$$ENTRY(Y0) ..Q:'$P(Y0,U,3)!($P(Y0,U,3)#2) ..;if attach check that parent is sent, if link check that child is sent ..Q:'$$MENU(XPDFILE,DA,$P(Y0,U,3)) ;check Install Questions S XPDOLDA=0 F S XPDOLDA=$O(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"QUES",XPDOLDA)) Q:'XPDOLDA S Y0=$G(^(XPDOLDA,0)),Y2=$G(^(1)) D .I $P(Y0,U)="" W !,"Zero node doesn't exist for INSTALL QUESTION #",XPDOLDA Q .I Y2="" W !,"DIR(0) field is not defined for INSTALL QUESTION ",$P(Y0,U) I $O(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"GLO",0)) W !,"Package cannot contain Globals, Files, & Components." ;check for PRE & POST routines F DA="INI","INIT" S Y0=$G(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,DA)) I Y0]"",'$$RTN(Y0) W !,"Routine ",Y0," ** NOT FOUND **" CONT ; ;check Environment Check routine S Y0=$G(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"PRE")) I Y0]"",'$$RTN(Y0) W !,"Routine ",Y0," ** NOT FOUND **" I TYPE=2 S Y0=$$GLOPKG(XPDA) DONE I $O(^TMP($J,0)) D .N DA,DIK,DIR,DIRUT,Y .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to remove the missing Files",DIR("B")="NO" .S DIR("?")="Yes means that the missing Files will be removed and you can transport this Build" .D ^DIR Q:'Y!$D(DIRUT) .S DIK="^XPD(9.6,"_XPDA_",""KRN"",",DA(1)=XPDA,DA=0 F S DA=$O(^TMP($J,DA)) Q:'DA D ^DIK W !!," ** DONE **" Q GLOPKG(X) ;GLOBAL PACKAGE ;returns 1 if ok, 0 if failed N I,J,Y,Z S Z=1 I $O(^XPD(9.6,X,4,0)) W !,"GLOBAL PACKAGE cannot contain Files" S Z=0 S I=0 F S I=$O(^XPD(9.6,X,"KRN",I)) Q:'I D:$O(^(I,"NM",0)) .W !,"GLOBAL PACKAGE cannot contain ",$P(^DIC(I,0),U) S Z=0 I $O(^XPD(9.6,X,"QUES",0)) W !,"GLOBAL PACKAGE cannot contain Install Questions" S Z=0 I $G(^XPD(9.6,X,"INI"))]"" W !,"GLOBAL PACKAGE cannot have a Pre-Install Routine" S Z=0 ;I $G(^XPD(9.6,X,"INIT"))]"" W !,"GLOBAL PACKAGE cannot have a Post-Install Routine" S Z=0 S I=0 F J=0:1 S I=$O(^XPD(9.6,X,"GLO",I)) Q:'I S Y=$G(^(I,0)) D .I $P(Y,U)]"",'$D(@("^"_$P(Y,U))) W !,"Global ",Y," doesn't exist." S Z=0 I 'J W !,"No Globals to transport" S Z=0 Q Z ; QUES(X) ;X=.01 of INSTALL QUESTION multiple ;returns ien or 0 if failed N Y S Y=+$O(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"QUES","B",X,0)) I '$D(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"QUES",Y,0)) W !,"Zero node doesn't exist for INSTALL QUESTION ",X Q 0 I '$D(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"QUES",Y,1)) W !,"DIR(0) field is not defined for INSTALL QUESTION ",X Q 0 Q Y ; FILE(X) ;check file # X ;returns global ref or "" if failed N %,Y S Y=$G(^DIC(X,0,"GL")) I Y="" W !," File #",X," ** NOT FOUND **" Q "" S %=$E(Y,$L(Y)),X=$E(Y,1,$L(Y)-1)_$S(%="(":"",1:")") Q X ; ;Z only contains the file # for Fileman templates and forms ;XPDFILE=file #,FGR=file global ref ENTRY(Z) ;check entry, Z=name^file ;returns ien or 0 if failed N F,X,Y ;check for X, name, in "B" x-ref of file. S X=$P(Z,U),Y=0 F S Y=$O(@FGR@("B",X,Y)) D Q:X="" .I 'Y W !?3,X," in ",$P(^DIC(XPDFILE,0),U)," File ** NOT FOUND **",*7 S X="" Q .;if Y is in x-ref but node doesn't exist, quit and try another .;if this is a fileman template, the file associated with it is piece 2 of Z .;if Form file check piece 8 else 4 .Q:'$D(@FGR@(Y,0)) I $P(Z,U,2) S F=^(0) S:$P(Z,U,2)=$P(F,U,(4+(4*(FGR["DIST")))) X="" Q .;if it is routine file,9.8, check that routine exist .I XPDFILE=9.8 Q:'$$RTN(X) .;if this is not a fileman template or routine we found Y .S X="" Q Q +Y ; DATA(F,Y) ; ;return 1 if ok or 0 if failed I $P(Y,U,3)="p",$P(Y,U,7)="y" W !,"You can only send Data with a Full Data Dictionary,",!,"** File #",F," cannot be Sent **" Q 0 Q 1 ; RTN(X) ;verify tag^routine exist, 1=yes, 0=no N T,R I X["^" S T=$P(X,"^"),R=$P(X,"^",2) E S T="",R=X Q:(R'?1A.E) 0 I T="" Q $T(^@R)]"" Q $T(@T^@R)]"" ; MULT(DA) ;multi-package ;returns 1 if ok or 0 if failed N I,J,X,Y,Z S I=0,Z=1 F J=0:1 S I=$O(^XPD(9.6,DA,10,I)) Q:'I S X=$P($G(^(I,0)),U),Y=0 D .S:X]"" Y=$O(^XPD(9.6,"B",X,0)) .I Y,$D(^XPD(9.6,Y,0)) Q .W !,"Package ",X," doesn't exist." S Z=0 I 'J W !,"No Packages to transport" S Z=0 Q Z MENU(F,X,Y) ;check for Parent or Children, F=file (19 or 101), X=ien, ;Y=action (2=link or 4=attach) ;returns 1 if ok or 0 if failed Q:'X 0 N I,J,GR,Z S GR=$S(F=19:"^DIC(19)",1:"^ORD(101)"),(I,Z)=0 ;link, check that at least 1 menu item was sent I Y=2 F S I=$O(@GR@(X,10,"B",I)) Q:'I S J=$P($G(@GR@(I,0)),U) I J]"",$D(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"KRN",F,"NM","B",J)) S Z=1 Q ;attach, check that the parent was sent I Y=4 F S I=$O(@GR@("AD",X,I)) Q:'I S J=$P($G(@GR@(I,0)),U) I J]"",$D(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,"KRN",F,"NM","B",J)) S Z=1 Q D:'Z .W !,$S(F=19:"Option ",1:"Protocol "),$P($G(@GR@(X,0)),U)," has an Action of " .W:Y=2 "'USE AS LINK FOR MENU ITEMS' and no 'Menu Items' were sent." .W:Y=4 "'ATTACH TO MENU' and a 'Parent Menu' wasn't sent." Q Z