XUESSO1 ;LUKE/SEA Single Sign-on utilities; ;08/08/2005 09:58 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**165,183,196,245,254,269,337,395**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 4 ; GET(INDUZ) ;Gather identifying data from user's home site. ;Must have Name, Access&Verify codes, SSN (no pseudo), station name&number N %,NAME,SITE,SSN,PHONE,X,N,VPID I '$D(DUZ) G BOMB I '$D(DUZ(2)) G BOMB I '$D(INDUZ) S INDUZ=DUZ S N=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,0)) I '$L(N) G BOMB S %=$P(N,U,3) I $L(%)<1 G BOMB ;No Access Code S %=$P($G(^VA(200,INDUZ,.1)),U,2) I $L(%)<1 G BOMB ;No Verify Code S %=$P(N,U,11) I $L(%)>1,(DT>%) G BOMB ;Terminated S NAME=$P(N,U) I '$L(NAME) G BOMB ; S SITE=$$NS^XUAF4(DUZ(2)) ;Site is name^station# I $P(SITE,U,2)="" G BOMB ;Need a station number ; S SSN=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,1)),U,9) I $$SPECIAL($P(SITE,"^",2)) S SSN=999999999 G G4 ;Manila RO doesn't need SSN I 'SSN G BOMB ;Don't allow if the SSN is pseudo I $E(SSN,10)="P" G BOMB ;Don't allow if the SSN is not real, (e.g. 00000NNNN) I $E(SSN,1,5)="00000" G BOMB ; G4 S PHONE=$$PH S VPID=$$VPID^XUPS(DUZ) ;(p337) S X=SSN_U_NAME_U_SITE_U_DUZ I $L(PHONE)>2&($L(PHONE<20)) S X=X_U_PHONE S $P(X,U,7)=VPID ;(p337) ;ssn^name^station name^station number^DUZ^phone^vpid Q X ; ; BOMB ;Insufficient information to allow visiting S X="-1^Insufficient User Information On File. ssn,name,station name,station number,DUZ" Q X ; ; PH() ; Try for a phone number or pager N %,X S %="" S X=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,.13)) I '$L(X) Q "" ; S %=$P(X,U,5) I $L(%)>6 Q % ;Commercial # S %=$P(X,U,2) I $L(%)>2 Q % ;Office S %=$P(X,U,8) I $L(%)>6 Q % ;Digital Pager S %=$P(X,U,7) I $L(%)>6 Q % ;Pager S %=$P(X,U,3) I $L(%)>2 Q % ;Phone #3 S %=$P(X,U,4) I $L(%)>2 Q % ;Phone #4 S %=$P(X,U,1) I $L(%)>2 Q % ;Home Phone Q "" ;Couldn't find one. ; SPECIAL(SN) ;Special Manila RO site Q 358=SN ; ; PUT(DATIN) ;;Setup data from authenticating site GET() at receiving site ;Return: 0=fail, 1=OK N NEWDUZ,FDR,TODAY,IEN,DIC,USER,X,%T N SSN,NAME,SITE,SITENUM,RMTDUZ,PHONE,VPID S TODAY=$$HTFM^XLFDT($H),DT=$P(TODAY,"."),U="^" S NEWDUZ=0 K ^TMP("DIERR",$J) ; S SSN=$P(DATIN,U,1) S NAME=$P(DATIN,U,2) S SITE=$P(DATIN,U,3) S SITENUM=$P(DATIN,U,4) S RMTDUZ=$P(DATIN,U,5) S PHONE=$P(DATIN,U,6) S VPID=$P(DATIN,U,7) ;(p337) ;Format checks I NAME'?1U.E1","1U.E Q 0 I SSN'?9N Q 0 I '$L(SITE)!