%ZOSVKR ;SF/KAK/RAK - Collect RUM Statistics for VAX-DSM;8/20/99 08:44 ;1/10/01 08:06 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**90,94,107,122,143,186**;Apr 3, 2003 9:59 am ; RO(OPT) ; Record option resource usage in ^KMPTMP("KMPR" ; N KMPRTYP S KMPRTYP=0 ; option G EN ; RP(PRTCL) ; Record protocol resource usage in ^KMPTMP("KMPR" ; Variable PRTCL = option_name^protocol_name ; ; quit if rum is turned off Q:'$G(^%ZTSCH("LOGRSRC")) ; N OPT S OPT=$P(PRTCL,"^"),PRTCL=$P(PRTCL,"^",2) Q:PRTCL="" ; N KMPRTYP S KMPRTYP=1 ; protocol G EN ; RU(KMPROPT,KMPRTYP,KMPRSTAT) ;-- set resource usage into ^KMPTMP("KMPR" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPROPT... Option name (may be option, protocol, rpc, etc.) ; KMPRTYP... ; Type of option: ; 0 - Option ; 1 - Protocol ; 2 - RPC (Remote Procedure Call) ; 3 - HL7 ; KMPRSTAT.. ; Status (for future use): ; 1 - start ; 2 - stop ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Q:$G(KMPROPT)="" ; S KMPRTYP=+$G(KMPRTYP) S KMPRSTAT=$G(KMPRSTAT) ; N OPT,PRTCL ; ; OPT = option name ; PRTCL = protocol name (optional) S OPT=$P(KMPROPT,"^"),PRTCL=$P(KMPROPT,"^",2) ; EN ; ; CURHDAY... current $H day ; CURHSEC... current $H seconds ; CURSTAT... current stats ; DIFF...... difference (CURSTAT minus PREVSTAT) ; NODE...... current node ; PREVHDAY.. previous $H day ; PREVHSEC.. previous $H seconds ; PREVSTAT.. previous stats ; PRIMETM... prime time (1) or non-prime time (0) ; N ACTV,ARRAY,CURHDAY,CURHSEC,CURSTAT,CURRHR,DIFF N I,NODE,PREVHDAY,PREVHSEC,PREVSTAT,PRIMETM,Y ; ; quit if not in "PROD" uci S Y="" X $G(^%ZOSF("UCI")) Q:Y'[$G(^%ZOSF("PROD")) ; S NODE=$P($ZC(%GETSYI),",",4),U="^" I KMPRTYP I OPT="" S:$P($G(KMPR("JOB",NODE,$J)),"^",10)["$LOGIN$" OPT="$LOGIN$" I OPT="" Q:'+$G(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T")) S OPT=$P($G(^XUTL("XQ",$J,^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T"))),"^",2) Q:OPT="" ; ; CURSTAT = current stats for this $job ; = cpu^dio^bio^pg_fault^cmd^glo^$H_day^$H_sec^ascii_time S CURSTAT=$P($$STATS,"^",1,9) Q:CURSTAT="" ; S CURHDAY=$P(CURSTAT,"^",7),CURHSEC=$P(CURSTAT,"^",8) ; ; PREVSTAT = previous stats for this $job S PREVSTAT=$G(KMPR("JOB",NODE,$J)) ; ; if previous option was tagged as being run from taskman(!) then ; then mark current OPTion as running from taskman(!) I $P($P(PREVSTAT,"^",10),"***")=("!"_OPT) S OPT="!"_OPT ; ; concatenate to CURSTAT: ...^OPTion^option_type S CURSTAT=CURSTAT_"^"_$S(KMPRTYP=2:"`"_OPT,KMPRTYP=3:"&"_OPT,1:OPT)_"***"_$G(PRTCL)_"^"_$G(XQT) S KMPR("JOB",NODE,$J)=CURSTAT ; ; if option and login or taskman I 'KMPRTYP I OPT="$LOGIN$"!(OPT="$STRT ZTMS$") Q ; I OPT="$LOGOUT$"!(OPT="$STOP ZTMS$")!(OPT="XUPROGMODE") K KMPR("JOB",NODE,$J) ; Q:PREVSTAT="" ; ; check for negative numbers for m commands and glo references F I=5,6 I $P(CURSTAT,"^",I)<0 D .S $P(CURSTAT,"^",I)=$P(CURSTAT,"^",I)+(2**31)+(2**31) .I $P(PREVSTAT,"^",I)<0 S $P(PREVSTAT,"^",I)=$P(PREVSTAT,"^",I)+(2**31)+(2**31) ; S PREVHDAY=$P(PREVSTAT,"^",7),$P(PREVSTAT,"^",7)=$P(PREVSTAT,"^",8) ; ; quit if not $h Q:'PREVHDAY ; ; if option has been running more than one day ; add the number of seconds in each day to the current $H seconds S $P(CURSTAT,"^",7)=(CURHDAY-PREVHDAY)*86400+CURHSEC ; ; difference = current stats minus previous stats ; DIFF = CURSTAT - PREVSTAT ; = cpu^dio^bio^pg_fault^cmd^glo^elapsed_sec F I=1:1:7 S $P(DIFF,"^",I)=$P(CURSTAT,"^",I)-$P(PREVSTAT,"^",I) ; ; quit