XQOO3 ;Luke/Sea - Out-Of-Order Utilities ;01/14/97 13:57 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**57**;Jul 10, 1995 ; LALL ;List all options and protocols that are Out Of Order N XQ,XQMES,XQTXT,XQIEN S (XQIEN,XQS)=0 F Q:XQIEN'=+XQIEN D .S XQIEN=$O(^DIC(19,XQIEN)) .Q:XQIEN'=+XQIEN .I $D(^DIC(19,XQIEN,0)),$P(^(0),U,3)]"" D ..S XQMES=$P(^DIC(19,XQIEN,0),U,3),XQNM=$P(^(0),U),XQMT=$P(^(0),U,2) ..S ^TMP($J,"XQOO",XQMES,XQNM)=XQMT ..S:'$D(XQ(XQMES)) XQ(XQMES)=0,XQS=XQS+1 S XQ(XQMES)=XQ(XQMES)+1 ..Q .Q ; I XQS=0 W !,"No options marked ""Out-Of-Order"" were found." Q I XQS=1 D .S XQMES="",XQMES=$O(XQ(XQMES)) .W !,"There is one set of options marked ""Out-Of-Order"" with the message:",!!?5,XQMES .S XQN(1)=XQMES,XQUR=1 .Q I XQS>1 W !,"There are "_XQS_" sets of options Out-Of-Order with the messages:" S %="" F XQI=1:1:XQS D .S %=$O(XQ(%)) W !!?1,XQI_".",?4,%," ("_XQ(%)_" option"_$S(XQ(%)=1:":",1:"s)") .I XQ(%)=1 S X=$O(^TMP($J,"XQOO",%,"")) W " ",X,", ",^(X),")" .S XQN(XQI)=% .Q ; ASK3 ;See a particular set in detail S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would you like to see more detail?" S DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="If you enter YES you can see the options/protocols of a set." W ! D ^DIR G:Y=0!($D(DIRUT)) OUT I XQS>1 W !!,"To see the options of a particular set enter a number between 1 and "_XQS_": " R XQUR:DTIME I XQUR=U!(XQUR="") G OUT I XQUR["?"!(XQUR'=+XQUR)!(XQUR>XQS)!(XQUR<1) W !?5,"Enter a number between 1 and "_XQS,!?5,"or ""^"" to quit without seeing a detailed option set." G ASK3 I XQUR=U!(XQUR="") G OUT S XQMES=XQN(XQUR) D HEAD(XQMES) S %=0 F XQI=1:1 S %=$O(^TMP($J,"XQOO",XQMES,%)) Q:%="" W !,XQI_".",?5,%," ",^(%) G OUT Q ; HEAD(XQMES) ;Print page header W @IOF W !,"Out-Of-Order with the message """_XQMES_"""",!! Q ; OUT ;Clean up and quit K X,XQI,XQMT,XQN,XQNM,XQS,XQUR K ^TMP($J,"XQOO") W ! Q ; LAPR ;List all the protocols that are OOO N XQ,XQMES,XQTXT,XQIEN S (XQIEN,XQS)=0 F Q:XQIEN'=+XQIEN D .S XQIEN=$O(^ORD(101,XQIEN)) .Q:XQIEN'=+XQIEN .I $D(^ORD(101,XQIEN,0)),$P(^(0),U,3)]"" D ..S XQMES=$P(^ORD(101,XQIEN,0),U,3),XQNM=$P(^(0),U),XQMT=$P(^(0),U,2) ..S ^TMP($J,"XQOO",XQMES,XQNM)=XQMT ..S:'$D(XQ(XQMES)) XQ(XQMES)=0,XQS=XQS+1 S XQ(XQMES)=XQ(XQMES)+1 ..Q .Q ; I XQS=0 W !,"No protocols marked ""Out-Of-Order"" were found." Q I XQS=1 D .S XQMES="",XQMES=$O(XQ(XQMES)) .W !,"There is one set of protocols marked ""Out-Of-Order"" with the message:",!!?5,XQMES .S XQN(1)=XQMES .Q I XQS>1 W !,"There are "_XQS_" sets of protocols Out-Of-Order with the messages:" S %="" F XQI=1:1:XQS D .S %=$O(XQ(%)) W !!?1,XQI_".",?4,%," ("_XQ(%)_" protocol"_$S(XQ(%)=1:":",1:"s)") .I XQ(%)=1 S X=$O(^TMP($J,"XQOO",%,"")) W " ",X,", ",^(X),")" .S XQN(XQI)=% .Q ; ASK4 ;See a particular set in detail I XQS>1 D I XQUR=U G OUT .W !!,"To see the protocols of a particular set enter a number between 1 and "_XQS_": " R XQUR:DTIME .I XQUR=U!(XQUR="") S XQUR=U Q .I XQUR["?"!(XQUR'=+XQUR)!(XQUR>XQS)!(XQUR<1) D ..W !?5,"Enter a number between 1 and "_XQS,!?5,"or ""^"" to quit without seeing a detailed set." R XQUR:DTIME ..I XQUR=U!(XQUR="") S XQUR=U Q ..I XQUR'=+XQUR!(XQUR>XQS)!(XQUR<1) S XQUR=U ..Q .Q ; I XQS=1 D I XQUR=U G OUT .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to see it in detail? ",DIR("B")="Y" D ^DIR K DIR .S XQUR=$S(Y=1:1,1:U) .Q ; S XQPAGE=$S($D(IOSL):IOSL,1:20),XQLINE=2 S XQMES=XQN(XQUR) D HEAD(XQMES) S %=0 F XQI=1:1 S %=$O(^TMP($J,"XQOO",XQMES,%)) Q:%="" W !,XQI_".",?5,%," ",^(%),XQLINE," ",XQPAGE S XQLINE=XQLINE+1 I XQLINE=XQPAGE D PAUSE^XQOO2 S XQLINE=0 Q:$D(XQUPAR) G OUT Q