XVIRPOST ;SF/RWF - Post init for virgin install ;03/11/99 13:36 ;;8.0;KERNEL - VIRGIN INSTALL;**112**;Apr 14, 1995 A W !,"Post init for virgin install" S DUZ=0,DUZ(0)="@" D NOW^%DTC S DT=X I $D(^VA(200,.5,0))[0 D POST I $O(^VA(200,.9))'>0 D F200 I $O(^DIC(4.2,0))'>0 D DOMAIN I $O(^DIC(4,0))'>0 D INST I $O(^DIC(49,0))'>0 D SERV Q DOMAIN W !,"We are adding FORUM.VA.GOV to the domain file." S DIC=4.2,DLAYGO=4,X="FORUM.VA.GOV",DIC(0)="LM" D ^DIC W !,"Now you need to enter the NETWORK MailMan domain name for this" W !,"system to use both on the network and for the name of the" W !,"Kernel site parameter entry." W !,"Use the format 'xxx.VA.GOV' in the VA." S DIC=4.2,DLAYGO=4,DIC(0)="AEMQL" D ^DIC I '$P(Y,U,3) W !,"You must enter the name of your local network mail node ",!,"so you may enter your KERNEL SITE PARAMITERS." G DOMAIN S ^XTV(8989.3,1,0)=+Y,^XMB(1,1,0)=+Y S DIK="^XTV(8989.3," D IXALL^DIK S DIK="^XMB(1," D IXALL^DIK K DIC Q ; INST W !!,"Now lets add your Institution." S DIC=4,DLAYGO=4,DIC(0)="AEMQL" D ^DIC I Y'>0 W !,"You will need an entry in this file." G INST K DIC Q ; SERV W !!,"Now to add 'IRM' to the service/section file." S DIC=49,DLAYGO=49,DIC(0)="MQL",X="IRM" D ^DIC K DIC Q ; F200 W !!,"Now to add yourself to the NEW PERSON file." F XV1=200 S DIK=$G(^DIC(XV1,0,"GL")),X=@(DIK_"0)"),$P(^(0),"^",3)=$P(X,"^",3)\1 S DIC=200,DIC(0)="AEMQL",DLAYGO=200 D ^DIC K DIK,DIC,XV2 Q ; POST ;Add postmaster S ^VA(200,.5,0)="POSTMASTER" F XV1=200 S DA=.5,DIK=$G(^DIC(XV1,0,"GL")),DIK(1)=.01 D EN1^DIK F XV1=200 I $D(^DIC(XV1,0)) S DIK=$G(^DIC(XV1,0,"GL")),X=@(DIK_"0)"),$P(^(0),"^",3)=$P(X,"^",3)\1 K DIK,DIC,DA,XV1 Q