if negative m commands or global references Q:$P(DIFF,"^",5)<0 Q:$P(DIFF,"^",6)<0 ; ; option name S OPT=$P(PREVSTAT,"^",10) ; ; PRIMETM = 0: non-prime time ; 1: prime time S PRIMETM=0 ; ; set prime time = 1 if after 8am and before 5pm ; non-workday prime time and non-prime time will be converted ; into non-workday time in nightly background job (KMPRBD02) I CURHSEC>28799&(CURHSEC<61201) S PRIMETM=1 ; ; global location for data storage S ARRAY=$G(^KMPTMP("KMPR","DLY",NODE,CURHDAY,OPT,$J,PRIMETM)) ; ; seven elements for this option F I=1:1:7 S $P(ARRAY,"^",I)=$P($G(ARRAY),"^",I)+$P(DIFF,"^",I) ; 8th piece is occurrence counter for this option S $P(ARRAY,"^",8)=$P(ARRAY,"^",8)+1 ; ; current hour => 0 - 23 S CURRHR=CURHSEC\3600 ; ; time starts at zero hour - shift everything by 10 so zero hour ; begins at 10th piece, hour 1 is 11th, ... and hour 23 is 33rd piece ; ; record last hour this option ran - this will be moved to file 8971.1 ; hourly stats are only attributed to the current hour ; ; add ~1 if this job runs from top of hour to 60 seconds ; this will give active number of jobs per hour S ACTV=$P(ARRAY,"^",(CURRHR+10)),$P(ACTV,"~")=$P(ACTV,"~")+1 I (($P(CURSTAT,"^",8)#3600)-$P(DIFF,"^",7))<60 S $P(ACTV,"~",2)=1 S $P(ARRAY,"^",(CURRHR+10))=ACTV ; ; 9th piece: current $h seconds ~ elapsed seconds ~ difference S $P(ARRAY,"^",9)=($P(CURSTAT,"^",8))_"~"_($P(DIFF,"^",7))_"~"_(($P(CURSTAT,"^",8)#3600)-$P(DIFF,"^",7)) ; ; set into global S ^KMPTMP("KMPR","DLY",NODE,CURHDAY,OPT,$J,PRIMETM)=ARRAY ; Q ; STATS() ;-- extrinsic - return current stats for this $job ; N H,KMPRCMD,KMPRGLO,ZH ; ; S C=",",ZH=$ZH,H=$P(ZH,",",3) ; D JT Q:KMPRCMD="" "" ; S ZH=$ZH,H=$P(ZH,",",3),H=$E(H,13,23),H=$P($H,",")_","_($P(H,":")*3600+($P(H,":",2)*60)+$P(H,":",3)) ; ; current stats for this $job ; cpu^dio^bio^pg_fault^cmd^glo^$H_date^$H_sec^ascii_time^$s Q $P(ZH,",")_"^"_$P(ZH,",",7)_"^"_$P(ZH,",",8)_"^"_$P(ZH,",",4)_"^"_KMPRCMD_"^"_KMPRGLO_"^"_$P(H,",")_"^"_$P(H,",",2)_"^"_$P(ZH,",",3)_"^"_$S ; JT ; Calculate the Job Table (KMPR("JTAB")) for this job ; KMPR("JTAB") should be made a system wide variable ; N %GLSBASE,%JOB,%JOBSIZ,%JOBTAB,%MAXPROC,%PID,%SMSTART,%TYPE,KMPROUT,X ; ; Return the current number of commands and global references ; KMPRCMD and KMPRGLO equal to null if NOT successful S (KMPRCMD,KMPRGLO)="",KMPROUT=0,U="^" ; ; Check for correct Job Table (KMPR("JTAB")) for this job I $D(KMPR("JTAB")) I $V(KMPR("JTAB")+20)=$J S %TYPE="DSM" D USER G EXIT S %SMSTART=$V($ZK(GLS$SMSTART)) G:'%SMSTART EXIT S %GLSBASE=$V($V(0)+44) S %JOBTAB=%SMSTART+$V(%SMSTART+$V(%GLSBASE+124)),%JOBSIZ=$V(%GLSBASE+128) S %MAXPROC=$V($V(%GLSBASE+84)+%SMSTART) ; ; Go through Job Table looking for this process F %JOB=1:1:%MAXPROC Q:KMPROUT S KMPR("JTAB")=%JOB*%JOBSIZ+%JOBTAB D .I $V(KMPR("JTAB")+20) S %PID=$V(KMPR("JTAB")+20),%TYPE="DSM" I %PID=$J D USER S KMPROUT=1 ; EXIT ; S X=^%ZOSF("ERRTN"),@^%ZOSF("TRAP") Q ; USER ; ; Watch for NONEXPR process S X="UERR^%ZOSVKR",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") ; ; Process improperly exited DSM I %TYPE="DSM",$V(KMPR("JTAB")+$ZK(JOB_B_FLAGS),-1,1)\$ZK(JOB_M_EXITED)#2 G IMPROP ; ; Get commands and global references from job table S KMPRCMD=$V(KMPR("JTAB")),KMPRGLO=$V(KMPR("JTAB")+12) Q UERR ; ; Ignore NONEXPR (improperly exited DSM process) and SUSPENDED process I $ZE["NONEXPR"!($ZE["SUSPENDED") Q ZQ IMPROP ; ; Ignore improperly exited DSM process Q