LRBLAUD1 ;TOG/CYM -AUDIT TRAIL UTILITY ;4/30/97 14:00 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**90,247**;Sep 27, 1994 ;Per VHA Directive 97-033 this routine should not be modified. Medical Device # BK970021 ; ; This routine is called by file 65 edit template LRBLIDTM ; ; When a transfusion of TRANSFUSE is edited, the routine ; gathers all information that is deleted along with the ; disposition, puts into an array for later addition to the ; audit trail ; ; Utility also allows for entries in the MODIFY TO/FROM field ; to go onto the audit trail ; DISP ; When editing Unit Disposition, gets ; all associated data in files 65 and 63 that are also cleaned up ; and saves variables in the case the Disposition is Edited and the ; appropriate patient's transfusion record needs to be cleaned up. ; If so, these entries are then added to the audit trail. S LRDISP=$G(^LRD(65,DA,4)),LRDSP=$P(LRDISP,U),LRDISDT=$P(LRDISP,U,2),LRPERS=$P(LRDISP,U,3),LRDIPD=$P(LRDISP,U,4) S LRPTRANS=$G(^LRD(65,DA,6)),LRPTR=$P(LRPTRANS,U),LRPHYS=$P(LRPTRANS,U,2),LRTS=$P(LRPTRANS,U,3),LRREC=$P(LRPTRANS,U,4),LRREACT=$P(LRPTRANS,U,5) S LRPROVN=$P(LRPTRANS,U,6),LRTSNUM=$P(LRPTRANS,U,7),LRRXTYPE=$P(LRPTRANS,U,8) I LRPTR]"" D . S LRPTREC=$G(^LR(LRPTR,1.6,LRREC,0)),LRTRDT=$P(LRPTREC,U),LRCOMP=$P(LRPTREC,U,2),LRCOMPID=$P(LRPTREC,U,3),LRENTP=$P(LRPTREC,U,4),LRUNABO=$P(LRPTREC,U,5) . S LRUNRH=$P(LRPTREC,U,6),LRPOOL=$P(LRPTREC,U,7),LRRECRX=$P(LRPTREC,U,8),LROLD=$P(LRPTREC,U,9),LRVOL=$P(LRPTREC,U,10),LRTYPE=$P(LRPTREC,U,11) Q ; DISP1 ; Actual code that adds data removed from the system when a ; disposition is deleted when using the option LRBLSED. Q:$D(^LRD(65,DA,4)) S O=$G(LRDISDT),Z="65,4.2" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRPERS),Z="65,4.3" I O]"" S X="Orig Entry Deleted" D EN^LRUD S O=$G(LRDIPD),Z="65,4.4" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRPTR),Z="65,6.1" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRPHYS),Z="65,6.2" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRTS),Z="65,6.3" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRREC),Z="65,6.4" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRREACT),Z="65,6.5" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRPROVN),Z="65,6.6" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRTSNUM),Z="65,6.7" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRRXTYPE),Z="65,6.8" D AUDIT Q:'$D(LRPTR) Q:LRPTR']"" S O=$G(LRTRDT),Z="63.017,.01" S DA(1)=LRPTR,DA=LRREC D AUDIT S O=$G(LRCOMP),Z="63.017,.02" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRCOMPID),Z="63.017,.03" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRENTP),Z="63.017,.04" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRUNABO),Z="63.017,.05" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRUNRH),Z="63.017,.06" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRPOOL),Z="63.017,.07" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRRECRX),Z="63.017,.08" D AUDIT S O=$G(LROLD),Z="63.017,.09" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRVOL),Z="63.017,.1" D AUDIT S O=$G(LRTYPE),Z="63.017,.11" D AUDIT Q ; AUDIT I O]"" S X="Deleted" D EN^LRUD Q ; K ; Kills variables created during editing of a disposition K