XQOO1 ;SEA/Luke - Out-of-order set calls ;01/28/97 15:00 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**10,21,39,41,58**;Jul 10, 1995 ; OFF(XQSET) ;Mark options and protocols Out Of Order N %,DA,XQMESS,XQN,XQKD I '$D(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,0))#2 S XQSET="^" Q S XQMESS=$P(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,0),U),XQKD=" is being installed by KIDS" ; S XQN=0 F S XQN=$O(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,19,XQN)) Q:XQN="" D .Q:'$D(^DIC(19,XQN,0))#2 S %=$P(^(0),U,3) .;quit if KIDS and option already out by nonKIDS user .Q:$D(XPDSET)&(%]"")&(%'[XQKD) S %=$P(%,XQKD) .;if KIDS save off current OOO message .I $D(XPDSET),%]"",%'=XQSET,$D(^XTMP("XQOO",%)) S $P(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,19,XQN),U,3)=%_XQKD .S $P(^DIC(19,XQN,0),U,3)=XQMESS,DA=XQN D REDO^XQ7 .Q ; S XQN=0 F S XQN=$O(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,101,XQN)) Q:XQN="" D .Q:'$D(^ORD(101,XQN,0))#2 S %=$P(^(0),U,3) .Q:$D(XPDSET)&(%]"")&(%'[XQKD) S %=$P(%,XQKD) .I $D(XPDSET),%]"",%'=XQSET,$D(^XTMP("XQOO",%)) S $P(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,101,XQN),U,3)=% .S $P(^ORD(101,XQN,0),U,3)=XQMESS .Q D OUT D KICK^XQ7 Q ; ON(XQSET) ;Remove Out Of Order messages from the set XQSET N %,%1,DA,XQN,XQKD I '$D(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,0))#2 S XQSET="^" Q ; S XQN=0,XQKD=" is being installed by KIDS" F S XQN=$O(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,19,XQN)) Q:XQN="" S XQMESS=$P(^(XQN),U,3) D .Q:'$D(^DIC(19,XQN,0))#2 S %=$P(^(0),U,3),%1=$S($D(XPDSET):$P(XQMESS,XQKD),1:"") .;quit if OOO message is set by nonKIDS .Q:$D(XPDSET)&(%'[XQKD) S %=$P(%,XQKD) .I $D(XPDSET),%'=XQSET,%]"",$D(^XTMP("XQOO",%)) Q ;another set has this option .;if we have another message to restore, check that set still exist .I XQMESS]"" S XQMESS=$S(%1="":"",'$D(^XTMP("XQOO",%1)):"",1:XQMESS) .S $P(^DIC(19,XQN,0),U,3)=XQMESS,DA=XQN D REDO^XQ7 .Q ; S XQN=0 F S XQN=$O(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,101,XQN)) Q:XQN="" S XQMESS=$P(^(XQN),U,3) D .Q:'$D(^ORD(101,XQN,0))#2 S %=$P(^(0),U,3),%1=$S($D(XPDSET):$P(XQMESS,XQKD),1:"") .Q:$D(XPDSET)&(%'[XQKD) S %=$P(%,XQKD) .I $D(XPDSET),%'=XQSET,%]"",$D(^XTMP("XQOO",%)) Q .I XQMESS]"" S XQMESS=$S(%1="":"",'$D(^XTMP("XQOO",%1)):"",1:XQMESS) .S $P(^ORD(101,XQN,0),U,3)=XQMESS .Q ; I '$D(XPDSET) D .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Y" .S DIR("A")="Should I remove the option set "_XQSET_" from ^XTMP?" .S DIR("?")=XQSET_" is the list of options and/or protocols you just turned on." .D ^DIR .I Y K ^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET) .K DIR,Y .Q D OUT D KICK^XQ7 Q ; ADD(XQSET,XQFIL,XQN) ;New option/protocol - add to set and mark it OOO ;Called by KIDS during a build I '$D(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,0)) S XQSET="^" D OUT Q S XQMESS=$P(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,0),U) S XQGL=$S(XQFIL=19:"^DIC(",1:"^ORD(") S %=@(XQGL_XQFIL_","_XQN_",0)"),^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,XQFIL,XQN)=$P(%,U)_"^"_$P(%,U,2) S %=XQGL_XQFIL_","_XQN_",0)",$P(@%,U,3)=XQMESS D OUT Q ; KIDS(XQSET,XQFIL,XQNAME,XQFLAG) ;Turn on/off an option or protocol ;Called only from KIDS during an install so OERR would work ;XQFLAG is set to 0 to put an option or protocol out of order, ;1 to turn it on, and I return it as -1 if the request ;fails. ; N XQGL,XQMESS,XQMES2,XQN I '$D(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET)) S XQFLAG=-1 Q S XQGL=$S(XQFIL=19:"^DIC(19)",XQFIL=101:"^ORD(101)",1:"") I XQGL="" S XQFLAG=-1 Q I XQNAME=+XQNAME S XQN=XQNAME E D I XQFLAG<0 Q .S XQN=$O(@XQGL@("B",XQNAME,0)) I XQN'>0 S XQFLAG=-1 .Q S %=@XQGL@(XQN,0) S XQMES2=$P(%,U,3) S XQMESS=$P(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,0),U) I XQMESS=XQMES2 S XQMES2="" I '$D(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,XQFIL,XQN)) S ^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,XQFIL,XQN)=$P(@XQGL@(XQN,0),U)_U_$P(^(0),U,2) ; I 'XQFLAG D .I XQMES2]"" S $P(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,XQFIL,XQN),U,3)=XQMES2 .S $P(@XQGL@(XQN,0),U,3)=XQMESS .Q I XQFLAG D .S $P(@XQGL@(XQN,0),U,3)="" .Q ; OUT ;Exit point K %,XQFIL,XQGL,XQMESS,XQN,XQS Q ; OFFOP ;Option entry for turning off options W ! S XQSET="" D GETSET(.XQSET) I XQSET]"" D .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="N" .S DIR("A")="Mark the options in "_XQSET_" Out-Of Order now" .S DIR("?")="If you answer ""Yes"" you will mark all the options in the set "_XQSET_" Out Of Order." .D ^DIR .I Y D OFF(XQSET) .K DIR,X,Y .Q Q ; ; ONOP ;Option entry for turning on options S XQSET="" D GETSET(.XQSET) I XQSET]"" D .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Y" .S DIR("A")="Return options in "_XQSET_" to general use" .S DIR("?")="If you answer ""Yes"" you will remove the Out-Of-Order message from the options in the set "_XQSET .D ^DIR .I Y D ON(XQSET) .K DIR,X,Y .Q D KICK^XQ7 Q ; GETSET(XQSET) ;Get the name of the option set in question I '$D(^XTMP("XQOO")) W !!,"There are currently no option sets definded in ^XTMP." Q S XQI=0 D SETS^XQOO2(.XQI) I XQI=1 S XQSET=0,XQSET=$O(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET)) Q I XQI>1 D .S DIR(0)="NO^1:"_XQI,DIR("B")=XQI .S DIR("A")=" Please enter the number of the option set you want" .S DIR("?")=" Which option set do you want to work with? 1, "_XQI_" etc." .W ! .D ^DIR .S XQSET=0 F XQI=1:1:+Y S XQSET=$O(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET)) .Q K XQI Q ; ; REBLD ;Rebuild a "lost" set of options and protocols N XQ,XQMESS,XQOP,XQPROT,XQSET S (XQOP,XQPROT)=0 ; S DIR(0)="F^3:30" S DIR("A")=" Please enter the exact Out-Of-Order message" S DIR("?")=" All options/protocols with this message are reclaimed into a set in ^XTMP" D ^DIR G:$D(DIRUT) OUTRE S XQMESS=X K DIR ; RE1 S DIR(0)="F^1:20" S DIR("A")=" What do you want to name the recovered set? " S DIR("?")