LRBLJDM ;AVAMC/REG/CYM - MULTIPLE COMP PREP, INVENTORY ;5/21/97 14:56 ; 12/7/00 7:12am ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**90,247,267**;Sep 27, 1994 ;Per VHA Directive 97-033 this routine should not be modified. Medical Device # BK970021 S X=^LAB(66,LRV,0),LRP(LRV)=$P(X,"^")_"^"_$P(X,"^",10)_"^"_$P(X,"^",11)_"^"_$P(X,"^",18),LRZ=$P(X,"^",19) C S DIC="^LAB(66,LRE(4),3,",DIC(0)="AEQMZ" D ^DIC K DIC I Y>0 S (X,Y)=+Y,X=^LAB(66,X,0),LRP(Y)=$P(X,"^")_"^"_$P(X,"^",10)_"^"_$P(X,"^",11)_"^"_$P(X,"^",18) D:'$P(^LAB(66,LRE(4),3,Y,0),"^",2) ONLY D:$D(LRP(Y)) CK G C G:'$D(LRP) OUT S S=0 W !,"You have selected the following component(s): " S X=0 F X(1)=0:1 S X=$O(LRP(X)) Q:'X W !,$P(LRP(X),"^"),?40,"vol(ml):",$J($P(LRP(X),"^",2),5) S S=S+$P(LRP(X),"^",2) W !?48,"-----",!?34,"Total vol(ml):",$J(S,5) I S>LRM W !!,$C(7),"Total volume of components greater than unit. SELECTIONS DELETED TRY AGAIN !",!! K LRP S LRZ=0 G C W !?5,"All OK " S %=1 D YN^LRU I %'=1 W " SELECTIONS DELETED TRY AGAIN",! K LRP G C S LRE(1)=$P(LRE,"^"),LRV(10)=LRV(10)/X(1) I LRV(10)["." S LRV(10)=$P(LRV(10),".")_"."_$E($P(LRV(10),".",2),1,2) F LRH=0:0 S LRH=$O(LRP(LRH)) Q:'LRH S LRV=LRH,LRV(1)=$P(LRP(LRH),"^"),LRM=$P(LRP(LRH),"^",2),LRO(1)=$P(LRP(LRH),"^",3),LRD=$P(LRP(LRH),"^",4) D:LRO(1) F D:LRO(1)="" T D S Q ONLY W !!,$C(7),"Component selected must be the ONLY ONE for this unit.",!," Selection ",$P(LRP(Y),"^")," canceled !",! K LRP(Y) Q CK I LRZ,$P(X,"^",19) W $C(7),!!,"Cannot select more than one red blood cell product.",!,"Selection ",$P(LRP(Y),"^")," canceled !",! K LRP(Y) Q S:'LRZ LRZ=$P(X,"^",19) Q ; T S Y=$P(LRE,"^",6) D D^LRU S LRO(1)=Y Q ; F ;from LRBLJD S T(2)="."_$P(LRO(1),".",2)*1440,LRO(1)=$P(LRO(1),".") S X="N",%DT="T" D ^%DT S X=Y,Y=Y_"000",T(3)=$E(Y,9,10)*60+$E(Y,11,12) D H^%DTC S T(5)=T(3)+T(2),%H=%H+LRO(1)+(T(5)\1440),T(5)=T(5)#1440\1 D D^LRUT I LRO(9)<2 S T(3)=T(5)\60,T(3)=$E("00",1,2-$L(T(3)))_T(3),T(4)=T(5)#60,T(4)=$E("00",1,2-$L(T(4)))_T(4),T(4)=T(3)_T(4) S:+T(4) X=X_"."_T(4) S Y=$P(X,"."),X=$P(X,".",2) D D^LRU S LRO(1)=$S(X:Y_"@"_X,1:Y) Q ; S ;from LRBLJD S LRE(1)=$P(LRE,"^")_LRV(11) S:'$D(^LRD(65,LRX,9,0)) ^(0)="^65.091PAI^^" S X=^(0),C=$P(X,"^",4)+1,^(0)=$P(X,"^",1,2)_"^"_C_"^"_C,^(C,0)=LRV_"^"_LRE(1)_"^"_2 D:C>1 SET D ^LRBLJDA Q:'LRCAPA F A=0:0 S A=$O(^LAB(66,LRV,9,A)) Q:'A S LRT(A)="" D ^LRBLW K LRT S LRT=LRW("MO") Q SET S C=0 F A=0:0 S A=$O(^LRD(65,LRX,9,A)) Q:'A S:$P(^(A,0),"^",3)=2 C=C+1 S $P(^LRD(65,LRX,4),"^",4)="("_C_")" Q ; D I LRCAPA,'$O(^LAB(66,LRV,9,0)) W $C(7),!,!!,"Must enter WKLD CODES in BLOOD PRODUCT FILE (#66)",!,"for ",$P(^LAB(66,LRV,0),U)," to divide unit.",! D OUT Q R !,"Enter number of aliquots (1-5): ",A:DTIME I A=""!