LRAC ;SLC/DCM/MILW/JMC - CUMULATIVE REPORTS DRIVER ;2/20/91 08:33 ; ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**172**;Sep 27, 1994 ;Routine has been change to handle separate file room scheduling. ;;Semi-automatic queuing of selected reports can occur by setting-up ;;an action type option: S LRX(x)="" D CLOCK^LRAC ;;Where 'x' is the internal number of the report desired. ;;Fields 200,201,202 of OPTION file should then be filled in. K DIC,LRX ; ; D ^LRPARAM ;---HOAK FOR PRINTER PROBLEMS ; R !,"Print ALL or SELECTED reports? ALL// ",X:DTIME S:X="" X="A" Q:".^"[X I "AaSs"'[$E(X) S X="?" I X["?" W !?5,"Enter 'S' for SELECTED reports ",!?18,"-or-",!?11,"'A' for ALL reports" G LRAC I "Ss"[$E(X,1) D Q:'$D(LRX) . W ! ; Allow user to select reports to print. . S DIC="^LAB(64.5,1,3,",DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")="Select REPORT NAME: " . ; Screen out file room reports if printing separate file room, use appropiate option. . I $P($G(^LAB(64.5,1,6)),U,2) S DIC("S")="I '$P($G(^LAB(64.5,1,3,Y,.1)),U,3)" . F D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S LRX(+Y)="" . K DIC W ! S U="^" D DT^LRX S ZTRTN="CLOCK^LRAC",ZTIO="",ZTDESC="Laboratory cumulative report" S:$D(LRX) ZTSAVE("LRX*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD K LRX,X,ZTSK,ZTSAVE,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTRTN Q ; CLOCK S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" K ZTSK CL2 Q:'$D(^LAB(64.5,1,3))!($D(^LAC("LRAC","A"))) S LRXLR="LRAC" S:'$D(LRPERM) LRPERM=0 S LRFRSEP=$P($G(^LAB(64.5,1,6)),U,2) ; Set flag if printing separate file rooms. I $D(XRTL) S XRTN="LRAC" D T0^%ZOSV ; START RESPONSE TIMING LOG I '$D(LRDT) S %DT="",X="T-1" D ^%DT S LRDT=Y L +^LAB(64.5) ;---last date cime printed--\/ S LRLDT=$P(^LAB(64.5,1,0),U,3) ; I $L(LRLDT) D:LRDT'=LRLDT ^LRACK S %DT="",X="T" D ^%DT S LRYDT=Y,U="^",LRBOT=$P(^LAB(64.5,1,0),U,2) I LRDT'=LRLDT D ENT^LRACKL S $P(^LAB(64.5,1,0),U,3)=LRDT,$P(^(0),U,7)=LRLDT L -^LAB(64.5) S LRRE=0 I '$D(LRX) D CL3 I $D(LRX) D CL4 I $D(XRTL),$D(XTR0) S XRTN="LRAC" D T1^%ZOSV ;STOP RESPONSE TIME LOG K LRRE,LRX,LRXLR,X1,X2,Z Q CL3 ; Task "ALL" reports except file room if file room on separate schedule. S LRRPTN=0 F S LRRPTN=$O(^LAB(64.5,1,3,LRRPTN)) Q:LRRPTN<1 D . S X=$G(^LAB(64.5,1,3,LRRPTN,.1)) Q:$P(X,U,2) ; Don't start "manual" reports. . I LRFRSEP,$P(X,U,3) Q ; Don't start "File Room" report if on separate schedule. . S IOP=$P(X,U,1) D:IOP'="" CL3A K LRBOT,LRDFN,LRDT,LRFRSEP,LRLDT,LRLLOC,LRNM,LRRPTN,LRYDT,X,Y,ZTSAVE,ZTSK Q ; CL3A ; Task the actual reports to run. N ZTIO ; Tasked jobs have ZTIO defined, want ZTLOAD to build from IO* variables. S %ZIS="N" D ^%ZIS I POP D ^%ZISC Q S ZTRTN="ENT^LRAC1",ZTDTH=$H,ZTDESC="Laboratory cumulative report" K ZTSK F I="LRPERM","LRXLR","LRDT","LRLDT","LRYDT","LRBOT","LRRE","LRRPTN" S ZTSAVE(I)="" D ^%ZTLOAD,^%ZISC Q ; CL4 ; Task selected reports. S LRRPTN=0 F S LRRPTN=$O(^LAB(64.5,1,3,LRRPTN)) Q:LRRPTN<1 I $D(LRX(LRRPTN)) D . S X=$G(^LAB(64.5,1,3,LRRPTN,.1)) . I LRFRSEP,$P(X,U,3) Q ; Don't start "File Room" report if on separate schedule. . S IOP=$P(X,U,1) D:IOP'="" CL3A K LRBOT,LRDFN,LRDT,LRFRSEP,LRLDT,LRLLOC,LRNM,LRRPTN,LRX,LRYDT,X,Y,ZTSAVE,ZTSK Q