=" Enter any name of up to 20 characters" D ^DIR G:$D(DIRUT) OUTRE S XQSET=X K DIR I $D(^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,0)) D G RE1 .W !,"Sorry, that set already exists. Use the Create/Modify option to" .W !?3,"modify it, or choose another name." .Q ; REFIND ;Find options and protocols with the message XQMESS S XQ=0 F S XQ=$O(^DIC(19,XQ)) Q:XQ'=+XQ!(XQ="") D .Q:$P(^DIC(19,XQ,0),U,3)'=XQMESS .S ^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,19,XQ)=$P(^DIC(19,XQ,0),U)_U_$P(^(0),U,2) .S XQOP=XQOP+1 .Q ; S XQ=0 F S XQ=$O(^ORD(101,XQ)) Q:XQ'=+XQ!(XQ="") D .Q:$P(^ORD(101,XQ,0),U,3)'=XQMESS .S ^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,101,XQ)=$P(^ORD(101,XQ,0),U)_U_$P(^(0),U,2) .S XQPROT=XQPROT+1 .Q ; I XQOP>0!(XQPROT>0) D G OUTRE .D ^XQDATE .S %=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U),%=$P(%,",") .S ^XTMP("XQOO",XQSET,0)=XQMESS_U_%Y_U_% .S ^XTMP("XQOO",0)=DT+7 .W !!,"Set named ",XQSET," recovered with ",XQOP," options and ",XQPROT," protocols." .Q E W !!,"No options or protocols with the message ",XQMESS," were found." G OUTRE Q ; OUTRE ;Exit point for REBLD K %,%Y,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,XQ,XQMESS,XQOP,XQPROT,XQSET,Y Q ; TOG ;Toggle options and protocols on and off. (XQOOTOG option) N XQ D T1,OUTT,T2,KICK^XQ7 ; OUTT ;Exit for XQOOTOG K DIC,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y Q ; T1 ;Toggle options S DIC=19,DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("A")="Enter the name or menu text of an option: " F W ! D ^DIC Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!(Y<0) D .S XQ=+Y,XQ0=Y(0) .I $P(XQ0,U,3)]"" D ..S XQMESS=$P(XQ0,U,3) ..W !!,"Option ",$P(Y(0),U)," is out with the message '",XQMESS,"'",! ..S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Put it in service",DIR("B")="YES" ..S DIR("?")="If you answer 'YES' the out-of-order message will be killed, putting the option back in service." ..D ^DIR ..I Y S $P(^DIC(19,XQ,0),U,3)="",DA=XQ D REDO^XQ7 ..K DIR,X,Y ..Q .E W ! D ..S DIR(0)="FA^3:50",DIR("A")="Enter a message to put this option out of order: " ..S DIR("?")="This option is in service. Enter a string to remove it from use." ..K DIRUT D ^DIR ..I '$D(DIRUT) S $P(^DIC(19,XQ,0),U,3)=Y,DA=XQ D REDO^XQ7 ..K DIR,DIRUT,X,Y ..Q .Q Q ; T2 ;Toggle protocols S DIC=101,DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("A")="Enter the name or menu text of a protocol: " F W ! D ^DIC Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!(Y<0) D .S XQ=+Y,XQ0=Y(0) .I $P(XQ0,U,3)]"" D ..S XQMESS=$P(XQ0,U,3) ..W !!,"Protocol ",$P(Y(0),U)," is out with the message '",XQMESS,"'",! ..S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Put it in service",DIR("B")="YES" ..S DIR("?")="If you answer 'YES' the out-of-order message will be killed, putting the option back in service." ..D ^DIR ..I Y S $P(^ORD(101,XQ,0),U,3)="" ..K DA,DIR,X,Y ..Q .E W ! D ..S DIR(0)="FA^3:50",DIR("A")="Enter a message to put this protocol out of order: " ..S DIR("?")="This protocol is in service. Enter a string to remove it from use." ..K DIRUT D ^DIR ..I '$D(DIRUT) S $P(^ORD(101,XQ,0),U,3)=Y ..K DIR,DIRUT,X,Y ..Q .Q Q