XUS2 ;SF/RWF - TO CHECK OR RETURN USER ATTRIBUTES ;2/3/07 19:18 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**59,180,313,419,437**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 22 Q ; Modified from FOIA VISTA, ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ; ACCED ; ACCESS CODE EDIT from DD I "Nn"[$E(X,1) S X="" Q I "Yy"'[$E(X,1) K X Q N DIR,DIR0,XUAUTO,XUK S XUAUTO=($P($G(^XTV(8989.3,1,3)),U,1)="y"),XUH="" AC1 D CLR,AAUTO:XUAUTO,AASK:'XUAUTO G OUT:$D(DIRUT) D REASK G OUT:$D(DIRUT),AC1:'XUK D CLR,AST(XUH) G OUT ; AASK ;Ask for Access code N X,XUU,XUEX X ^%ZOSF("EOFF") S XUEX=0 F D AASK1 Q:XUEX!($D(DIRUT)) Q ; AASK1 ; W "Enter a new ACCESS CODE : " D GET Q:$D(DIRUT) I X="@" D DEL D:Y'=1 DIRUT S XUH="",XUEX=1 Q I X[$C(34)!(X[";")!(X["^")!(X[":")!(X'?.UNP)!($L(X)>20)!($L(X)<6)!(X="MAIL-BOX") D CLR W $C(7),$$AVHLPTXT(1) D AHELP Q I 'XUAUTO,((X?6.20A)!(X?6.20N)) D CLR W $C(7),$$AVHLPTXT(1),! Q S XUU=X,X=$$EN^XUSHSH(X),XUH=X,XMB(1)=$O(^VA(200,"A",XUH,0)) I XMB(1),XMB(1)'=DA S XMB="XUS ACCESS CODE VIOLATION",XMB(1)=$P(^VA(200,XMB(1),0),"^"),XMDUN="Security" D ^XMB I $D(^VA(200,"AOLD",XUH))!$D(^VA(200,"A",XUH)) D CLR W $C(7),"This has been used previously as an ACCESS CODE.",! Q S XUEX=1 ;Now we can quit Q ; REASK S XUK=1 Q:XUH="" D CLR X ^%ZOSF("EOFF") F XUK=3:-1:1 W "Please re-type the new code to show that I have it right: " D GET G:$D(DIRUT) DIRUT D ^XUSHSH Q:(XUH=X) D CLR W "This doesn't match. Try again!",!,$C(7) S:XUH'=X XUK=0 Q ; AST(XUH) ;Change ACCESS CODE and index. W "OK, Access code has been changed!" N FDA,IEN,ERR S IEN=DA_"," S FDA(200,IEN,2)=XUH D FILE^DIE("","FDA","ERR") W !,"The VERIFY CODE has been deleted as a security measure.",!,"You will need to enter a new VERIFY code so the user can sign-on.",$C(7) D VST("",1) I $D(^XMB(3.7,DA,0))[0 S Y=DA D NEW^XM ;Make sure has a Mailbox Q ; GET ;Get the user input and convert case. S X=$$ACCEPT^XUS I (X["^")!('$L(X)) D DIRUT I '$D(ASKINGVC)!'$$GET^XPAR("SYS","XU VC CASE SENSITIVE") S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X) ;for VOE allow case sensitive Verify Code Q ; DIRUT S DIRUT=1 Q ; CLR ;New line or Clear screenman area I '$D(DDS) W ! Q N DX,DY D CLRMSG^DDS S DX=0,DY=DDSHBX+1 X IOXY Q ; NEWCODE D REASK I XUK W !,"OK, remember this code for next time!" G OUT ; CVC ;From XUS1 N DA,X S DA=DUZ,X="Y" W !,"You must change your VERIFY CODE at this time." ;Fall into next code VERED ; VERIFY CODE EDIT From DD N DIR,DIR0,XUAUTO,ASKINGVC I "Nn"[$E(X,1) S X="" Q I "Yy"'[$E(X,1) K X Q S ASKINGVC=1,XUH="",XUAUTO=($P($G(^XTV(8989.3,1,3)),U,3)="y") S:DUZ=DA XUAUTO="n" ;Auto only for admin VC1 D CLR,VASK:'XUAUTO,VAUTO:XUAUTO G OUT:$D(DIRUT) D REASK G OUT:$D(DIRUT),VC1:'XUK D CLR,VST(XUH,1) D CALL^XUSERP(DA,2) G OUT ; VASK ;Ask for Verify Code N X,XUU X ^%ZOSF("EOFF") G:'$$CHKCUR() DIRUT D CLR VASK1 W "Enter a new VERIFY CODE: " D GET Q:$D(DIRUT) I '$D(XUNC),(X="@") D DEL G:Y'=1 DIRUT S XUH="" Q D CLR S XUU=X,X=$$EN^XUSHSH(X),XUH=X,Y=$$VCHK(XUU,XUH) I +Y W $C(7),$P(Y,U,2,9),! D:+Y=1 VHELP G VASK1 Q ; VCHK(S,EC) ;Call with String and Encripted versions ;Updated per VHA directive 6210 Strong Passwords N PUNC,NA S PUNC="~`!@#$%&*()_-+=|\{}[]'<>,.?/" S NA("FILE")=200,NA("FIELD")=.01,NA("IENS")=DA_",",NA=$$HLNAME^XLFNAME(.NA) ; for VOE allow case sensitive Verify Code with S'?.ANP I ($L(S)<8)!($L(S)>20)!