ZTMONH ;SEA/RDS-TaskMan: Option, ZTMON, Part 3 (Help Driver) ;4/19/90 12:00 ; ;;7.1;KERNEL;;May 11, 1993 ; ENTRY G ^ZTMON ; RESET ;Setup parameters for DIR call W @IOF S DIR(0)="SAOM^S:Schedule List.;W:Waiting Lists.;O:One Waiting List.;J:Job List.;T:Task List.;L:Link Lists." S DIR("A",1)=" Help For Monitor Taskman Option" S DIR("A",2)="" S DIR("A",3)=" Schedule List." S DIR("A",4)=" Waiting Lists." S DIR("A",5)=" One Waiting List." S DIR("A",6)=" Job List." S DIR("A",7)=" Task List." S DIR("A",8)=" Link Lists." S DIR("A",9)="" S DIR("A")=" Select Type Of Listing: " S DIR("?")="^D HELP^ZTMONH" Q ; BRANCH ;DO the selected listing D @$S(Y="S":"SCHED^ZTMONH1",Y="W":"WAIT^ZTMONH1",Y="O":"WAIT1^ZTMONH1",Y="J":"JOB^ZTMONH2",Y="T":"TASK^ZTMONH2",Y="L":"LINK^ZTMONH2") Q ; HELP ;Help text for '?' W !!,"Enter S to see the list of tasks scheduled for the future." W !,"Enter W to see all tasks that are waiting for output devices." W !,"Enter O to see the waiting list for a single device." W !,"Enter J to see all tasks waiting for submanagers." W !,"Enter T to see all currently running tasks." W !,"Enter L to see all tasks waiting for a dropped link to be restored." Q ; SCREEN ;Screen out unknown users S Y=1,Z="" I $S($D(DUZ)[0:1,DUZ="":1,1:0) W !!?5,"I do not know who you are (your DUZ variable is ",$S($D(DUZ)[0:"undefined).",1:"null).") E I $D(^VA(200,DUZ,0))[0 W !!?5,"User # ",DUZ," is not defined in this uci. I'm not sure who you are." Q:'$T W !?5,"You may not use the monitor's help facility." W ! F ZT=0:0 R !,"Press RETURN to continue: ",Y:$S($D(DTIME)#2:DTIME,1:60) S Z=Y Q:Y=""!(Y="^") W !!?5,"Enter RETURN.",! W:Y'["?" $C(7) Q ; SELECT ;Select listing (main loop) N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,ZT,ZTNAME D SCREEN Q:'Y N Y S ZTNAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U) F ZT=0:0 D RESET,^DIR K DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT Q:U[Y D BRANCH S Z=Y Q ;