LR105PO ;DALISC/FHS - LR*5.2*105 POST INSTALL ROUTINE KIDS INSTALL" ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**105**;Feb 14, 1996 EN ; S X=$$ADD^XPDMENU("LR LIM/WKLD MENU","LR WKLD CODE EDIT PRINT") W !!,"Option [LR WKLD CODE EDIT PRINT] was ",$S(X:"added",1:"NOT ADDED")," to [LR LIM/WKLD] MENU",!! S DA=$O(^LAB(64.2,"B","DSS ACC",0)) G:DA DIS L +^LAB(64.2):1 I '$T W !,"^LAB(64.2) GLOBAL IS LOCKED BY ANOTHER USER",!,"DSS ACC suffix not added.",!! H 5 G BB K DIE,DIC,DA,DR S DLAYGO=64,DIC="^LAB(64.2,",DIC(0)="L",X="DSS ACC" D ^DIC I Y<1 W !?5,"Not able to install new workload code.",! L -^LAB(64.2) G BB K DIE,DIC,DA,DR,DLAYGO,X S DIE="^LAB(64.2,",DA=+Y,DLAYGO=64.2 S DR="1///^S X=.9999;6////38;11////1;12////10" D ^DIE L -^LAB(64.2) DIS K DIC,DIE,DR,DLAYGO G:'$G(DA) BB S S=0,DIC="^LAB(64.2," D EN^DIQ W !!?5,"This new Workload Code Suffix has been added to ^LAB(64.2 ",!! BB ;G END ;Blood bank's multi-divisional test sites should uncomment this line. K DA,DIK S DA(1)=65,DA=.16,DIK="^DD(65," D ^DIK K DA,DIK W !!," The DIVISION #.16 field has been deleted from the BLOOD INVENTORY #65",!! END ; I '$D(^LRO(64.03,0))#2 W !!,"Database Error",!?5,"Your system is missing the ^LRO(64.03) Global" G STOP W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Preparing to purge data from WKLD LOG FILE (#64.03)",80) L +^LRO(64.03):5 I $T W !!,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Purging data ",80),! D G STOP . S X=$P(^LRO(64.03,0),U,1,2) K ^LRO(64.03) S ^LRO(64.03,0)=X . W !,"Turning [OFF] COLLECT WKLD LOG FILE (#616) field in LABORATORY SITE (#69.9) file",!! . S $P(^LAB(69.9,1,"NITE"),U,6)="" W !?5,"Laboratory DSS Site Preparation completed",!! W !!!,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Unable to Lock the ^LRO(64.03) Global - Contact the CS Clin2",80) W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("for assistance. The Patch install is complete but data in file #64.03",80) W !!,$$CJ^XLFSTR("was NOT PURGED.",80),! STOP L -^LRO(64.03) S:$D(^LAM(0))#2 $P(^(0),U,3)=99999 W !!,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Post install completed",80),!! K DIE,DIC,DA,DR,DLAYGO,X,Y,S Q