XQ72 ;SEA/MJM - ^Jump Utilities ;04/16/2002 14:02 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**47,46,157**;Jul 10, 1995 ; JUMP ;Entry point for D+1^XQ and LEGAL^XQ74. ;With +XQY: target opt, XQY0: 0th node with pathway, XQY1: parent's ;0th node; XQ(XQ) array of alternate pathways, if any; XQDIC: ;P-tree of target option; XQPSM: XQDIC or mutiple trees (U66,P258) ;XQSV: XQY^XQDIC^XQY0 of origin (previous) option. ; ;** Variables ** ;XQFLAG=1 usually means we're done. Head for the door. S XQJMP=1 ;Flag indicating we are in a jump process N XQFLAG,XQI,XQJ,XQTT,XQSTK,XQSVSTK,XQONSTK,XQOLDSTK ; ;Get current stack pointer and Primary Menu tree, set "all done" flag S XQTT=^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T"),XQPMEN="P"_^("XQM") ; ;If we are already in a rubber-band jump, unwind it I $D(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"RBX")) S XQFLG=1,XQSAV=XQY_U_XQPSM_U_XQY0,XQY=+^("RBX"),XQY0=$P(^("RBX"),U,2,99) D RBX^XQ73 S XQY=+XQSAV,XQPSM=$P(XQSAV,U,2),XQY0=$P(XQSAV,U,3,99) K XQFLG,XQSAV ; ;Get the stack and see if target option is already on it S XQSTK="" F XQI=1:1:XQTT S XQOLDSTK(XQI)=^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQI),XQSTK=XQSTK_+XQOLDSTK(XQI)_"," ; I (","_XQSTK)[(","_XQY_","),'$D(XQRB) D NOJ^XQ72A G OUT ; ;See if target option is in the current display tree (+XQDISTR) S XQDISTR=+XQSV I $S('$D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDISTR,0)):1,'$D(^DIC(19,XQDISTR,99)):1,^DIC(19,XQDISTR,99)'=$P(^XUTL("XQO",XQDISTR,0),U,2):1,1:0) L +^XUTL("XQO",XQDISTR):5 S XQSAVE=XQDIC,XQDIC=XQDISTR D ^XQSET L -^XUTL("XQO",XQDISTR) S XQDIC=XQSAVE I $D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDISTR,"^",+XQY)),($P(^(+XQY),U,6)=+XQY!($P(^(+XQY),U,6)="")) S XQY0=$P(^(+XQY),U,2,99),^DISV(DUZ,"XQ",XQDISTR)=XQY G OUT ; ;Set XQMA to the parent of the tree we're jumping from S XQMA=$P(XQSV,U,2) I XQMA']"" S XQMA=XQY ; ;Find shortest path to target if there are more than one in XQ(XQ) I $D(XQ),XQ>0 D MPW G:XQ<0 OUT ; ;Get jump path and add parent menu option. S XQJP=$P(XQY0,U,5) I XQPSM["PXU" S %=0,%=$O(^DIC(19,"B","XUCOMMAND",%)),XQJP=%_","_XQJP I XQPSM["," S %=$P(XQPSM,",",2),XQJP=$P(%,"P",2)_","_XQJP S XQNP=XQTT_U_XQJP ; ;Save stack as it was before we messed with it. S XQSVSTK=XQTT_U_XQSTK S XQONSTK="" ;Those options we put on the stack are collected here. ; ; ;** BEGIN PROCESSING PRIMARY AND SECONDARY JUMPS ** ; S XQNOW=^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQTT) ; ;See if we are jumping FROM a Secondary menu tree S XQFLAG=0 S XQSFROM=$S($P(XQNOW,U)["U":1,1:0) I XQSFROM D .N %,XQI,XQT,XQDIC .S XQT=XQTT .S XQDIC=XQPSM I XQDIC["," S XQDIC=$P(XQDIC,",",2) .I $D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,U,+XQSV)) S XQFLAG=1 D SAMTREE Q ;target in current tree. .F XQI=XQT:-1:1 S %=$P(^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQI),U,1) Q:%'[","&(%'["PXU") D POP(XQI) ;Remove current secondary from the stack .Q G:XQFLAG B1 ; ;See if we're staying in the Primary Menu's tree S XQFLAG=0 I $D(^XUTL("XQO",XQPMEN,U,XQY)) D .S XQJP=XQMA_","_XQJP .S XQFLAG=1 .D:XQTT>1 SAMTREE .Q G:XQFLAG B1 ; ;See if we are jumping TO a secondary menu: just load and go. S XQSTO=0 S XQFLAG=0 I XQPSM["U" D .S XQSTO=1 .S XQFLAG=1 .I XQPSM["," S XQDIC=$P(XQPSM,",",2) .S (^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T"),XQST)=XQTT .Q ; ; ; B1 ;Get the path of options and process them one by one S XQZ=$P(XQNP,U,2) I '$L(XQZ) S XQTT=1 G OUT I '$D(XQUIT) F XQSTPT=1:1 S XQD=$P(XQZ,",",XQSTPT) Q:(+XQD=+XQY)!