XU8P246 ;ALB/BRM - XU*8*246 ENVIRONMENT CHK AND PREINSTALL ; 11/22/02 8:28am ;;8.0;KERNEL;**246**;Jul 10, 1995 ; ; This routine is executed from the top for the environment check ; portion of the install. The PRE tag is not executed as part of the ; ENVCHK process. ; ENVCHK ; Environment check to ensure the^DD(5.12,0,"UP") node does ; not exist prior to installation. This node was found to have ; been defined in one of our test accounts. The following check ; is covered by DBIA#3518. ; ; ensure that the ^XIP global has been initialized I '$D(^XIP) D Q .D BMES^XPDUTL(" *******************************************************") .D MES^XPDUTL(" WARNING: ^XIP global not initialized!") .D BMES^XPDUTL(" Please see the Pre-installation Instructions in the") .D MES^XPDUTL(" patch description for initialization instructions.") .D BMES^XPDUTL(" >>>> Installation aborted <<<<") .D BMES^XPDUTL(" *******************************************************") .S XPDQUIT=2 ;terminate installation. ; ; check for UP node in the DD file Q:'$D(^DD(5.12,0,"UP")) D BMES^XPDUTL(" *******************************************************") D MES^XPDUTL(" Invalid Data Dictionary entry for file #5.12!") D BMES^XPDUTL(" Please contact NVS for assistance.") D BMES^XPDUTL(" >>>> Installation aborted <<<<") D BMES^XPDUTL(" *******************************************************") S XPDQUIT=2 ;terminate installation. Q ; PRE ; The PRE tag is meant to be run as a pre-install to ; patch XU*8*246. It will add several missing county ; codes to the county sub-file within the state (#5) file. ; The following counties will be added: ; ; STATE IEN COUNTY NAME COUNTY CODE ; MO 29 St Louis City 510 ; NM 35 San Miguel 047 ; VA 51 Manassas City 683 ; VA 51 Manassas Park 685 ; VA 51 Poquoson City 735 ; AK 2 Skagway Yakutat Ango 231 ; AZ 4 La Paz 012 ; N FDA,TAG,CNTYDAT,CNTYNAM,CNTYCOD,ST,MSG,ERRMSG,DIERR D BMES^XPDUTL("*** Adding missing counties to the State file ***") F TAG="AK","AZ","MO","NM","VA1","VA2","VA3" D .S ST=$E(TAG,1,2) .S CNTYDAT=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2) .S CNTYNAM=$P(CNTYDAT,"^"),CNTYCOD=$P(CNTYDAT,"^",2) .S MSG="**ERROR: Missing or Corrupt State: "_ST_". This process could not add "_CNTYNAM .I '$D(^DIC(5,"C",ST)) D BMES^XPDUTL(MSG) Q .S IEN5=$O(^DIC(5,"C",ST,"")) .I '+IEN5!'$D(^DIC(5,IEN5,1)) D BMES^XPDUTL(MSG) Q .I $D(^DIC(5,IEN5,1,"C",CNTYCOD)) D BMES^XPDUTL(CNTYNAM_", "_ST_" already exists - no action taken.") Q .S FDA(5.01,"+1,"_IEN5_",",.01)=CNTYNAM .S FDA(5.01,"+1,"_IEN5_",",2)=CNTYCOD .D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","","ERRMSG") .I $D(ERRMSG) D BMES^XPDUTL("**ERROR: "_CNTYNAM_", "_ST_" was not added.") K ERRMSG,DIERR,CNTYDAT,CNTYNAM,IEN5 Q .D BMES^XPDUTL(CNTYNAM_", "_ST_" was added successfully.") .K CNTYDAT,CNTYNAM,IEN5 Q ; pre-install data fields - DO NOT REMOVE! AK ;;SKAGWAY YAKUTAT ANGO^231 AZ ;;LA PAZ^012 MO ;;ST LOUIS CITY^510 NM ;;SAN MIGUEL^047 VA1 ;;MANASSAS CITY^683 VA2 ;;MANASSAS PARK^685 VA3 ;;POQUOSON CITY^735