$S($$GET^XPAR("SYS","XU VC CASE SENSITIVE"):S'?.ANP,1:S'?.UNP)!(S[";")!(S["^")!(S[":") Q "1^"_$$AVHLPTXT I (S?8.20A)!(S?8.20N)!(S?8.20P)!(S?8.20AN)!(S?8.20AP)!(S?8.20NP) Q "2^VERIFY CODE must be a mix of alpha and numerics and punctuation." I $D(^VA(200,DA,.1)),EC=$P(^(.1),U,2) Q "3^This code is the same as the current one." I $D(^VA(200,DA,"VOLD",EC)) Q "4^This has been used previously as the VERIFY CODE." I EC=$P(^VA(200,DA,0),U,3) Q "5^VERIFY CODE must be different than the ACCESS CODE." I S[$P(NA,"^")!(S[$P(NA,"^",2)) Q "6^Name cannot be part of code." Q 0 ; VST(XUH,%) ; W:$L(XUH)&% !,"OK, Verify code has been changed!" N FDA,IEN,ERR S IEN=DA_"," S:XUH="" XUH="@" ;11.2 get triggerd S FDA(200,IEN,11)=XUH D FILE^DIE("","FDA","ERR") I $D(ERR) D ^%ZTER S:DA=DUZ DUZ("NEWCODE")=XUH Q ; DEL ; X ^%ZOSF("EON") W $C(7) S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Sure you want to delete" D ^DIR I Y'=1 W:$X>55 !?9 W $C(7)," " Q ; AAUTO ;Auto-get Access codes N XUK,Y X ^%ZOSF("EON") F XUK=1:1:3 D AGEN Q:(Y=1)!($D(DIRUT)) Q ; AGEN ;Generate a ACCESS code S XUU=$$AC^XUS4 S X=$$EN^XUSHSH(XUU),XUH=X I $D(^VA(200,"A",X))!$D(^VA(200,"AOLD",X)) G AGEN D CLR W "The new ACCESS CODE is: ",XUU," This is ",XUK," of 3 tries." D YN Q ; AHELP S XUU=$$AC^XUS4 S X=$$EN^XUSHSH(XUU) I $D(^VA(200,"A",X))!$D(^VA(200,"AOLD",X)) G AHELP W !,"Here is an example of an acceptable Access Code: ",XUU,! Q ; VHELP S XUU=$$VC^XUS4 S X=$$EN^XUSHSH(XUU) I ($P($G(^VA(200,DA,0)),U,3)=X)!$D(^VA(200,DA,"VOLD",X)) G VHELP W !,"Here is an example of an acceptable Verify Code: ",XUU,! Q ; VAUTO ;Auto-get Access codes N XUK X ^%ZOSF("EON") F XUK=1:1:3 D VGEN Q:(Y=1)!($D(DIRUT)) Q ; VGEN ;Generate a VERIFY code S XUU=$$VC^XUS4 S X=$$EN^XUSHSH(XUU),XUH=X I ($P($G(^VA(200,DA,0)),U,3)=X)!$D(^VA(200,DA,"VOLD",X)) G VGEN D CLR W "The new VERIFY CODE is: ",XUU," This is ",XUK," of 3 tries." D YN Q YN ;Ask if want to keep N DIR S Y=1 Q:XUK=3 S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")=" Do you want to keep this one? ",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("?",1)="If you don't like this code, we can auto-generate another.",DIR("?")="Remember you only get 3 tries!" D ^DIR Q:(Y=1)!$D(DIRUT) D CLR W:XUK=2 "O.K. You'll have to keep the next one!",! Q ; OUT ; K DUOUT S:$D(DIRUT) DUOUT=1 X ^%ZOSF("EON") W ! K DIR,DIRUT,XUKO,XUAUTO,XUU,XUH,XUK,XUI S X="" Q ; CHKCUR() ;Check user knows current code, Return 1 if OK to continue Q:DA'=DUZ 1 ;Only ask user Q:$P($G(^VA(200,DA,.1)),U,2)="" 1 ;Must have an old one S XUK=0 D CLR CHK1 W "Please enter your CURRENT verify code: " D GET Q:$D(DIRUT) 0 I $P(^VA(200,DA,.1),U,2)=$$EN^XUSHSH(X) Q 1 D CLR W "Sorry that is not correct!",! S XUK=XUK+1 G:XUK<3 CHK1 Q 0 ; BRCVC(XV1,XV2) ;Broker change VC, return 0 if good, '1^msg' if bad. N XUU,XUH Q:$G(DUZ)'>0 "1^Bad DUZ" S DA=DUZ,XUH=$$EN^XUSHSH(XV2) I $P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,.1)),"^",2)'=$$EN^XUSHSH(XV1) Q "1^Sorry that isn't the correct current code" S Y=$$VCHK(XV2,XUH) Q:Y Y D VST(XUH,0),CALL^XUSERP(DA,2) Q 0 ; AVHLPTXT(%) ; Q "Enter "_$S($G(%):"6-20",1:"8-20")_" characters mixed alphanumeric and punctuation (except '^', ';', ':')." ; ;Left over code, Don't think it is called anymore. G XUS2^XUVERIFY ;All check or return user attributes moved to XUVERIFY USER G USER^XUVERIFY EDIT G EDIT^XUVERIFY