XUINP275 ;ISF/RWF - PATCH 275 PRE/POST INSTALL ;06/28/2004 14:26 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**275**;Jul 10, 1995 PRE ;PRE-init Q POST ;POST-INIT D ALT1,ALT2 Q ALT1 ;ALTERNATE EDITOR GTM/VMS Q:$G(^%ZOSF("OS"))'["GT.M" N FDA,WP S WP(1)="Call to the VAX VMS EDT editor to process FileMan wordprocessing fields." S WP(2)="Creates a temporary VMS file in the default directory with a name of" S WP(3)="'DIWE$'_$JOB_'.TMP'. This version will remove the two copies of the file" S WP(4)="that EDT leaves behind." S FDA(1.2,"?+1,",.01)="VMSEDT - GTM",FDA(1.2,"?+1,",1)="G GTMVMS^XTEDTVXD" S FDA(1.2,"?+1,",2)="I $ZV[""VMS""",FDA(1.2,"?+1,",7)="WP" D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","IEN") Q ALT2 ;ALTERNATE EDITOR Cache/VMS Q:$G(^%ZOSF("OS"))'["OpenM" Q:$ZV'["VMS" N FDA,WP S WP(1)="Call to the VAX VMS EDT editor to process FileMan wordprocessing fields." S WP(2)="Creates a temporary VMS file in the default directory with a name of" S WP(3)="'DIWE$'_$JOB_'.TMP'. This version will remove the two copies of the file" S WP(4)="that EDT leaves behind." S FDA(1.2,"?+1,",.01)="VMSEDT - CACHE",FDA(1.2,"?+1,",1)="G CACHE^XTEDTVXD" S FDA(1.2,"?+1,",2)="I $ZV[""VMS""",FDA(1.2,"?+1,",7)="WP" D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","IEN") Q