XQT2 ;SEA/Luke - Define a path template ;06/07/99 11:23 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**37**;Jul 10, 1995 S U="^",XQTSV=XQY_U_XQDIC_U_XQY0 EN ;Entry point for Create a Template Option. N %,XQTBK1,XQCOM,XQMNTMP,XQI,XQOPN,XQVN,XQSL,XQTF,XQTF1,XQTT,XQTREE,XQTREN S U="^",(XQI,XQOPN,XQMNTMP,XQVN,XQTREN,XQTF,XQTF1)=0,XQTT="",(XQDIC,XQY)=+^XUTL("XQ",$J,"XQM"),XQY0=^DIC(19,XQDIC,0),XQUR="" S XQCOM=$O(^DIC(19,"B","XUCOMMAND",0)) S XQLIST(XQOPN)=XQDIC_U_XQY_U_XQY0,XQOPN=XQOPN+1,XQVN=XQVN+1 S XQTREN=1,XQTREE(XQTREN)=XQDIC S XQAA="Choose one of the "_$P(XQY0,U,2)_" Options: " ; I '$D(IOF),'$D(IOSL) D HOME^%ZIS ; D SET ; INF W @IOF,"Do you want some brief instructions? [Y/N] N// " R XQUR:DTIME S:'$T XQUR=U G:XQUR=U OUT S:XQUR="" XQUR="N" I XQUR["?" W !?3,"Answer 'Y' if you want some instructions, 'N' if you don't." G INF I "Yy"[XQUR S XQH="XQTCREATE" D EN^XQH ; ASK ;Show user the choices and get the next option, if any W @IOF,?18,"CREATING A MENU TEMPLATE",!!?5,"Choose an option, type RETURN to back up one level,",!?5,"'+' to store the completed template, or '^' to quit.",! D LIST^XQ2 ; RD1 W !!,?5,XQAA R XQUR:DTIME S:'$T XQUR=U G:XQUR=U OUT G:XQUR="+" STORE I XQUR["^" W *7,!?3,"Sorry, no jumping." G RD1 I XQUR="?" W !?3,"Enter an option, '+' to store the template,",!?3,"'??' for more help, or '^' to forget the whole thing." G RD1 I XQUR["??" S XQUR="??" S XQTSAV=XQDIC D EN^XQ2 S XQDIC=XQTSAV G RD1 I XQUR="" D BACK S XQDIC=+XQY G ASK S XQSAVE=XQDIC D DIC^XQ71 ; ; I XQY<0 S XQTSV=XQDIC,XQDIC="U"_DUZ D DIC^XQ71 ;Search secondaries I XQY<0 S XQDIC=XQCOM D DIC^XQ71 ;Search XUCOMMAND I XQY<0 S XQDIC=XQTSV W " ??",*7 H 2 G ASK ; ;Disallow servers or broker-type options I XQY>0,"SB"[$P(XQY0,U,4) D .W " ??",*7 .S XQY=+XQLIST(XQOPN-1),XQY0=$P(XQLIST(XQOPN-1),U,3,99),XQDIC=XQY .S XQTSB="" .H 2 .Q I $D(XQTSB) K XQTSB G ASK ; CHK W !!,$P(XQY0,U,2)," ","(",$P(XQY0,U,1),") This one? [Y/N] Y// " R %:DTIME S:%="" %="Y" W:(%["?")!("YyNn"'[%) *7,!!,"Please answer 'Y' or 'N'" G:(%["?")!