XQCS ;SEA/Luke - Client/Server Utilities ;01/07/2003 13:53 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**15,28,82,116,115,177,188,157,253**;Jul 10, 1995 ; CHK(XQUSR,XQOPT,XQRPC) ;Check to see if this user can run this RPC from ;this option. Called by XWBSEC and XUSRB. ; ;Input: XQUSR-DUZ of user ; XQOPT - name or IEN of the option ; XQRPC - name or IEN of the remote procedure. If this ; variable is null no check is made to see if a ; procedure is allowed. That is, we only look ; to see if the option is there and if the user ; has been assigned access to it. ; ;Output: XQMES - returned as 1 if the user is allowed to use this ; option (and RPC is valid if XQRPC input variable is not ; null), or as a message string explaining why the option ; or RPC is not allowed. ; ;Rules: If M code exsists in ^DIC(19,option#,"RPC",rpc#,1) the ; RULES field for a corresponding RPC, the software sets ; the flag XQRPCOK to 1 and executes the field's code. ; If the flag is returned as less than 1, the request for ; use of that RPC is denied. Rules are written by the ; package developer and are not required. ; ; N %,X,XQCY0,XQDIC,XQKEY,XQRPCOK,XQPM,XQSM,XQSMY,XQYSAV ; S XQMES=1 D OPT I 'XQMES Q XQMES I ($G(XQY0)'="XUS SIGNON")&(XQUSR>0) D USER I 'XQMES Q XQMES S %=$G(XQRPC) I %]"" S XQRPC=% D RPC I 'XQMES Q XQMES Q XQMES ; ; OPT ;See if the option is there and is a broker type option I XQOPT'=+XQOPT S XQOPT=$O(^DIC(19,"B",XQOPT,0)) I XQOPT'>0 S XQMES="No such option in the ""B"" cross reference of the Option File." Q I $G(MODE)="CHECK" D OPT1 Q I '$D(^TMP("XQCS",$J)) S XQOPT=$$OPTLK($P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U)) Q OPT1 ; I XQOPT'=+XQOPT S XQOPT=$O(^DIC(19,"B",XQOPT,0)) I XQOPT'>0 S XQMES="No such option in the ""B"" cross reference of the Option File." Q I '$D(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0)) S XQMES="No such option in the Option File." Q ;I $P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U,4)'="B" S XQMES="This option is not a Client/Server-type option." Q ; ;Check for Out-Of-Order, etc. Patch XU*8*38 7/16/96 ; S XQCY0=^DIC(19,XQOPT,0) ;W XQCY0 I $L($P(XQCY0,U,3)) S XQMES="Option out of order with message: "_$P(XQCY0,U,3)_"." Q I $L($P(XQCY0,U,6)) S %=$P(XQCY0,U,6) I '$D(^XUSEC(%,DUZ)) S XQMES="Option locked, "_$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U)_" does not hold the key." Q I $L($P(XQCY0,U,16)) I $D(^DIC(19,XQOPT,3)),^(3)]"" S %=^(3) I $D(^XUSEC(%,DUZ)) S XQMES="Reverse lock, "_$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U)_" holds the key." Q I $L($P(XQCY0,U,9)) S XQZ=$P(XQCY0,U,9) D ^XQDATE S (XX,X)=% D XQO^XQ92 I X=""!(XX'=X) S XQMES="This option is time restricted." Q I $D(^DIC(19,+XQOPT,3.91)),$P(^(3.91,0),U,4)>1 S:$D(XQY) XQYSAV=XQY D ^XQDATE S X=%,XQY=+XQOPT D ^XQ92 S:$D(XQYSAV) XQY=XQYSAV I X="" S XQMES="This option is time restricted." Q ;End patch 38 Q ; OPTLK(V) ;Lookup a Option in the file, Return it's IEN N XQOPT S XQOPT=$O(^DIC(19,"B",V,0)) I XQOPT'>0 Q "" I '$D(XQMES) N XQMES S XQMES=1 N XQCS,XQCSO S XQCS(XQOPT)="" N XQOPT K ^TMP("XQCS",$J) F S XQOPT=$O(XQCS("")) Q:XQOPT="" K XQCS(XQOPT) I '$D(XQCSO(XQOPT)) D OPT1 D:XQMES I 'XQMES Q . N I,J F I=0:0 S I=$O(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC",I)) Q:I'>0 K J S J=^(I,0) S:$D(^(1)) J(1)=^(1) I '$D(^TMP("XQCS",$J,+J)) S ^TMP("XQCS",$J,+J,0)=J I $D(J(1)) S ^(1)=J(1) . F I=0:0 S I=$O(^DIC(19,XQOPT,10,I)) Q:I'>0 S J=+^(I,0) I $P(^DIC(19,J,0),U,4)="B" S XQCS(J)="" . S XQCSO(XQOPT)="" . Q Q $O(^DIC(19,"B",V,0)) ; RPC ;See if rpc exsists, is registered, is locked, etc. ; I '$D(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC",0)) S XQMES="No RPC subfile defined for the