LRACM4 ;SLC/DCM - INIT CUM REPORTS CONT. ; 9/10/87 09:55 ; ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;;Sep 27, 1994 DEL ;from LRACM K ^LRO(68,"AC") D MOR S I=0 F S I=$O(^LAB(64.5,1,3,I)) Q:I<1 S ^(0)=$P(^(I,0),U,1,3) DEL1 W !!,"Each day has a different set of patients for which cumulatives are printed.",!,"Your next response will be a beginning date for combining these sets of",!,"patients into the next cumulative (ending date is today). " W !,"A cumulative will be printed for each patient that originally",!,"had a cumulative during this time period. The potential for duplicates",!,"is high because of patient movement within the time period." S %DT="AE",%DT("A")="Select BEGINNING DATE FOR COMBINED CUMULATIVE: " D ^%DT G:Y<1 OUT S $P(^LAB(64.5,1,0),U,3)=Y S LRDTX=0 F S LRDTX=$O(^LRO(69,LRDTX)) Q:LRDTX<1!(LRDTX'0 W !,"You must answer 'Y'es or 'N'o." I %=1 D ^LRACFIX Q OUT W !!,$C(7),"NO COMBINING HAS OCCURRED!" Q