ZISPL ;SF/RWF - UTILITIES FOR SPOOLING ;03/31/2003 08:53 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**23,69,291**;Jul 10, 1995 ;This is the general code for managment of the spooler file. DELETE ;delete a document from the file. A S DIC("A")="Delete which SPOOL DOCUMENT: " D GETDOC G:Y<0 EXIT I '$P(ZISPL0,U,7) W !,$C(13),"This Document hasn't been printed. Are you sure??" S DIR(0)="S^n:NO;y:YES;c:CLEAR",DIR("A")="...OK TO DELETE",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT)!("yc"'[Y) EXIT S ZISY=Y D DSD($P(ZISPL0,U,10)) ;delete data I ZISY["c" S X=^XMB(3.51,ZISDA,0),^(0)=$P(X,"^",1)_"^^^^"_DUZ_"^^^"_$P(X,"^",8) K ^XMB(3.51,ZISDA,2) W " ... DOCUMENT CLEARED!!" G EXIT ; D DSDOC(ZISDA) ;Delete entry W " ...DOCUMENT DELETED!!",$C(13),! G EXIT DEL ;Called from mailman to delete the document. Q ;Obsolete GETDOC ;Get a spool document to work on. S Y=-1 Q:$D(DUZ)[0 S ZISPLU=$S($D(^VA(200,DUZ,"SPL")):^("SPL"),1:"") I $P(ZISPLU,"^",1)'["y" W !,?5,$C(13),"You must be authorized by IRM to use spooling" Q S DIC=3.51,DIC(0)="AEMQZ" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 I $P(Y(0),U,2)]"" W !,?5,$C(13),"This spool is still active and can't be worked on." G GETDOC S ZISDA=+Y,ZISPL0=Y(0) K DIC Q ; PRINT ; N %,DIC,DIE,DR,DA,X,Y,ZISPL0,ZISPG,ZISDA,ZISDA2,ZISPLC,ZISFDA,ZISIEN,ZISIOP,ZISMSG P S DIC("A")="Print which SPOOL DOCUMENT: " D GETDOC K IOP,%ZIS,%IS Q:Y<0 S ZISPG=$P(ZISPL0,U,8) I $P(ZISPL0,U,3)="m" W !,"Sorry, this spool document has been converted into a mail message",!,"and you are unable to print it" G EXIT I $P(ZISPL0,U,10)'>0 W !,"Sorry there isn't anything to print." G EXIT I $P(ZISPL0,U,11) D MSG2 S %=2 D YN^DICN G EXIT:%'=1 IO ; S DIR(0)="N^1:99",DIR("A")="Copies to Print" D ^DIR S ZISPLC=+$G(Y) I $D(DIRUT) G EXIT U IO(0) S %IS="MQ" D ^%ZIS G:POP EXIT S ZISIOP=ION_";"_IOST_";"_IOM_";"_IOSL U IO(0) S ZISDA2=$$FIND1^DIC(3.5121,","_ZISDA_",","O",ION) I ZISDA2>0,$P(^XMB(3.51,ZISDA,2,ZISDA2,0),"^",3) S ZISMSG="This device is currently printing a copy of this document" G CIO I +ZISPG>IOM!($P(ZISPG,";",2)>IOSL) S ZISMSG="Current page is "_IOM_" by "_IOSL_$C(13,10)_" Page must be at least "_(+ZISPG)_" by "_$P(ZISPG,";",2) G CIO S %=$S(ZISDA2>0:ZISDA2_",",1:"?+1,")_ZISDA_"," S ZISFDA(3.5121,%,.01)=ION,ZISFDA(3.5121,%,1)=ZISPLC D UPDATE^DIE("","ZISFDA","ZISIEN") S:ZISDA2'>0 ZISDA2=ZISIEN(1) W ! I '$D(IO("Q")) S %ZIS="",IOP=ZISIOP D ^%ZIS G:'POP DQP^ZISPL2 S ZTRTN="DQP^ZISPL2",ZTDESC="Print spool document",ZTIO=ZISIOP,ZTSAVE("ZISDA")="",ZTSAVE("ZISDA2")="",ZTSAVE("ZISPLC")="" K IO("Q") D ^%ZTLOAD,^%ZISC K ZTSK G EXIT:$P(ZISPLU,"^",2)'["y" W !!,"Also send to" G IO ; CIO ;Close device and go to IO D ^%ZISC U IO D:$D(ZISMSG) G IO . W !,ZISMSG K ZISMSG CEXIT ;Close device and Exit D ^%ZISC EXIT D KILL^XUSCLEAN S ZTREQ="@" Q ; KERMIT ;Use Kermit to send a spooler file D GETDOC Q:Y'>0 S ZISDA=$P(ZISPL0,U,10) G EXIT:ZISDA'>0 S XTKDIC="^XMBS(3.519,"_ZISDA_",2,",XTKFILE=$P(ZISPL0,U) D MODE^XTKERMIT G EXIT:$D(DIRUT) D SEND^XTKERMIT G EXIT ; BROWSE ;Use FM Browser to look at