XUTMKE2 ;SEA/RDS - Taskman: Option, ZTME SCREEN*, Part 2 ;04/17/98 13:19 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**63,79**;Jul 10, 1995 ; SCRAD ;Add Error Screens N DIE,DR,DA,DDSFILE,ZTX,ZTY AD S ZTY=$$SCSEL(1,"Enter Error Screen to Add/Apply") Q:ZTY'>0 ;S DA=+ZTY,DIE="^%ZTER(2,",DR=".02//L;.03;.04;2" D ^DIE D FORM(+ZTY) G AD ; SCSEL(%,%ZT) ;Select Error Screen N ZT,ZTE,DIC,DA,DIR W ! I $G(%ZT)="" S %ZT="Select ERROR SCREEN" G SEL1:$G(%) ; SEL0 S DIR(0)="PO^3.076:AEMQ" S DIR("A")=%ZT S DIR("?")="^D SCSELH^XUTMKE2" S DIR("??")="^D SCLIST^XUTMKE1" D ^DIR Q Y ; SEL1 S DIC=3.076,DIC(0)="AEMQL" S DIC("A")=%ZT_": ",DIC("DR")=".02//L" D ^DIC Q Y ; FORM(DA) ;Call the form. N DDSFILE,DR S DDSFILE="^%ZTER(2,",DR="[XUTMKE ADD]" D ^DDS Q SCSELH ;SCSEL--Text For ? Help W !!?5,"A screen is a string of characters." W !?5,"Taskman and %ZTER do not log errors whose error messages contain a screen." W !!?5,"For example, if a DSM-11 site routinely logs many disconnect errors each" W !?5,"day that cannot be prevented, the site manager could enter the screen" W !?5,"""DSCON"" to prevent these errors from being logged." W !!?5,"Enter ?? to see the screens that are currently in place." Q ; SCRED ;Edit Error Screen N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,ZTX,ZTY ED S ZTY=$$SCSEL(0,"Enter Error Screen to edit") Q:ZTY'>0 ;S DA=+ZTY,DR=".03;.04;2",DIE="^%ZTER(2," D ^DIE D FORM(+ZTY) ; W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to reset the counter to zero" S DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")=" Answer YES to erase the current count and start over." D ^DIR S ZTZ=X K DIR I $D(DIRUT) W !!?5,"Count NOT changed!" Q ; ED3 I Y=1 S ^%ZTER(2,+ZTY,3)=0 W !?5,"Counter reset!" G ED ; NAME ;Called from FORM XUTMKE field 1. N XUTM1,XUTM2 S XUTM1=^%ZTER(2,DA,0) D UNED^DDSUTL(1,"","",$P(XUTM1,U,5)) ;If national can't edit name D UNED^DDSUTL(6,"","",$P(XUTM1,U,5)) ;If national can't have alternative text. I $P(XUTM1,U,5) S XUTM2(1)="This is a Nationally released entry.",XUTM2(2)="Can't be deleted, name changed, have alternative text." D HLP^DDSUTL(.XUTM2) Q