XUTMTZ2 ;SEA/RDS - TaskMan: Toolkit, troubleshooting, part 3 ;5/20/91 15:40 ; ;;8.0;KERNEL;;Jul 10, 1995 ; REPORT ;entry--report all errors in Error file by count K ^TMP($J) S ZTRANSLT="" F ZTA=0:1:31,127 S ZTRANSLT=ZTRANSLT_$C(ZTA) D %ZTER G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) D COUNT G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) D DAY G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) I ZTDAY D NUMBER G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) I 'ZTDAY,'ZTCOUNT W !!,$C(7),"No report selected!" G QUIT D PRINT G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) D MAIL G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) I 'ZTPRINT,'ZTMAIL W !!,"No method of reporting selected." G QUIT I ZTMAIL D EN^XM,DES^XMA21 G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) W !!,"Generating the report." D HERE^XUTMTZ3,OTHERS^XUTMTZ3:ZTOTHERS D DAILIES^XUTMTZ3:ZTDAY,TOTALS^XUTMTZ3:ZTCOUNT D OUT^XUTMTZ3:ZTPRINT,SEND^XUTMTZ3:ZTMAIL QUIT K ^TMP($J),X,Y,ZT,ZT1,ZT2,ZT3,ZTA,ZTE,ZTMAIL,ZTOTHERS,ZTPRINT,ZTRANSLT,ZTX Q ; %ZTER ;REPORT--prompt user as to whether %ZTER is replicated/translated S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Is %ZTER translated/replicated",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Answer YES to restrict the search to this volume set." S DIR("?")="If not, I will search the %ZTER on each volume set." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7),"**TIMEOUT**" I $D(DIRUT) W !!,"Report canceled!" Q S ZTOTHERS='Y Q ; COUNT ;REPORT--prompt user as to whether to count unresolved errors S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Count unresolved errors since install" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Answer NO to suppress count of unresolved errors." S DIR("?")="Otherwise a list of errors by count will be generated." W ! D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7),"**TIMEOUT**" I $D(DIRUT) W !!,"Report canceled!" Q S ZTCOUNT=Y Q ; DAY ;REPORT--prompt user as to whether to report errors by day S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Report errors by day of occurrence" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Answer NO to suppress display of errors by day." S DIR("?")="Otherwise list will show error that occurred each day." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7),"**TIMEOUT**" I $D(DIRUT) W !!,"Report canceled!" Q S ZTDAY=Y Q ; NUMBER ;REPORT--prompt user as to how many days' errors to show S DIR(0)="NO^1:9999",DIR("A")="Number of days to show" S DIR("B")=9999 S DIR("?",1)="Answer with the number of days to display." S DIR("?")="Answer must be a number between 1 and 9999." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7),"**TIMEOUT**" I $D(DIRUT) W !!,"Report canceled!" Q S ZTNUMBER=Y Q ; PRINT ;REPORT--prompt user as to whether to display the report S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Display the report" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Answer NO to suppress display of the report." S DIR("?")="Otherwise it will be displayed on the terminal." W ! D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7),"**TIMEOUT**" I $D(DIRUT) W !!,"Report canceled!" Q S ZTPRINT=Y Q ; MAIL ;REPORT--prompt user as to whether to mail the report S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Mail the report" S DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?",1)="Answer YES to mail the report." S DIR("?")="Otherwise the report will not be bundled into a mail message." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7),"**TIMEOUT**" I $D(DIRUT) W !!,"Report canceled!" Q S ZTMAIL=Y Q ;