LRCHIVD ;SLC/MRH/DALISC/FHS - DEARCHIVE FROM ^LAR TO ^LR ;2/5/91 12:31 ; ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**125**;Sep 27, 1994 ;ONCE THE GLOBAL ^LAR HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE SYSTEM START ; W !,"This option will restore Laboratory data that has been archived ",!,"This data will again be removed from the ^LR global the next time the",!,"ARCHIVE program runs.",!! ASK W !,"Do you wish to continue " S U="^",%=2 D YN^DICN G TEXT:%=0,STOP:%'=1 I '$D(^LAR("Z")) W !,$C(7),"The LAR global is not on the system. Load it",!,"from where you have it stored and start again." G STOP NPC ;Check to ensure the routine ^LRNPXA has been ran - 'it sets the 'NPC' node W !!?5,"Checking ^LAR( for New Person Conversion ",! S LRDFN=0 F CNT=1:1:80 S LRDFN=$O(^LAR("Z",LRDFN)) Q:LRDFN<1!($G(LRNOP)) W "." D . S LRIDT=$O(^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"CH",0)) Q:'LRIDT I '$G(^(LRIDT,"NPC")) S LRNOP=1 K LRDFN,LRIDT,CNT I $G(LRNOP) W !!,"You must FIRST run the option",!," 'Convert archived data to use New Person file",!,$C(7) G CONV W !!?5,"File appears to have been Converted to New Person.",!! S %=2 W !,"Do you wish to restore data for ALL patients " D YN^DICN G ALL:%=1,TEXT:%=0,STOP:%<0 PT K LRCHND,LRMIND S DIC=0 D ^LRDPA G:Y'>0 STOP I '$L(SSN) W !,$C(7),"No identifier defined for this patient" G STOP I '$D(^LAR("SSN",SSN(2)))&('$D(^(SSN))) W !,$C(7),"NO ARCHIVED DATA EXISTS FOR THIS PATIENT! " G PT S LRDFN=$S($D(^LAR("SSN",SSN(2))):$O(^(SSN(2),0)),$D(^LAR("SSN",SSN)):$O(^(SSN,0))) I $D(^LAR("Z",LRDFN,0)) S LRCHKSUM=$P(^LAR("Z",LRDFN,0),U,1,3) I LRCHKSUM'=$P(^LR(LRDFN,0),"^",1,3) W !,$C(7),"The file entries do not match, I can go no further!" G PT I $D(^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"CH",0)) S LRCHND=^(0) S $P(^(0),U,2)="63.04D" I $D(^LR(LRDFN,"CH",0)) K ^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"CH",0) I $D(^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"MI",0)) S LRMIND=^(0) S $P(^(0),U,2)="63.05DA" I $D(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",0)) K ^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"MI",0) S Z=^LR(LRDFN,0),%X="^LAR(""Z"",LRDFN,",%Y="^LR(LRDFN," D %XY^%RCR S ^LR(LRDFN,0)=Z S:$D(LRCHND) ^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"CH",0)=LRCHND S:$D(LRMIND) ^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"MI",0)=LRMIND W !,$C(7),"DONE FOR THIS PATIENT",! G PT EXIT ; W !,$C(7),"ALL DONE !",$C(7) STOP K %X,%Y,%,SSN,LRCHND,LRMIND,LRDFN,LRIDT,LRNOP,CNT,LRCHKSUM,DIC Q TEXT W !!,"Just answer ""YES"" or ""NO""." G ASK ALL W !,"This may take some time!",! F LRDFN=0:0 S LRDFN=$O(^LAR("Z",LRDFN)) Q:LRDFN<1 D .I $D(^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"CH",0)) S LRCHND=^(0) S $P(^(0),U,2)="63.04D" .I $D(^LR(LRDFN,"CH",0)) K ^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"CH",0) .I $D(^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"MI",0)) S LRMIND=^(0) S $P(^(0),U,2)="63.05DA" .I $D(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",0)) K ^LAR("Z",LRDFN,"MI",0) .S Z=^LR(LRDFN,0),%X="^LAR(""Z"",LRDFN,",%Y="^LR(LRDFN," D %XY^%RCR S ^LR(LRDFN,0)=Z G EXIT CONV ; W !,"Would you like to run the conversion option now " S %=1 D YN^DICN I %'=1 G STOP D ^LRNPXA G STOP Q EN ; FIND K DIC S DIC=0 D ^LRDPA Q:LRDFN<1 S DA=$O(^LR(LRDFN,"T",0)) I DA="" W !,"No data archived." G FIND S DIC="^LAB(69.9,1,6,",DR=0 D EN^DIQ F DA=DA:0 S DA=$O(^LR(LRDFN,"T",DA)) Q:DA<1 S K=0 D EN^DIQ G FIND