%ZOSV ;SFISC/AC - $View commands for Open M for NT. ;03/03/2008 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**34,94,107,118,136,215,293,284,385,425,440**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 13 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified ACTJ() ;# Active jobs N %,V,Y S V=$$VERSION() I V<5 D Q Y . S %=0 F Y=0:1 S %=$ZJOB(%) Q:%="" S Y=$system.License.LUConsumed() ;Cache 5 up Q Y AVJ() ;# available jobs N %,AVJ,V,ZOSV,$ET S V=+$$VERSION() ;Cache 3 and 4 ;maxpid: from %SS I V<5 D Q AVJ . N PORT,T,X,MAXPID,LMFLIM . S $ET="",MAXPID=$V($ZU(40,2,118),-2,4) . X "S ZOSV=$ZU(5),%=$ZU(5,""%SYS"") S LMFLIM=$$inquire^LMFCLI,%=$ZU(5,ZOSV)" ;Get the license info . ;Add together the enterprise and division licenses avaliable . S X=$P(LMFLIM,";",2)+$P($P(LMFLIM,"|",2),";",2) . S T=+LMFLIM+$P(LMFLIM,"|",2) ;Check the license total . S AVJ=$S(T