LRIEN,NODE2,LRDISDT,LRDISP,LRDSP,LRDIST,LRPERS,LRPTRANS,LRDIPD,LRPTR,LRPHYS,LRTS,LRREC,LRREACT,LRPROVN,LRTSNUM,LRRXTYPE,LRPTREC,LRTRDT,LRCOMP,LRCOMPID,LRENTP,LRUNABO,LRUNRH,LRPOOL,LRRECRX,LROLD,LRVOL,LRTYPE,MOD,BEGMOD,AFTMOD,BEGM Q ; DISP4 ; Actual code used to evaluate when the DISPOSITION field (4.1) ; is edited and the software edits/deletes associated ; fields. Each field is evaluated and if there is a change ; the changes are captured on the audit trail. S LRM=$G(^LRD(65,DA,4)) S O=$G(LRDISDT),X=$P(LRM,U,2),Z="65,4.2" D CHECK S O=$G(LRPERS),X=DUZ,Z="65,4.3" D CHECK S O=$G(LRDIPD),X=$P(LRM,U,4),Z="65,4.4" D CHECK S LRM=$G(^LRD(65,DA,6)) S O=$G(LRPTR),X=$P(LRM,U),Z="65,6.1" D CHECK S O=$G(LRPHYS),X=$P(LRM,U,2),Z="65,6.2" D CHECK S O=$G(LRTS),X=$P(LRM,U,3),Z="65,6.3" D CHECK S O=$G(LRREC),X=$P(LRM,U,4),Z="65,6.4" D CHECK S O=$G(LRREACT),X=$P(LRM,U,5),Z="65,6.5" D CHECK S O=$G(LRPROVN),X=$P(LRM,U,6),Z="65,6.6" D CHECK S O=$G(LRTSNUM),X=$P(LRM,U,7),Z="65,6.7" D CHECK S O=$G(LRRXTYPE),X=$P(LRM,U,8),Z="65,6.8" D CHECK I LRPTR]"" D DISP5 Q ; DISP5 ; If Disposition is edited to TRANSFUSE, routine LRBLJED creates ; a patient transfusion record in file 63. Following code adds ; those changes to the audit trail. S LRM=$G(^LR(LRPTR,1.6,LRREC,0)) S O=$G(LRTRDT),X=$P(LRM,U),Z="63.017,.01" S DA(1)=LRPTR,DA=LRREC D CHECK S O=$G(LRCOMP),X=$P(LRM,U,2),Z="63.017,.02" D CHECK S O=$G(LRCOMPID),X=$P(LRM,U,3),Z="63.017,.03" D CHECK S O=$G(LRENTP),X=$P(LRM,U,4),Z="63.017,.04" D CHECK S O=$G(LRUNABO),X=$P(LRM,U,5),Z="63.017,.05" D CHECK S O=$G(LRUNRH),X=$P(LRM,U,6),Z="63.017,.06" D CHECK S O=$G(LRPOOL),X=$P(LRM,U,7),Z="63.017,.07" D CHECK S O=$G(LRRECRX),X=$P(LRM,U,8),Z="63.017,.08" D CHECK S O=$G(LROLD),X=$P(LRM,U,9),Z="63.017,.09" D CHECK S O=$G(LRVOL),X=$P(LRM,U,10),Z="63.017,.1" D CHECK S O=$G(LRTYPE),X=$P(LRM,U,11),Z="63.017,.11" D CHECK Q ; MOD ; At the beginning of an edit session, collects all data ; in the MODIFIED TO/FROM field multiple, puts into a ; BEGM() array and counts total for later comparison. S (MOD,BEGMOD)=0 F S MOD=$O(^LRD(65,LRIEN,9,MOD)) Q:MOD'>0 S BEGMOD=BEGMOD+1,BEGM(LRIEN,9,MOD)=^LRD(65,LRIEN,9,MOD,0) Q ; MOD2 ; If a disposition of MODIFY is deleted, collects all data in the ; MODIFY TO/FROM field multiple (from the BEGM() array), and adds ; to the audit trail before the software deletes the entries. Q:'$D(BEGM) S DA(1)=DA,MOD=0 F S MOD=$O(^LRD(65,LRIEN,9,MOD)) Q:MOD'>0 D . S LRM=^LRD(65,LRIEN,9,MOD,0) . S O=$P(LRM,U),Z="65.091,.01" D AUDIT . S O=$P(LRM,U,2),Z="65.091,.02" D AUDIT . S O=$P(LRM,U,3),Z="65.091,.03" D AUDIT Q ; MOD3 ; Counts MODIFY TO/FROM entries after unit is modified. ; If total entries after modification < total entries before ; modification puts deleted entry onto the audit trail S (MOD,AFTMOD)=0 F S MOD=$O(^LRD(65,LRIEN,9,MOD)) Q:MOD'>0 S AFTMOD=AFTMOD+1,AFTM(LRIEN,9,MOD)=^LRD(65,LRIEN,9,MOD,0) I AFTMOD0 D .. I '$D(^LRD(65,LRIEN,9,AUD)) D ... S LRM=BEGM(LRIEN,9,AUD) ... S O=$P(LRM,U),Z="65.091,.01" D AUDIT ... S O=$P(LRM,U,2),Z="65.091,.02" D AUDIT ... S O=$P(LRM,U,3),Z="65.091,.03" D AUDIT I AFTMOD>BEGMOD D . S AUD=0 . F S AUD=$O(AFTM(LRIEN,9,AUD)) Q:AUD'>0 D .. I '$D(BEGM(LRIEN,9,AUD)) D ... S LRM=^LRD(65,LRIEN,9,AUD,0) ... S X=$P(LRM,U),Z="65.091,.01",O="" D EN^LRUD ... S X=$P(LRM,U,2),Z="65.091,.02",O="" D EN^LRUD Q CHECK I O'=X D EN^LRUD Q