LRARCAM4 ;DALISC/CKA - ARCHIVED RCS 14-4 REPORT PART 1 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**59**;August 31,1995 ;same as LRCAPAM5 except for archived wkld file reference EN ; INST ; K LRDA,LRRPTM S LRDA(1)=1 I '$D(^LAR(67.99999,1,0)) W !!?10,"Sorry, there is no primary institution in file 67.99999. Exiting." G EXIT ;Check for lab archival activity in archived status S LRART=67.9,LRARC=0 S LRARC=$O(^LAB(95.11,"O",2,LRART,LRARC)) I LRARC="" D ERROR DIV ; K DIC S DIC("A")="Select Division: " S DIC("B")=$P($G(^DIC(4,+DUZ(2),0)),U) S DIC=4,DIC(0)="AQENMZ" D ^DIC G:Y<1 EXIT S LRDA=Y,LRDA=$O(^LAR(67.99999,1,1,"B",+LRDA,0)) MONTHS ; K DA,DIC S DA(1)=LRDA(1),DA=+LRDA,DIC(0)="AQEN" S DIC="^LAR(67.99999,"_DA(1)_",1,"_DA_",1," S DIC("A")="Select Month: " F D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S LRRPTM(Y)="" I '$O(LRRPTM(0)) W !!?5,"Nothing Selected " G EXIT DATTYP ; K DIR S DIR(0)="S^1:All workload;2:LMIP reportable workload;3:Non-LMIP workload" S DIR("A")="Enter the number for the workload data to report" S DIR("B")=1 S DIR("?")=" reportable for LMIP." S DIR("?",1)="1 - will include all workload data in the file, period." S DIR("?",2)=" " S DIR("?",3)="2 - will include only workload which is associated with a" S DIR("?",4)=" WKLD code that is marked as reportable for LMIP uses." S DIR("?",5)=" " S DIR("?",6)="3 - will include any workload which is not marked as" D ^DIR G:($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) EXIT S LRDTYP=Y,LRHD0=$S(LRDTYP=1:"ALL WORKLOAD DATA FOR: ",LRDTYP=2:"LMIP WORKLOAD DATA FOR: ",1:"Non-LMIP WORKLOAD DATA FOR: ") REPTYP ; K DIR S DIR(0)="S^1:CDR report" S:LRDTYP=2 DIR(0)=DIR(0)_";2:LMIP report;3:CDR and LMIP reports" S DIR("A")="Enter the number for the report(s) you want printed" S DIR("B")=1 D ^DIR G:($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) EXIT S LRRTYP=Y DETSUM ; I (LRRTYP=1)!(LRRTYP=3) D G:$G(LREND) EXIT .W !!,"CDR format selection: " .K DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="S^1:Detailed report;2:Summary report" .D ^DIR .I ($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) S LREND=1 Q .S LRRPT=+X G ^LRARCAM5 EXIT ; D ^%ZISC D KILLALL^LRARCU K ^TMP($J,"RCS14-4"),^TMP($J,"LMIP"),LRERR Q ERROR W !!,$C(7),"This file does not have an archival activity with the status of archived." W !,"Therefore this file may be incomplete if archiving is still in progress." W !! Q