XUTMRJD1 ;SEA/RDS - TaskMan: Option, XURESJOB Exit Action, Part 2 ;11/8/94 09:12 ;;8.0;KERNEL;;Jul 10, 1995 HELP1A ; ;PROMPT1^XUTMRJD--? help W !!?5,"Answer yes or no. Enter ?? for more help." Q HELP1B ; ;PROMPT1^XUTMRJD--explain purpose and offer to show Task List N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y W !!?5,"If you answer yes, you will be asked to identify the tasks" W !?5,"you forcibly exited." W !!?5,"If you answer no, you will exit the option." W !!?5,"If you are not sure, answer yes. At the next prompt, you" W !?5,"can enter ?TASK LIST to see the list of tasks TaskMan believes" W !?5,"are running, which may help you identify tasks you may have" W !?5,"forcibly exited." Q HELP2A ; ;PROMPT2^XUTMRJD--? help I $D(ZTSCREEN) K ZTSCREEN Q W !!?5,"Answer must be the internal number(s) of the task(s) to be" W !?5,"selected." W !!?5,"Answer must be an integer between 1 and 999999999." W !?5,"Answer may be a range, for example 4000-5000." W !?5,"Answer may be a list, for example 4001,4004,4010-4020." W !!?5,"Enter ?? for more help." Q HELP2B ; ;PROMPT2^XUTMRJD--explain, offer to show system status or Task List W !!?5,"Enter ?TASK LIST (or ?T) to list the tasks TaskMan believes" W !?5,"are running." W !!?5,"Enter ?SYSTEM STATUS (or ?S) to list the system status report." Q SCREEN2A ; ;PROMPT2^XUTMRJD--screen out ?TASK LIST and ?SYSTEM STATUS as acceptable N ZTL,ZTX S ZTX=$$UP^XLFSTR(X) S ZTL=$L(X) I $E("?TASK LIST",1,ZTL)=ZTX D Q .W $E("?TASK LIST",ZTL+1,999) .S Y="?TASK LIST",ZTOUT=1 .Q I $E("?SYSTEM STATUS",1,ZTL)=ZTX D Q .W $E("?SYSTEM STATUS",ZTL+1,999) .S Y="?SYSTEM STATUS",ZTOUT=1 .Q Q ; SCREEN2B ; ;PROMPT2^XUTMRJD--screen out lists w/o any running tasks as unacceptable N ZTCOUNT,ZTR1,ZTR2,ZTSK S ZTCOUNT=0 K ^TMP($J,"XUTMRJD") S2B1 ; S ZTSK=0 F S ZTSK=$O(^%ZTSCH("TASK",ZTSK)) Q:'ZTSK D .I $D(^TMP($J,"XUTMT",ZTSK)) D Q ..S ZTCOUNT=ZTCOUNT+1 ..S ^TMP($J,"XUTMRJD",ZTSK)="" .S ZTR2=$O(^TMP($J,"XUTMT",ZTSK)) .S ZTR1=$O(^TMP($J,"XUTMT",ZTSK)) .I ZTR1="" Q .I ZTR1>ZTSK Q .S ZTCOUNT=ZTCOUNT+1 .S ^TMP($J,"XUTMRJD",ZTSK)="" .Q S2B2 ; I ZTCOUNT S ^TMP($J,"XUTMRJD")=ZTCOUNT Q W !!?5,"None of the tasks in that range are listed as running." W !!?5,"You must select from TaskMan's list of running tasks if you" W !?5,"want TaskMan to remove the ones you forcibly exited." W !!?5,"Enter ? for help." K X S ZTSCREEN=1 Q HELP3A ; ;PROMPT3^XUTMRJD--? help W !!?5,"Answer yes or no. Enter ?? for more help." Q HELP3B ; ;PROMPT3^XUTMRJD--explain consequences W !!?5,"Answer yes if before continuing you want to see the task",ZTPLURAL W !?5,"you have selected." W !!?5,"Answer no if you are sure which task",ZTPLURAL," you selected." Q HELP4A ; ;PROMPT4^XUTMRJD--? help W !!?5,"Answer yes or no. Enter ?? for more help." Q HELP4B ; ;PROMPT4^XUTMRJD--explain consequences W !!?5,"Answer yes to remove the selected task",ZTPLURAL W " from TaskMan's list" W !?5,"of running tasks. If you do, TaskMan will no longer believe" I ZTCOUNT>1 W !?5,"these tasks are running." E W !?5,"this task is running." W !!?5,"Answer no to leave the task",ZTPLURAL," listed as running." Q ;