document D GETDOC Q:Y'>0 S ZISDA=$P(ZISPL0,U,10) G EXIT:ZISDA'>0 D BROWSE^DDBR($NA(^XMBS(3.519,ZISDA,2)),"NR",$P(ZISPL0,U)) G EXIT ; MAIL ;Make into a mail message (move text from file #3.519 to file #3.9) N ZISPLU,ZISDA,ZISPL0,XS,ZISLINES,DIR,X,Y S ZISPLU=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,"SPL")) I $P(ZISPLU,U,3)["n" W !,"You are not authorized to convert Spool Documents into MailMan Messages." G EXIT D GETDOC G:'$D(ZISPL0) EXIT S XS=$P(ZISPL0,"^",10) I 'XS D MSG1 G EXIT S ZISLINES=$P(ZISPL0,U,9) I '+ZISLINES D MSG1 G EXIT K DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Convert spool doc: "_$P(ZISPL0,U)_" into a MailMan message" S DIR("B")=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(39054) ; Yes D ^DIR G:'Y EXIT N XMDUZ,ZISSUBJ,ZISINSTR,ZISABORT,XMV S ZISABORT=0 D INITAPI^XMVVITAE D ASK(.ZISSUBJ,.ZISINSTR,.ZISABORT) I ZISABORT G CLEAN G:ZISLINES<500 MAILIT W ! K DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A",1)="You have "_ZISLINES_" lines of text to convert into a MailMan message." S DIR("A")="Do you wish to queue this conversion process" S DIR("B")=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(39054) ; Yes D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) G CLEAN G:'Y MAILIT N ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTSAVE,I S ZTIO="",ZTRTN="MAILTASK^ZISPL",ZTDESC="Convert spool document into MailMan message" F I="ZISDA","XMDUZ","ZISSUBJ","ZISINSTR(","XMV(","^TMP(""XMY"",$J,","^TMP(""XMY0"",$J," S ZTSAVE(I)="" D ^%ZTLOAD I '$G(ZTSK) W !,"Queueing failed." E W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34501.1,ZTSK) ; Request queued. Task number: |1| G CLEAN MAILTASK ; N XS S XS=$P($G(^XMB(3.51,ZISDA,0)),"^",10) I 'XS D DSDOC(ZISDA) Q MAILIT ; W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !!,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34234) ; Moving to a MailMan message... N XMZ D CRE8XMZ^XMXAPI(ZISSUBJ,.XMZ) I $D(XMERR) G CLEAN D MOVEBODY^XMXAPI(XMZ,"^XMBS(3.519,"_XS_",2)") I $D(XMERR) G CLEAN W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34236) ; Finished moving. D SENDMSG^XMAPHOST(DUZ,XMZ,.ZISINSTR) D DSDOC(ZISDA),DSD(XS) CLEAN ; I $D(XMERR) D . I '$D(ZTQUEUED) D SHOWERR^XMXAPIU Q . K XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) D CLEANUP^XMXADDR G EXIT ASK(ZISSUBJ,ZISINSTR,ZISABORT) ; S ZISSUBJ=$E("Spool document: "_$P(ZISPL0,"^"),1,65) D SUBJ^XMXAPIU(.ZISSUBJ) I $D(XMERR) S ZISABORT=1 Q D FROMWHOM^XMAPHOST(DUZ,.ZISINSTR,.ZISABORT) Q:ZISABORT S ZISINSTR("ADDR FLAGS")="R" D TOWHOM^XMXAPIU(DUZ,"","S",.ZISINSTR) I $D(XMERR) S ZISABORT=1 Q DSD(DA) ; Delete an entry in the spool data file. Q:DA'>0 N DIK K ^XMB(3.51,"AM",DA) S DIK="^XMBS(3.519," D ^DIK Q DSDOC(DA) ; Delete an entry in the spool doc file. Q:DA'>0 N DIK S DIK="^XMB(3.51," D ^DIK Q MSG1 W !,"This spool document doesn't have any text." Q MSG2 W !,"You have exceeded the total spool document line limit allowed." W !,"Therefore, this spool document is incomplete." W !!,"Do you still wish to print this document" Q