option "_$P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U)_"." Q ; I $P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC",0),U,4)<1 S XQMES="No remote procedure calls registered for the option "_$P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U)_"." Q I XQRPC'=+XQRPC S XQRPC=$O(^XWB(8994,"B",XQRPC,0)) I XQRPC'>0 S XQMES="No RPC by that name in the ""B"" cross-reference of the Remote Procedure File." Q I '$D(^XWB(8994,XQRPC,0)) S XQMES="No such procedure in the Remote Procedure File." Q ; I '$D(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC","B",XQRPC)) S XQMES="The remote procedure "_$P(^XWB(8994,XQRPC,0),U)_" is not registered to the option "_$P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U)_"." Q I '$D(^TMP("XQCS",$J,XQRPC)) S XQMES="The remote procedure "_$P(^XWB(8994,XQRPC,0),U)_" is not registered to the option "_$P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U)_"." Q ; S %=$O(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC","B",XQRPC,0)),XQKEY=$P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC",%,0),U,2) S XQKEY=$P(^TMP("XQCS",$J,XQRPC,0),U,2) I $L(XQKEY) I '$D(^XUSEC(XQKEY,XQUSR)) S XQMES="Remote procedure is locked." Q ; RULES ;Check the rules for this RPC ;S %=$O(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC","B",XQRPC,0)) ;I $D(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC",%,1)),$L(^(1)) D I $D(^TMP("XQCS",$J,XQRPC,1)),$L(^(1)) D . S XQRPCOK=1 . X ^TMP("XQCS",$J,XQRPC,1) . I XQRPCOK<1 S XQMES="Remote procedure request failed rules test." . Q Q ; ; ; USER ;See if XQUSR has been assigned access this option or not ; N XQYES S XQMES=1,(XQSMY,%,XQYES)=0 ; TOP ;See if XQOPT is on top level of a tree: primary, secondary, or common S XQPM=+$G(^VA(200,XQUSR,201)) I XQOPT=XQPM Q ; ;Check the Common Options (XUCOMMAND) I $D(^DIC(19,"B","XUCOMMAND")) D . N XQCOM . S XQCOM=$O(^DIC(19,"B","XUCOMMAND",0)) . I $D(^DIC(19,XQCOM,10,"B",XQOPT)) S XQYES=1 . I XQYES Q . I '$D(^XUTL("XQO","PXU",0)) S %=$$BUILD("PXU") . I $D(^XUTL("XQO","PXU","^",XQOPT)) S XQYES=1 . Q I XQYES Q ; ; I $D(^VA(200,XQUSR,203,0)),$P(^(0),U,4)>0 S XQSMY=1 D . S XQDIC="U"_XQUSR I $S('$D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,0)):1,'$D(^VA(200,XQUSR,203.1)):1,1:^VA(200,XQUSR,203.1)'=$P(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,0),U,2)) D ^XQSET . S (XQSM,%)=0 . F Q:% S XQSM=$O(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,"^",XQSM)) Q:XQSM="" I XQSM=XQOPT S XQYES=1 Q . Q I XQYES Q ; DEEP ;See if it's under the top somewhere - start with primary tree I XQPM>0 D .S XQDIC="P"_XQPM .S XQYES=$S($D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,"^",XQOPT)):1,$D(^DIC(19,"AXQ",XQDIC,"^",XQOPT)):1,1:0) .Q I XQYES Q ; ;Check secondary trees S (XQSM,%)=0 I XQSMY F Q:XQYES S XQSM=$O(^XUTL("XQO","U"_XQUSR,"^",XQSM)) Q:XQSM="" D .S XQDIC="P"_XQSM .S XQYES=$S($D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,"^",XQOPT)):1,$D(^DIC(19,"AXQ",XQDIC,"^",XQOPT)):1,1:0) . Q I XQYES Q ; I $L(XQMES<5) S XQMES="User "_$P(^VA(200,XQUSR,0),U)_" does not have access to option "_$P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U) Q ; ;End of main program ; BUILD(XQDIC) ;A missing ^XUTL node brings us here I $D(^DIC(19,"AXQ",XQDIC)) D .L +^DIC(19,"AXQ",XQDIC):5 .I '$D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC)) M ^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC)=^DIC(19,"AXQ",XQDIC) .L -^DIC(19,"AXQ",XQDIC) .Q I $D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,0)) Q 1 ; ;If they are not even in ^DIC the make them from scratch I '$D(^DIC(19,"AXQ",XQDIC)) D .;D REACT^XQ84(DUZ) .S XQMES="Your menus are being rebuilt. Please try again later." Q 0