1 | XQUIT ;SEA/LUKE - Jump Utilities (Part II) ;06/23/98 11:28
2 | ;;8.0;KERNEL;**46,87**;Jul 10, 1995
3 | ;XQUIT has been set in an entry action
4 | ;
5 | I $D(XQRB) D RB Q ;Rubber band target set the XQUIT
6 | ;
8 | S XQX=0 ;Set to 1 if XQUIT EXECUTABLE field is executed
9 | ;
10 | S XQOPQT=$S($D(XQD):XQD,1:XQY) ;XQY if this is not a jump or jump is completed
11 | ;
12 | ;See if there is anything in the XQUIT XECUTABLE field
13 | D X
14 | Q:'$D(XQUIT) ;XQUIT cleared, we're done here
15 | ;
16 | I $D(ZTQUEUED) Q ;Tasked option, no messages allowed.
17 | ;
18 | ;Print the message unless the XQUIT EXECUTABLE field is filled in
19 | I 'XQX D MESS
20 | ;
21 | ;Single step, no stack resetting is necessary
22 | I $S('$D(XQJMP):0,XQJMP=1:0,(+XQSV=+^XUTL("XQ",$J,^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T"))):1,1:0) D
23 | .S XQY=+XQSV,XQDIC=$P(XQSV,U,2),XQY0=$P(XQSV,U,3,99)
24 | .S XQT=$P(XQY0,U,4)
26 | .Q
27 | Q:'$D(XQUIT)
28 | ;
29 | ;
30 | RESET ;Reset the stack to what it should be
31 | S XQY=+XQSV,XQDIC=$P(XQSV,U,2),XQY0=$P(XQSV,U,3,99)
32 | S XQT1=$S($D(XQTT):XQTT,1:^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T"))
33 | ;
34 | ;Regular "^" jumps
35 | ;Remove the new stuff we have put on the stack.
36 | ;
37 | D
38 | .S %=^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQT1) I $P(%,U,18),$D(^DIC(19,+%,26)),$L(^(26)) X ^(26) ;W " ==> ^XQUIT"
39 | .I $D(XQONSTK),$L(XQONSTK) F XQI=1:1 S %=$P(XQONSTK,U,XQI) Q:%="" D POP^XQ72(%)
40 | .Q
41 | ;.;Restore the old stack as it was.
42 | ;.F XQI=1:1:XQT S %=$G(XQOLDSTK(XQI)) Q:%="" D
43 | ;..Q:^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQI)=%
45 | ;..Q
46 | ;.Q
47 | ;
48 | ;Reset the stack pointer
49 | I '$D(XQTT) S XQTT=^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T") ;We haven't been to POP^XQ72
50 | S ^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T")=$S(XQTT>1:XQTT,1:1)
51 | S XQT=$P(XQY0,U,4) ;Reset Option Type
52 | ;
54 | Q
55 | ;
56 | ;
57 | RB ;Come here from ^XQ73 for Rubber Band jumps
59 | S XQX=0 ;Flag that tells us if XQUIT EXECUTABLE is executed (XQX=1)
60 | S XQOPQT=$S($D(XQYY):XQYY,1:XQY) ;The option where XQUIT was born
61 | D X Q:'$D(XQUIT) ;Stop if the application cleared the XQUIT
62 | D:'XQX MESS ;Tell the user what's going on
63 | ;
64 | I $D(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"RBX")) D ;Unwind the jump
65 | .S %=0 F S %=$O(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"RBX",%)) Q:%="" X ^(%)
66 | .K ^XUTL("XQ",$J,"RBX"),XQRB
67 | .Q
68 | ;
69 | ;Reload the option we came from, and execute it's header. Quit.
70 | I ^XUTL("XQ",$J,^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T"))=-1 S (XQTT,^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T"))=$S(^("T")>1:^("T")-1,1:1)
71 | ;F XQI=XQTT:-1:1 S %=^XUTL("XQ",$J,XQI) Q:%=-1 S (^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T"),XQTT)=$S(%>0:%,1:1)
72 | S XQY=+XQSV,XQDIC=$P(XQSV,U,2),XQY0=$P(XQSV,U,3,99)
73 | S XQT=$P(XQY0,U,4)
74 | I $P(XQY0,U,17),$D(^DIC(19,XQY,26)),$L(^(26)) X ^(26)
75 | Q
76 | ;
77 | ;
78 | T ;Come here from XQT1+14 & 33 if a template finds XQUIT while executing
79 | D X
80 | Q:'$D(XQUIT)
81 | ;I 'XQX D MESS
82 | Q
83 | ;
84 | PM ;Come here from XQ12 if XQUIT is encounter at logon in a primary menu
86 | S XQX=0
88 | D X
89 | Q:'$D(XQUIT)
90 | I 'XQX D
91 | .I $D(^DIC(19,+XQY,21)),$P(^(21,0),U,3)>0 D DISPLAY^XQUTL
92 | .E D
93 | ..W !!," **> Sorry, access to your primary menu has been denied by the application.",!?6,"An XQUIT was encountered in the Entry Action code.",!?6,"Please see your computer person."
95 | ..Q
96 | .Q
97 | Q
98 | ;
99 | ;
100 | ; ***** Subroutines ****
101 | ;
102 | MESS ;Tell the user what's going on unless we executed XQUIT EXECUTABLE field
103 | I 'XQX D
104 | .I '$D(XQNO) S XQNO=$P(XQY0,U,2)
105 | .;
106 | .I $D(^DIC(19,XQOPQT,21)),$P(^(21,0),U,3)>0 D DISPLAY^XQUTL
107 | .E D
108 | ..W !!," **> Sorry, access to this option has been denied by the application.",!!?7,"The variable XQUIT was encountered at the option",!?7,"'",XQNO,"'.",!?7,"You are being returned to:",!?7,"'",$P(XQSV,U,4),"'",!
109 | ..D HOLD^XQUTL
110 | ..Q
111 | .Q
112 | Q
113 | ;
114 | X ;If there is something in the XQUIT EXECUTABLE field, execute it.
116 | I $D(^DIC(19,XQOPQT,22)),$L(^(22)) X ^(22) S XQX=1
117 | Q