LREGFR2 ;DALOI/SDV/AH/GDU Calculate Creatinine-eGFR ;Feb 2, 2004 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICES;**377**;Sep 27, 1994;Build 4 ; ; Reference to EN^DDIOL supported by IA #10142 ; Reference to $$GET1^DIQ supported by IA #2056 ; Reference to DEM^VADPT supported by IA # 10061 ; ; This routine is a delta check for the lab test eGFR called by delta ; check CREATININE-EGFR. The eGFR test is calculated. ; ; Provided Data ; DOB - Patient's date of birth ; LRDFN - entry in LAB DATA file ; LRIDT - inverse date/time of entry in LAB DATA file ; LRNG - variable containing normals/units and delta check ; LRSB - dataname for creatinine result ; STRT(DFN,LRTR) ; Start Processing the Routine ; Call with DFN = parent file ien ; LRTR = serum creatinine value as mg/dl ; ; Do not calculate eGFR if called from group data review. I $D(LRGVP) Q ; N AGE,LRTN,LRDC,LRRC,LRX,LRY,SEX,X,Y ; ; Determine test to store eFGR S LRDC=$P(LRNG,"^",8),LRY="" S LRX=$$GET1^DIQ(62.1,LRDC_",",61.1,"I") I LRX S LRY=$$GET1^DIQ(60,LRX_",",5,"I") S LRTN=$P(LRY,";",2) I LRTN="" D Q . D FILECOM^LRVR4(LRDFN,LRIDT,"For eGFR: **eGFR not Calculated - Delta check not configured**") ; ; Quit if creatinine unchanged and eGFR already calculated and not 'pending'. I $P($G(LRSB(LRSB)),"^")=LRTR,$P($G(LRSB(LRTN)),"^")'="",$P(LRSB(LRTN),"^")'="pending" Q ; ; Check for eGFR dataname in test editing profile. ; If creatinine changed and eGFR previously calculated then warn. I '$D(^TMP("LR",$J,"TMP",LRTN)) D Q . I $P($G(LRSB(LRSB)),"^")=LRTR Q . I $P($G(^LR(LRDFN,"CH",LRIDT,LRTN)),"^")'="" D FILECOM^LRVR4(LRDFN,LRIDT,"For eGFR: **eGFR not in test editing profile - Creatinine Changed**") ; ; Calculate age based on specimen date/time S AGE="" I LRCDT,DOB S AGE=($$FMDIFF^XLFDT(LRCDT,DOB,1))\365.25 I 'AGE D Q . S $P(LRSB(LRTN),"^")="canc" . D FILECOM^LRVR4(LRDFN,LRIDT,"For eGFR: **eGFR not Calculated - No Age Recorded**") ; S SEX="" I LRDPF=2 S SEX=$P(VADM(5),U) I LRDPF=67 S SEX=$$GET1^DIQ(67,DFN_",",.02,"I") I SEX=""!("MF"'[SEX) D Q . S $P(LRSB(LRTN),"^")="canc" . D FILECOM^LRVR4(LRDFN,LRIDT,"For eGFR: **eGFR not Calculated - No Sex Recorded**") ; ; Determine race S LRRC=$$RACE(DFN) ; ; Compute eGFR return-value ; Set user(DUZ) and site(DUZ(2) in case delta check calculated during ; entry of reference lab results. I LRTR D . N LREGFR,LRX,PRMT . S LREGFR=175*(LRTR**-1.154)*(AGE**-.203) ; Using a constant of 175. This is to support the updated creatinine methodology . I SEX="F" S LREGFR=LREGFR*.742 . I LRRC=1 S LREGFR=LREGFR*1.21 . I 'LREGFR Q . S LRX=+$$GET1^DID(63.04,LRTN,"","DECIMAL DEFAULT") . S $P(LRSB(LRTN),"^")=$FN(LREGFR,"",LRX) . S $P(LRSB(LRTN),"^",4)=$G(DUZ),$P(LRSB(LRTN),"^",9)=$G(DUZ(2)) . I LRRC="U" D FILECOM^LRVR4(LRDFN,LRIDT,"For eGFR: Race unknown, if African American multiply result by 1.210") Q ; ; RACE(DFN) ; Get Race ; Call with DFN = ien of PATIENT file (#2) ; Returns XRC = 1 (African American) ; 0 (non African American) ; U (unknown) ; N XA,XB,XC,XD,XE,XRC S XA="BLACK",XB="AFRICAN",XC="HISPANIC,",XD="UNKNOWN",XE="DECLINED" S XRC="" ; ; If patient from PATIENT file (#2). I LRDPF=2 D . N VADM . D DEM^VADPT . S XRC=$P($G(VADM(12,1)),U,2) . S:XRC="" XRC=$P($G(VADM(8)),U,2) ; ; If patient from REFERRAL file (#67). I LRDPF=67 D . S XRC=$$GET1^DIQ(67,DFN_",",.06) ; ; If race not defined then set to unknown. I XRC="" S XRC="U" ; ; If race contains "BLACK" or "AFRICAN" but not HISPANIC then return "1" I XRC[XA!(XRC[XB) I XRC'[XC S XRC=1 ; ; If unknown or declined then return "U" I XRC[XD!(XRC[XE) S XRC="U" ; If not unknown or African-American then return "0" I XRC'=1,XRC'="U" S XRC=0 Q XRC ; ;************************************************************* ;LR(E)stimated(G)lomerular(F)iltration(R)ate: LREGFR ;LR(T)est(N)ame: LRTN ; (R)esults: LRTR ;LR(R)ace: LRRC ; ;************************************************************* ;* end of routine * ;*************************************************************