('$L(SITENUM)) Q 0 I RMTDUZ'>0 Q 0 ;p337 ; ;Get a LOCK. Block if can't get. L +^VA(200,"HL7"):10 Q:'$T 0 S %T=$$TALL() L -^VA(200,"HL7") I %T Q $$SET(NEWDUZ) ;Return 1 if OK. Q 0 ; TALL() ;Test for existing user or adds a new one N DUZ,FLAG S FLAG=0,DUZ=0,DUZ(0)="" ;See if the SSN is in the NPF cross reference I '$$SPECIAL(SITENUM),$D(^VA(200,"SSN",SSN)) D .S NEWDUZ=$O(^VA(200,"SSN",SSN,0)) .I '$D(^VA(200,NEWDUZ,8910,"B",SITENUM)) D VISM .D ADDV ;Add VPID if don't have one (p337) .D UPDT .S FLAG=1 .Q ;See if in the AVISIT cross reference I 'FLAG,$$SPECIAL(SITENUM) D . S NEWDUZ=$O(^VA(200,"AVISIT",SITENUM,RMTDUZ,0)) . Q:NEWDUZ'>0 . D UPDT S FLAG=1 . Q I FLAG Q 1 ;Quit here if we found a match for SSN or AVISIT ; ; ;There is no matching SSN, try for a NAME match in "B" S FLAG=0,NAME=$$UP^XLFSTR(NAME) I $D(^VA(200,"B",NAME)) D .N %,USER,USER2 .S NEWDUZ=$O(^VA(200,"B",NAME,0)) .S USER2=$O(^VA(200,"B",NAME,NEWDUZ)) ;More then one? .Q:$L(USER2)>0 .; .S %=$P($G(^VA(200,NEWDUZ,1)),U,9) .Q:%'=SSN ;Don't use this name if it has a different SSN .; .I '$L($P(^VA(200,NEWDUZ,1),U,9)) D ADDS .I '$D(^VA(200,NEWDUZ,8910,"B",SITENUM)) D VISM .D UPDT S FLAG=1 .Q I FLAG Q 1 ;Quit here if we found an exact match for NAME (w/o SSN) ; NEWU ;We didn't find anybody under SSN or NAME so we add a new user ; S DIC(0)="" ;Turn off ^XUA4A7 (work around) ; ;Put the name in the .01 field first. D ADDU ;ADDU will set NEWDUZ ;If NEWDUZ is still 0, the User add didn't work so exit. I NEWDUZ=0 Q 0 ; Add SSN and Alias and VPID D ADDS,ADDA,ADDV ;(p337) ; Fill in the VISITED FROM multiple D VISM,UPDT ;Do update for all data in UPDT ; I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) Q 0 ;W !!,"=========> FileMan Error",!! ; I NEWDUZ D BULL Q 1 ;Every thing OK Q 0 ;Couldn't add user ; ; ; *****Subroutines***** ; ; SET(NEWDUZ) ;Set the user up to go Q:NEWDUZ'>0 0 N XUSER,XOPT S DUZ=NEWDUZ,U="^" D DUZ^XUS1A Q 1 ; ADDU ;Add a new name to the New Person File N DD,DO,DIC,DA,X,Y S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="L",X=NAME D FILE^DICN S:Y>0 NEWDUZ=+Y Q ; ADDS ;Add a SSN to the file Q:$$SPECIAL(SITENUM) S IEN=NEWDUZ_"," S FDR(200,IEN,9)=SSN ;Do update for all data in UPDT Q ; ADDA ;Add a new Alias to file 200.04 Q:$D(^VA(200,NEWDUZ,3,"B","VISITOR")) S IEN="+2,"_NEWDUZ_"," S FDR("200.04",IEN,.01)="VISITOR" ;Do update for all data in UPDT Q ; ADDV ;Add a VPID to the file (p337) Q:'$L(VPID) I $$IEN^XUPS(VPID)>0 Q ;VPID in use. S FDR(200,NEWDUZ_",",9000)=VPID Q ; VISM ;Create a multiple for this site number in the VISTED FROM file ;K IEN,FDR S IEN="+3,"_NEWDUZ_"," S FDR("200.06",IEN,.01)=SITENUM ; S FDR("200.06",IEN,1)=SITE S FDR("200.06",IEN,2)=RMTDUZ S FDR("200.06",IEN,3)=TODAY I $D(PHONE),($L(PHONE)>2) S FDR("200.06",IEN,5)=PHONE ;Do update for all data in UPDT Q ; UPDT ;Update the LAST VISIT field I $D(FDR(200.06)) S IEN=$O(FDR(200.06,"")) E S IEN=$O(^VA(200,NEWDUZ,8910,"B",SITENUM,0))_","_NEWDUZ_"," S FDR(200.06,IEN,4)=TODAY K IEN D UPDATE^DIE("E","FDR","IEN") ;File all the data Q ; BULL ;Set up the bulletin and fire it off, Let MM see if bulletin is there N XMB S XMB="XUVISIT" S XMB(1)=$$FMTE^XLFDT(TODAY) S XMB(2)=NAME S XMB(3)=NEWDUZ S XMB(4)=SITE S XMB(5)=SITENUM S XMB(6)=RMTDUZ S XMB(7)=PHONE D ^XMB Q