('$L(XQD)) D JUMP1 I $D(XQUIT) S XQUIT=2 D ^XQUIT Q:$D(XQUIT) D RXQ ; I '$D(XQUIT) D .N % .S ^DISV(DUZ,"XQ",XQMA)=XQY .S %=$G(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,"^",XQY)) .I %="" S %=$G(^DIC(19,"AXQ",XQDIC,"^",XQY)) .I %]"" S XQY0=$P(%,U,2,5)_"^^"_$P(%,U,7,11)_"^^"_$P(%,U,13)_"^^"_$P(%,U,15,99) .E S XQFAIL="" .Q I $D(XQFAIL) K XQFAIL S XQTT=1 ; ; OUT ;Reset the stack pointer, clean up, and return to XQ I '$D(XQTT) S XQTT=$G(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T")) I XQTT="" S XQTT=1 S ^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T")=XQTT ; K %,%XQJP,X,XQ,XQCH,XQD,XQDISTR,XQEX,XQI,XQII,XQJ,XQJMP,XQJP,XQJS,XQK,XQMA,XQN,XQNO,XQNOW,XQNO1,XQNP,XQOLDSTK,XQPMEN,XQSAV,XQSTO,XQSFROM,XQST,XQSTK,XQSTPT,XQSVSTK,XQT,XQTT,XQV,XQW,XQY1,XQZ,Y,Z ; I $D(XQUIT) K XQUIT G M1^XQ G M^XQ ; ; ;** SUBROUTINES ** ; POP(XQSTPT) ;Pop one level on the stack ;Execute Exit Actions and Headers N %,XQY,XQY0 S %=^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQSTPT) S XQY=+%,XQY0=$P(%,U,2,99) I $P(XQY0,U,15),$D(^DIC(19,XQY,15)),$L(^(15)) X ^(15) ;W " ==> POP^XQ72" S %=^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQSTPT-1) S XQY=+%,XQY0=$P(%,U,2,99) I $P(XQY0,U,17),$D(^DIC(19,XQY,26)),$L(^(26)) X ^(26) ;W " ==> POP^XQ72" I '$D(XQTT) S XQTT=^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T") S XQTT=XQTT-1 ;Reset stack pointer to next option Q ; JUMP1 ;Check pathway for prohibitions ;Push intermediate option onto the stack ;Execute Entry Actions and Headers S XQST=+XQNP S XQY0=$S($D(^XUTL("XQO",XQMA,U,+XQD))#2:$P(^(+XQD),U,2,99),1:^DIC(19,+XQD,0)),XQMA=XQD S ^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQTT+1)=XQD_XQPSM_U_XQY0 ;,^("T")=XQST+XQSTPT I $P(XQY0,U,14) Q:'$D(^DIC(19,XQD,20)) Q:'$L(^(20)) X ^(20) ;W " ==> JUMP1^XQ72" Q:$D(XQUIT) ; RXQ ;Return if XQUIT is cancelled by the application I $P(XQY0,U,17),$D(^DIC(19,XQD,26)),$L(^(26)) X ^(26) ;W " ==> JUMP1^XQ72" S XQTT=XQTT+1 ;Reset stack pointer S XQONSTK=XQTT_U_XQONSTK Q ; MPW ;Multiple paths, choose shortest or best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ump target is in the same tree, find the modified path N XQI,XQJ,XQY1 ;Find in XQI the 1st option in XQJP not already on the stack F XQI=1:1:$L(XQJP,",")-1 Q:XQSTK'[($P(XQJP,",",XQI)_",") ;Remove that part of jump path already on the stack S XQNP=$P(XQJP,",",XQI,99),XQNP=$L(XQNP,",")-1_U_XQNP ; ;Calculate where we push XQNP (the new path) onto the stack S %=$P(XQJP,",",1,XQI-1),XQY1=$P(%,",",$L(%,",")) ; ;Pop the stack until we are pointing to where we need to be F XQM=XQTT:-1:2 Q:$P(XQSTK,",",XQM)=XQY1 D POP(XQM) Q ; ; SOLVE(XQY1,XQJP,XQNP) ;See if and where we are on the jump path. ;Returns the remainder of XQJP after XQY1 and everything ;under it is removed from the path. With XQJP = "1,2,3,4,5," ;and XQY1 = 3 (or "3,"; or "2,3"; or "1,2,3,") it returns XQNP ;equal to "4,5,". If XQY1 is not in XQJP, XQNP is returned as ;null. ; N X,IN,OUT S IN=+XQY1 S X=$S(XQY1[",":1,1:0) ;Is it a string or a number? S XQNP=$P($E(XQJP,$F(XQJP,XQY1)-X,99),",",2,99) I +XQNP=IN S XQNP="" ;No match Q