XUINOK ;SFISC/RWF - CHECK TO SEE IF OK TO LOAD ;06/02/95 12:23 ;;8.0;KERNEL;;Jul 10, 1995 N Y I $S($D(DUZ)[0:1,$D(DUZ(0))[0:1,'DUZ:1,1:0) W !!,*7,">> DUZ and DUZ(0) must be defined as an active user to initialize." G EXIT ; W !,"I'm checking to see if it is OK to install KERNEL v",$P($T(+2),";",3)," in this account.",! W !!,"Checking the %ZOSV routine" D GETENV^%ZOSV I $P(Y,"^",4)="" W !,"The %ZOSV routine isn't current.",!,"Check the second line of the routine, or your routine map table." G EXIT ;must have Kernel 7.1 S Y=$$VERSION^XPDUTL("XU") G:Y&(Y<7.1) OLD ;during Install, check global access,MM routine, and OS ;XPDDIQ = don't ask DISABLE OPTIONS question ;XPDNOQUE = not to allow queueing during install I $G(XPDENV) D GBLOK,MMCHK,OS S XPDDIQ("XPZ1")=0,XPDNOQUE=1 Q:$G(XPDQUIT) W !!,"Everything looks OK, Lets continue.",! Q ; OLD W !!,*7,"It looks like you currently have version ",Y," of KERNEL installed." W !,*7,"You must first install KERNEL v7.1 before this version can be installed.",! ABRT S XPDQUIT=1 Q EXIT S XPDQUIT=2 Q ; Q GBLOK ;Check to see if we have write access to needed globals. W !,"Now to check protection on GLOBALS.",!,"If you get an ERROR, you need to add Write access to that global.",! F Y="^%ZIS","^%ZISL","^%ZTER","^%ZUA" W !,"Checking ",Y S @(Y_"=$G("_Y_")") Q MMCHK ;check XMGAPI4 N X S X="XMGAPI4" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") E Q ;if exists, skip routine during load S X=$$RTNUP^XPDUTL("XMGAPI4",2) Q OS ;checks OS and skips all other ZU routines ;XUZURTN = ZU routine to save, checked in XUINPRE N X,XUNU,XUNU1,XUOS S X=$G(^%ZOSF("OS")),XUOS="VXD^DTM^MSM^MSQ" F XUNU=1:1:4 S XUNU1=X[$P("DSM^DTM^MSM^M/SQL",U,XUNU) Q:XUNU1 Q:'XUNU1 F XUNU1=1:1:4 S:XUNU'=XUNU1 X=$$RTNUP^XPDUTL("ZU"_$P(XUOS,U,XUNU1),2) S XUZURTN="ZU"_$P(XUOS,U,XUNU) Q