LR140P ;DAL/HOAK - TEST REVIEWER;060697 0800 ; ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**140,171**;Sep 27, 1994 ;Environment check is done only during the install. ; INIT ; K ^TMP("LRBIGD") K DIR ; CONTROL ; W !!,"I'M EXAMINING YOUR DATA NAMES" D LOOK W @IOF W !!,"Now, lets print a list of the BIG'ns.",!! D DEVICE DONE ; ;K ^TMP("LRBIGD") K LRQ,LRIEN,LRCNT,OK,LRNODE Q LOOK ; ; S LRCNT=0 S LRQ="^DD(63.04,0)" F S LRQ=$Q(@LRQ) Q:LRQ'["DD(63.04" I @LRQ["K:$L(X)>" D . I +$P(@LRQ,"K:$L(X)>",2)>50 S ^TMP("LRBIGD",LRQ)=@LRQ D .. S LRCNT=LRCNT+1 . I IOST["C-" W "::" ; Q ADVICE ; ; ; D LRGLIN^LRX W ?8,"Review the test set-up of the OFFENDING test(s) and consider" W !,?8,"one or more of the following recommendations:" W !,?5,"1. Reduce the length of the test name." W !,?5,"2. Reduce the length of the test result through the" W !,?5," [Modify an existing data name] option." W !,?5,"3. If the result is lengthy free text consider replacing the" W !,?5," old CH subscript test with a new test in a different" W !,?5," subscript area, SP for example.",! D LRGLIN^LRX Q DEVICE ; S OK=1 S %ZIS="Q" QUE ; S ZTSAVE("LR*")="" S ZTRTN="DQ1^LR140P" S ZTDESC="Lab Patch 140 ^LR report" S ZTSAVE("^TMP(""LRBIGD""")="" D IO^LRWU QUIT DQ1 ; PRINT ; S LRPAGE=1 S OK=1 U IO D HEAD S LRIEN="" U IO F S LRIEN=$O(^TMP("LRBIGD",LRIEN)) Q:LRIEN="" S LRNODE=^(LRIEN) D . D CHKPG . W !,LRIEN,"=",LRNODE,! QUIT HEAD ; W @IOF W $$RJ^XLFSTR("Page "_LRPAGE,IOM),! W $$CJ^XLFSTR("List of Data Names greater than 50 characters.",IOM),! D ADVICE QUIT CHKPG ; Q:'OK I IOSL-$Y'>3&($E(IOST,1,2)="C-") S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR D . W @IOF . I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S OK=0 Q:'OK I IOSL-$Y'>3&($E(IOST,1,2)="P-") S LRPAGE=LRPAGE+1 D HEAD ; QUIT Q