XUINTSK ;SEA/RDSM-TaskMan: Version 7.1 Post-init ;08/15/94 09:39 ;;8.0;KERNEL;;Jul 10, 1995 INTRO ; ;This routine converts TaskMan's files from version 7.1 to 8 ; MAIN ; ;This is the post-init conversion's main subroutine. D MES^XPDUTL("Beginning TaskMan's post-init conversion...") D ^XUINTSK1,^XUINTSK2,DESC D MES^XPDUTL("End of TaskMan's post-init conversion.") Q DESC ;Move the DESCRIPTION data for current tasks. N TSK F TSK=0:0 S TSK=$O(^%ZTSK(TSK)) Q:TSK'>0 D . S Z0=$P($G(^%ZTSK(TSK,0)),"^",13) Q:Z0="ZTDESC" . S Z3=$G(^%ZTSK(TSK,.03)) . I Z3="",Z0]"" S $P(^%ZTSK(TSK,0),U,13)="ZTDESC",^(.03)=Z0 . Q Q