(A[U) D OUT Q S A=+A I A>5!(A<1) W !!,"Answer must be 1,2,3,4, or 5",! G D ; Insert logic for ISBT128 units so that splitting follows ISBT128 naming conventions G:$$ISBTSPLT(LRX,A) D S LR("C")=A,LRM=LRM\A,LRV(10)=LRV(10)/A S:LRV(10)["." LRV(10)=$P(LRV(10),".")_"."_$E($P(LRV(10),".",2),1,2) I $$ISISBT($P(LRE,U,4)) D .N LRBLPCOD,CNT .S LRBLPCOD=$$GET1^DIQ(66,$P(LRE,U,4),.05) .S LRV(11)="" .S I=0 F CNT=0:1 S I=$O(^LRD(65,LRX,16,I)) Q:'I ; Count pre-existing child units .F B=1:1:LR("C") S $E(LRBLPCOD,($L(LRBLPCOD)-1))=$C(64+CNT+B),LRV=$$FIND1^DIC(66,,,LRBLPCOD,"D"),LRV(1)=$$GET1^DIQ(66,LRV,.01) D S I '$$ISISBT($P(LRE,U,4)) F B=1:1:LR("C") S LRV(11)=$C(64+B) D S Q ; OUT D K^LRBLJD Q ; ISISBT(PROD) ; This function should only be called within this routine ; This function is a boolean of whether a product type is ISBT128 (true) or Codabar (false) Q $$GET1^DIQ(66,PROD,.29,"I") ; ISBTSPLT(UIEN,NUM) ; This function should only be called from within this routine ; This function checks for an appropriate number of split units for ISBT128 product types ; UIEN Unit Internal Entry Number ; PROD is the product code ; NUM is the number of aliquots requested by the user N ANS ; This is the flag that determines whether the function fails the check N I,CHK,CODE,PROD,CNT I '$G(UIEN)!('$G(NUM)) Q 1 ; No go if parent unit or number is not indicated S PROD=$P(^LRD(65,UIEN,0),"^",4) S (ANS,I)=0 I $$ISISBT(PROD) D Q ANS .S CODE=$$GET1^DIQ(66,PROD,.05),CHK=0 .I $E(CODE,($L(CODE)-1),$L(CODE))'="00" D Q ; Only parent units with '00' at the end of the end of the ..; ; product code can be split ..S ANS=1 ..W !,"This ISBT128 unit cannot be split because the product" ..W !,"code does not end in '00'.",*7 .; .F CNT=0:1 S I=$O(^LRD(65,UIEN,16,I)) Q:'I ; Get a count of any child units already created and add them in .; ; in the search below .F I=1:1:NUM S $E(CODE,($L(CODE)-1))=$C(64+CNT+I) Q:'$$FIND1^DIC(66,,,CODE,"D") S CHK=CHK+1 .I CHK'=NUM D ..S ANS=1 ..W !,(NUM-CHK)," MORE DIVIDED BLOOD PRODUCT ENTR"_$S((NUM-CHK)>1:"IES",1:"Y")_" MUST BE CREATED BEFORE THE PRODUCT" ..W !,"TYPE YOU HAVE SELECTED CAN BE SPLIT INTO "_NUM_" UNIT"_$S(NUM>1:"S.",1:"."),*7 Q ANS