XQOPED ;SEA/Luke - Option Editor ;04/27/98 12:26 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**46**;Jul 10, 1995 ; IN ;Called from the Pre Action of the XQEDTOPT form K ^TMP($J,"XQOPED") ;I $D(XQDICNEW) S ^TMP($J,"XQOPED","NEW")=XQDICNEW Q ; OUT ;Called from the Post Action of the XQEDTOPT form I $D(XQDICNEW),$P(XQDICNEW,U,3) D CMPLT I $D(DDSCHANG),DDSCHANG D PUT^DDSVAL(DIE,.DA,3.6,DUZ,"","I") ;I $D(DDSCHANG),DDSCHANG S ^TMP($J,"XQOPED","CHANGED")=DA K DDSCHANG,XQDICNEW ;,DDSPAGE,DDSPARM Q ; CHECK() ;See if this person should have programmer access to the ;EXECUTABLES subfile containing the ENTRY ACTION, etc. ; ;Returns a 1 if the user has a key or an @-sign, 0 if not. ; ;Called by the branching logic of the EXECUTABLES form-only field ;on Page 1 (Main) of the XQEDTOPT ScreenMan form. ; N XQYES S XQYES=0 ; Q:'$D(DUZ) XQYES I $D(^XUSEC("XUMGR",DUZ)) S XQYES=1 I $D(^XUSEC("XUPROG",DUZ)) S XQYES=1 ;I $D(^XUSEC("XUPROGMODE",DUZ)) S XQYES=1 ;I $D(^XUSEC("XQSMDFM",DUZ)) S XQYES=1 ; ; Q:'$D(DUZ(0)) XQYES I DUZ(0)="@" S XQYES=1 ;I DUZ(0)="#" S XQYES=1 ; Q XQYES ; ; EA ;ENTRY ACTION for the option XQOPED, the screen-based option editor K ^TMP($J,"XQOPED") I $$CHECK() S DLAYGO=19 Q ; XA ;EXIT ACTION for the option XQOPED, the screen based Option Editor ;Repoint the CREATOR field for the modified options ; I $D(^TMP($J,"XQOPED","CHANGED")) D .N % S %=0 .F Q:%="" D ..S %=$O(^TMP($J,"XQOPED","CHANGED")) Q:%="" ..I $D(^DIC(19,%,0))#2 S $P(^(0),U,5)=DUZ ..Q .Q K ^TMP($J,"XQOPED") Q ; CMPLT ;Check to make sure that the option is complete enough to leave ;it in the Option File. I $D(XQDICNEW) D .N % .S %=$P(^DIC(19,+XQDICNEW,0),U,4) ;Check the TYPE field .I %']"" S DA=+XQDICNEW,DIK="^DIC(19," D ^DIK K DIK,DA .Q Q ; ;This code was graciously provided by David LaLiberte ;AUHBHLP ;692/DCL-TMT PLAN SCREEN HELP PROCESSOR;OCT 07, 1997@13:34 ;;1.0;WHITE CITY TMT PLAN PKG;;6-17-97 H(XQIEN) ;Process Help for ScreenMan form Q:$G(XQIEN)'>0 Q:$D(^DIC(19.8,XQIEN,1))'>9 N XQA,XQI F XQI=1:1:5 Q:'$D(^DIC(19.8,XQIEN,1,XQI,0)) S XQA(XQI)=^(0) D HLP^DDSUTL(.XQA) K XQIEN Q