%ZIS7 ;SFISC/AC - DEVICE HANDLER HELP ;8/29/01 07:44 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**205**;JUL 10, 1995 EN1 W !,"Specify a device with optional parameters in the format" W !,?8,"Device Name;Right Margin;Page Length" W !,?21,"or" W !,?5,"Device Name;Subtype;Right Margin;Page Length" W !!,"Or in the new format" W !,?14,"Device Name;/settings" W !,?21,"or" W !,?10,"Device Name;Subtype;/settings" W !,"For example" W !,?17,"HOME;80;999" W !,?21,"or" W !,?13,"HOME;C-VT320;/M80L999" W !!,"Enter ?? for more information" Q EN2 S X=0 I $D(^%ZOSF("TEST")) S X="XQH" X ^("TEST") I $T S X=$O(^DIC(9.2,"B","XUDOC DEVICE PROMPT*",0)),X=$D(^DIC(9.2,+X,0)) I X S X=($P(^(0),"^",1)="XUDOC DEVICE PROMPT*") W !,"The following information is available:" ;W !?20,"Printer Listing",!?20,"Complete Device Listing",!?20,"Extended Help"_$S(X:"",1:" [UNAVAILABLE]") W !?20,"All Printers",!?20,"Printers only on '"_%ZISV_"'",!?20,"Complete Device Listing",!?20,"Devices only on '"_%ZISV_"'" W !,?20,"New Format for Device Specification",!?20,"Extended Help"_$S(X:"",1:" [UNAVAILABLE]") R W !!?15,"Select one (A,P,C,D,N, or E): " D SBR^%ZIS1 I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) K DTOUT,DUOUT Q Q:%X="" S %X=$E(%X_"?") I %X="?"!("APCDNE"'[%X) W !,"Enter 'A', 'P', 'C', 'D', 'N' or 'E'" G R I 'X,%X="E" W *7," [UNAVAILABLE]" G R I "APCD"[%X D LD1^%ZIS5 Q I "EN"'[%X W *7," [ERROR]" Q N %IS,%H,%E,%ZISB,%ZISV,IO S U="^",XQH=$S(%X="E":"XUDOC DEVICE PROMPT*",1:"XUDOC DEVICE ALT SYNTAX") D DT^DICRW:'$D(DUZ)#2!'$D(DTIME),EN^XQH Q