LRAPFICH ;AVAMC/REG/WTY/KLL - MICROFICH PATH REPORTS ;03/21/2002 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**72,173,248,259**;Sep 27, 1994 ; D END ;Final path reports by accession number N LRQUIT W ! S LRDICS="SPCYEM" D ^LRAP G:'$D(Y) END ;KLL - Final Office Copy prints SNOMED codes on a separate page D FOC ;Variable LR("DVD") is used to divide reports displayed in the browser K LR("DVD") S $P(LR("DVD"),"|",IOM)="" S %DT("A")="Select Accession YEAR: ",%DT="AEQ" D ^%DT K %DT G:Y<1 END S LR("Y")=$E(Y,1,3) A R !,"Start with accession #: ",X:DTIME G:X[U!(X="") END I X'?1N.N W $C(7),!,"Enter a number." G A S LR("B")=X B R !,"Go to accession #: ",X:DTIME G:X[U!(X="") END I X'?1N.N W $C(7),!,"Enter a number." G B S LR("E")=X I LR("E")LR("E"))!(LR("Q")) D .S LRDFN=$O(^LR(LRXREF,LR("Y"),LRABV,LRAN,0)),LRI=$O(^(LRDFN,0)) .S LRSF515=1,LRQUIT=0 .K LR("F") .D TIUCHK^LRAPUTL(.LRPTR,LRDFN,LRSS,LRI) .I +$G(LRPTR) D Q ..D MAIN^LRAPTIUP(LRPTR,0) ..W:IOST["BROWSER" !!,LR("DVD") ..K LRPTR ..;KLL-Print SNOMED Codes if Final Office Copy selected ..I LRFOC D FOC^LRSPRPT ..I LRQUIT S LR("Q")=1 Q ..S LR("F")=1 ..I 'LR("Q"),$D(LR("F")),IOST?1"C-".E D CONT .W:IOST?1"C-".E @IOF .D EN^LRSPRPT .W:IOST?1"P-".E @IOF .W:IOST["BROWSER" !!,LR("DVD") .I LRFOC D FOC^LRSPRPT .I 'LR("Q"),$D(LR("F")),IOST?1"C-".E D CONT D ^%ZISC S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" K %,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,X,Y D END Q FOC ;Final Office Copy W ! K DIR S LRFOC=0 S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is this a final office copy" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="SNOMED codes no longer appear on the report. The final" S DIR("?",1)=DIR("?",1)_" office copy prints" S DIR("?")="these codes on a separate page. Enter 'Yes' to include " S DIR("?")=DIR("?")_"this page." D ^DIR I Y S LRFOC=1 Q CONT ; K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR W ! S:$D(DTOUT)!(X[U) LR("Q")=1 Q END D V^LRU K LRSF515 Q