("yYnN"'[%) CHK G:"Yy"'[% ASK S XQLIST(XQOPN)=XQY_U_XQDIC_U_XQY0,XQLIST(XQOPN,0)="Entry Action",XQOPN=XQOPN+1,XQVN=XQOPN S XQTT=XQTT_$S(XQTF:";",1:"")_XQY,XQTF=1 ; I "MQ"'[$P(XQY0,U,4) D K XQTBK1 G ASK .S XQTBK1="" .S XQLIST(XQOPN-1,1)="Exit Action" .D BACK .S XQDIC=+XQY .D SET .Q ; I "MQ"[$P(XQY0,U,4) D G ASK .S XQDIC=+XQY .D SET .S XQAA="Choose one of the "_$P(XQY0,U,2)_" Options: " .Q Q ; STORE ;Continued in the program ^XQT3 I XQOPN=1 W !!,"A menu template that contains only your log-on menu? Sorry, that's not",!?5,*7,"allowed. Use '^^' to return to your log-on menu instead." G OUT G ^XQT3 ; OUT ;Clean up and quit I $D(XQTSV) S XQY=+XQTSV,XQDIC=$P(XQTSV,U,2),XQY0=$P(XQTSV,U,3,99) I '$D(XQTSV) S XQY=^(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T")),XQDIC=$P($P(XQY,U),+XQY,2),XQY0=$P(XQY,U,2,99),XQY=+XQY K XQTSV ; ;Come here on a restart O1 K D0,DA,DI,DIC,DQ,DR,XQA,XQAA,XQDR,XQH,XQH1,XQH2,XQI,XQJ,XQK,XQOPN,XQLIST,XQLK,XQN,XQNM,XQOO,XQRD,XQRL,XQSAV,XQSN,XQTSV,XQTF,XQTF1,XQTM,XQTRPT,XQTT,XQTXT,XQUR K XQT,XQT1,XQTSAV,XQSAVE,XQFLAG,XQL,XQLN Q ; BACK ;Back up to last menu-type option and put it on the stack N %,XQFLG S XQFLG=0 S:"MQ"[$P(XQY0,U,4) XQFLAG=1 ; I XQOPN<2!(+XQLIST(0)=+XQLIST(XQOPN-1)) D .S XQY=+XQLIST(0),XQDIC=$P(XQLIST(0),U,2) .S XQFLG=1 .W !!,*7,"You can't back up any further!",!!,"Press return to continue...." R %:30 .Q Q:XQFLG ; S XQT1=$P(XQLIST(XQOPN-1),U,2) F XQJ=0:1:XQOPN-1 Q:XQT1=+XQLIST(XQJ) ; I XQJ=(XQOPN-1) D .S XQT1=+XQLIST(XQOPN-1) .F XQJ=1:1:$L(XQTT,";") S %=$P(XQTT,";",XQJ) Q:%=XQT1 .S XQJ=XQJ-1 .Q ; F XQI=XQJ:-1:0 Q:'XQI Q:"MQ"[$P(XQLIST(XQI),U,6) I XQI<1 S XQLIST(XQOPN-1,1)="Exit Action",XQLIST(XQOPN)=XQLIST(0),(XQDIC,XQY)=+XQLIST(0),XQY0=$P(XQLIST(0),U,3,99),XQOPN=XQOPN+1,XQAA="Choose one of the "_$P(XQY0,U,2)_" Options: " Q S XQLIST(XQOPN-1,1)="Exit Action" S %=XQLIST(XQI),XQY=+%,XQDIC=$P(%,U,2),XQY0=$P(%,U,3,99) S XQLIST(XQOPN)=XQY_U_XQDIC_U_XQY0,XQOPN=XQOPN+1,XQVN=XQVN-1 ; ;Drop down one more menu S XQJ=XQI F XQI=XQJ:-1:0 Q:'XQI Q:"MQ"[$P(XQLIST(XQI),U,6) I XQI<1 S XQLIST(XQOPN-1,1)="Exit Action",XQLIST(XQOPN)=XQLIST(0),(XQDIC,XQY)=+XQLIST(0),XQY0=$P(XQLIST(0),U,3,99),XQOPN=XQOPN+1,XQAA="Choose one of the "_$P(XQY0,U,2)_" Options: " S %=XQLIST(XQI),XQY=+%,XQDIC=$P(%,U,2),XQY0=$P(%,U,3,99) ;S XQDIC=XQY I "MQ"[$P(XQY0,U,4) S XQAA="Choose one of the "_$P(XQY0,U,2)_" Options: " Q ; SET ;Rebuild display nodes if neccissary L +^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC):5 D:$S('$D(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,0)):1,'$D(^DIC(19,XQDIC,99)):1,1:^DIC(19,XQDIC,99)'=$P(^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC,0),U,2)) ^XQSET L -^XUTL("XQO",XQDIC) Q