XUSCLEAN ;SF/STAFF - CLEANUP BEFORE EXIT ;10/26/06 08:12 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**13,59,165,353,434**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 6 H ;;Exit point for all R/S applications LOCK ;Unlock any locks S U="^" ;Unwind Exit Actions I $D(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T")) S %XQEA=^("T") D . F %XQEA1=%XQEA:-1:1 I $D(^XUTL("XQ",$J,%XQEA1)),$P(^(%XQEA1),U,16) S %XQEA2=+^(%XQEA1) I $D(^DIC(19,%XQEA2,15)),$L(^(15)) X ^(15) K %XQEA,%XQEA1,%XQEA2 ;Jump if the home device was closed G:$D(IO("C")) H2 ;Clear the screen I $S($D(IOST)[0:1,IOST="":1,IOST["C-":1,1:0),'$D(XUERF) W !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I $D(XQNOLOG) W !!,"==> Sorry, all activity on this volume set is being halted! Try again later.",*7,*7,*7,!!!! ;W !!,"Halting at " S X=$P($H,",",2),Y=$E(X#3600\60+100,2,3),X=X\3600,Z=0 S:X>11 Z=1 S:'X X=12 S:X>12 X=X-12 W X,":",Y," ",$S(Z:"pm",1:"am") W !!,"Logged out at "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H,"1FMP") D:$D(DUZ("NEWCODE")) NEWCODE ;NON-R/S exit thru here also. H2 ;No talking after this point D C,XUTL ;un-comment the following line if you want FM space recall cleared ;after each session. ;K ^DISV($G(DUZ,0)) S:'($D(XQXFLG)#2) XQXFLG="" I $D(XQCH),XQCH="HALT" S $P(XQXFLG,U,3)="" I ($D(XQNOHALT)#2)!($D(ZTQUEUED)#2)!($P(XQXFLG,U,3)="XUP") K XQNOHALT,XQXFLG Q ;Return to REST^XQ12, ^XUP or Taskman. ;This was for modem hang up code. Obsolete now I $D(^%ZIS("H"))#2 X ^("H") ;Go to ZU to do final halt. G HALT^ZU ; TOUCH ;SR. API to set the keepalive node, Only set once a day Q:+$G(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"KEEPALIVE"))=+$H S ^XUTL("XQ",$J,"KEEPALIVE")=$H Q ; C ;Do device close execute, User exit. N XUDEV S XUDEV=$S($D(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"IOS")):^("IOS"),1:"") D ^%ZISC,BYE Q ; ;Called from Broker, VistaLink, R/S BYE ;Set flags to show user has left. Called from anyplace the user exits N DA,DIK,R0,% I $G(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),1.1)) S $P(^VA(200,DUZ,1.1),"^",3)=0 S DA=+$G(^XUTL("XQ",$J,0)) D LOUT(DA) I $D(^XUSEC(0,DA,0)) D . S R0=^XUSEC(0,DA,0) . I $G(IO("IP"))]"",$P(R0,"^",13)]"" S %=$$CMD^XWBCAGNT(.R0,"XWB DELETE HANDLE",$P(R0,"^",13)) K ^XUTL("XQ",$J) Q ; LOUT(DA) ;Enter log-out time, in Sign-on log N DIK I $D(^XUSEC(0,DA,0)) D . S R0=^(0),$P(^(0),"^",4)=$$NOW^XLFDT,DIK="^XUSEC(0,",DIK(1)="3" D EN1^DIK Q ; XUTL ;Cleanup JOB temporary Globals N XQN D CLEAN^DILF ;Cleanup FM too. K ^XUTL($J),^UTILITY($J),^TMP($J) S XQN=" " F S XQN=$O(^XUTL(XQN)) Q:XQN="" K:"^XQO^XGATR^XGKB^"'[XQN ^XUTL(XQN,$J) S XQN=" " F S XQN=$O(^TMP(XQN)) Q:XQN="" K ^TMP(XQN,$J) S XQN=" " F S XQN=$O(^UTILITY(XQN)) Q:XQN="" K:"^ROU^GLO^LRLTR"'[XQN ^UTILITY(XQN,$J) K ^XUTL("ZISPARAM",$I) Q ; NEWCODE ;Remind user they changed there VC. W !!,*7,"But, as I recall...",!,"You've changed your VERIFY CODE during this session.",!,"Please remember it for next time." H 4 Q ; ;Entry point to clear symbol table KILL ;SR. This is what was requested. K %1,%2,%3 S %3=+$G(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T")) ;See if Menu stack has Variable to protect. F %1=%3:-1:1 S %2=+$G(^XUTL("XQ",$J,%1)),%2=$G(^DIC(19,%2,"NOKILL")) I %2]"" N @%2 ;Fall into next part of kill. KILL1 ;To clean up ALL but kernel variables. I $$BROKER^XWBLIB S %2=$P($T(VARLST^XWBLIB),";;",2) I %2]"" N @%2 ;Protect Broker variables. N XGWIN,XGDI,XGEVENT ;P434 remove KWAPI N XQAEXIT,XQAUSER,XQX1,XQAKILL,XQAID ;p434 add DILOCKTM, remove XRTL, %ZH0 K (DUZ,DTIME,DILOCKTM,DT,DISYS,IO,IOBS,IOF,IOM,ION,IOSL,IOST,IOT,IOS,IOXY,U,XQVOL,XQY,XQY0,XQDIC,XQPSM,XQPT,XQAUDIT,XQXFLG,ZTSTOP,ZTQUEUED,ZTREQ) K IO("C"),IO("Q") Q ; XMR ;Entry point from XUS to DO xmr and cleanup after. N XQXFLG ;p434 D NEXT^XUS1 S XQXFLG="",XQXFLG("HALT")=1 G H2