XUMFMFE ;OIFO-OAK/RAM - HL7 MFE SEGMENT ;8/23/95 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**217**;Jul 10, 1995 ; ;routine copied from VAFHLMFE, written by ALB/CM,JLU ; MFE(EVENT,MFN,EDT,CODE) ; ; ;Input Parameters: ;EVENT - Record-level Event Code. If not defined, the default is MAD (always add record to master file ;MFN - MFN Control ID. If not defined, the default is null ;EDT - Effective date/time. If not defined, the default is today. This should be in FM date/time format. ;CODE - REQUIRED! Primary Key Value. If not defined, segment will not be built and record will not be sent. ; ;Output: ;MFE - contains the segment if successful ; - contains -1^error message if unsuccessful ; I '$D(EVENT) S EVENT="MAD" I '$D(MFN) S MFN="" I '$D(EDT) D NOW^%DTC S EDT=$P(%,".") K % I '$D(CODE) S MFE="-1^No Primary Key Value" G EXIT N MFE S MFE="MFE"_HLFS_EVENT_HLFS_MFN_HLFS_$$HLDATE^HLFNC(EDT)_HLFS_CODE EXIT ; Q MFE ; EN(ENC,FS,QUOTS,ARY) ;formats the MFE segment ;INPUTS ENC - the encoding characters for the segments ; FS - the field separators to be used ; QUOTS - what to use as double quots ; ARY - this array contains the data to be place in the ; MFE segment. The subscripts of the array should ; be the sequence number of the data element in the ; array. ; Ex. X(1)=Record Level Event Code ; X(2)=MFN Control ID ; X(3)=Effective Date/time ; etc. ;OUTPUT ; 0^description if there was an error. ; the formatted segment if successful. N SEG,LP I '$D(ENC)!('$D(FS))!('$D(QUOTS))!('$D(ARY)) S SEG="0^Missing parameters." G MFIQ I $D(@ARY)<10 S SEG="0^Field array not populated." G MFIQ S SEG="" F LP=0:0 S LP=$O(@ARY@(LP)) Q:'LP S $P(SEG,FS,LP+1)=@ARY@(LP) S $P(SEG,FS,1)="MFE" MFIQ Q SEG