XUTMQH ;SEA/RDS - TaskMan: Option, ZTMINQ, Part 1A (Help) ;4/19/90 12:11 ; ;;8.0;KERNEL;;Jul 10, 1995 ; ENTRY G ^XUTMQ ; HELP ;Help Prompt For '?' N ZT W @IOF,!!,"This option can only display the tasks that are currently defined on this",!?5,"volume set." W !!,"Enter A to see all tasks that you created." W !,"Enter Y to see all currently scheduled or waiting tasks that you created." W !,"Enter E to see every task." W !,"Enter L to pick by number the tasks you want to see." W !,"Enter U to see tasks that errored, were rejected, or were unscheduled." W:%ZTF !,"Enter F to see all currently scheduled or waiting tasks." W:%ZTI !,"Enter T to see all tasks waiting for busy devices to become available." W:%ZTI !,"Enter W to pick a device, and see all tasks waiting for that device." W:%ZTR !,"Enter R to see all tasks that are currently running." W:%ZTL !,"Enter C to see all tasks waiting for a dropped link to be restored." F ZT=0:0 R !!,"Press RETURN to continue: ",ZT:$S($D(DTIME)#2:DTIME,1:60) Q:ZT=""!(ZT="^") W !!,"Enter either RETURN or '^'" W:ZT'["?" $C(7) W @IOF Q ;