LREPIRP3 ;DALOI/CKA-EMERGING PATHOGENS HL7 REPORT CONVERSION ;5/14/2003 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**281**;Sep 27, 1994 ; Reference to $$SITE^VASITE supported by IA #10112 ; Reference to ^DIC(21 supported by IA #2504 Q ;NTE findings of 11, 12, 13, or 14. ;SAVE PID, PV1, and DG1 data. Q PID ; D PID^LREPIRP2 PV1 ; D PV1^LREPIRP2 DG1 ;Save DG1 data ;^XTMP("LREPIREP"_date,PATHOGEN,dfn,"PV1",#,"DG1",#) Q HDG ;Save title heading in ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_date,"HDG",linecount) S SITE=$$SITE^VASITE S LRDTHDG=^TMP("LREPIREP",$J,1) S MSG=$E(LRSP,1,15)_"DETAILED VERIFICATION REPORT OF EPI EXTRACTED DATA" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HDG",1)=MSG S MSG=$E(LRSP,1,80-$L(" FROM STATION "_$P(SITE,U,3)_" "_$P(SITE,U,2))/2)_" FROM STATION "_$P(SITE,U,3)_" "_$P(SITE,U,2) S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HDG",2)=MSG S MSG="PROCESSING PERIOD: " S Y=$$CDT^LREPIRP2($P($P($P(LRDTHDG,HLFS,3),LRCS,2)," ",4)) S MSG=MSG_Y S Y=$$CDT^LREPIRP2($P($P($P(LRDTHDG,HLFS,3),LRCS,2)," ",6)) S LRHDGL2=MSG_" through "_Y S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HDG",3)=$E(LRSP,1,80-$L(LRHDGL2)/2)_LRHDGL2 ;Save Heading info in ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_date,nte,"HDG",linecount) NTE11 ;NTE~11 Report of Malaria heading S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,11,"HDG",1)="NTE~11-Report of Malaria" S MSG="These data note persons at your facility during the month who had an ICD-9" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,11,"HDG",2)=MSG S MSG="coded diagnosis for malaria. Identifying information has been provided." S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,11,"HDG",3)=MSG NTE12 ;NTE~12 Report of Dengue heading S MSG="NTE~12-Report of Dengue" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,12,"HDG",1)=MSG S MSG="These data note persons at your facility during the month who had an ICD-9" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,12,"HDG",2)=MSG S MSG="coded diagnosis for dengue. Identifying information has been provided." S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,12,"HDG",3)=MSG NTE13 ;NTE~13 Report of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease heading S MSG="NTE~13-Report of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,13,"HDG",1)=MSG S MSG="These data note persons at your facility during the month who had an ICD-9" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,13,"HDG",2)=MSG S MSG="coded diagnosis for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Identifying information has been provided." S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,13,"HDG",3)=MSG NTE14 ;NTE~14 Report of Leishmaniasis heading S MSG="NTE~14-Report of Leishmaniasis" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,14,"HDG",1)=MSG S MSG="These data note persons at your facility during the month who had an ICD-9" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,14,"HDG",2)=MSG S MSG="coded diagnosis for Leishmania. Identifying information has been provided." S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,14,"HDG",3)=MSG FOOT ;FOOTER FOR NTE 11,12,13,14 S MSG="Initally, only inpatient cases will be captured; however, eventually it is" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"FOOTNOTE",1)=MSG S MSG="anticiapted that this will include outpatient cases also." S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"FOOTNOTE",2)=MSG NTE7 ;NTE~7 Report of Legionella/Legionaire's heading S MSG="NTE~7- Report of Legionella/Legionaire's" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,7,"HDG",1)=MSG S MSG="These data note persons at your facility during the month who had an EITHER an" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,7,"HDG",2)=MSG S MSG="ICD-9 coded diagnosis for Legionella/Legionaire's disease OR a positive" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,7,"HDG",3)=MSG S MSG="culture result. Identifying information, along with specimen and culture" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,7,"HDG",4)=MSG S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,7,"HDG",5)="results have been provided." NTE9 ;NTE~9 Report of Cryptosporidium heading S MSG="NTE~9-Report of Cryptosporidium" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,9,"HDG",1)=MSG S MSG="These data note persons at your facility during the month who had EITHER an" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,9,"HDG",2)=MSG S MSG="ICD-9 coded diagnosis for Cryptosporidium OR a positive culture result." S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,9,"HDG",3)=MSG S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,9,"HDG",4)="Identifying information, along with specimen and culture results have been" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,9,"HDG",5)="provided." ; NTE2 ;NTE 2 HEP C ANTIBODY POSITIVE HEADING S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,2,"HDG",1)="NTE~2 Report of Hepatitis C antibody positive" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,2,"HDG",2)="This represents a line listing of persons reported during the month who had a" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,2,"HDG",3)="positive test for hepatitis C antibody (based on accession date and not" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,2,"HDG",4)="results reported date). Definitions for data to be extracted are provided" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,2,"HDG",5)="in Technical and User Guide documentation for Laboratory EPI LR*5.2*281." NTE15 ;NTE 15 HEP C ANTIBODY NEGATIVE HEADING S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,15,"HDG",1)="NTE~15 Report of Hepatitis C antibody negative" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,15,"HDG",2)="This represents a line listing of persons reported during the month who had a" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,15,"HDG",3)="negative test for hepatitis C antibody (based on accession date and not" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,15,"HDG",4)="results reported date). Definitions for data to be extracted are provided" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,15,"HDG",5)="in Technical and User Guide documentation for Laboratory EPI LR*5.2*281." NTE16 ;NTE~16 HEP A ANTIBODY POSITIVE HEADINGS S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,16,"HDG",1)="NTE~16 Report of Hepatitis A antibody positive" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,16,"HDG",2)="This represents a line listing of persons reported during the month who had a" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,16,"HDG",3)="positive test for hepatitis A antibody (based on accession date and not" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,16,"HDG",4)="results reported date). Definitions for data to be extracted are provided" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,16,"HDG",5)="in Technical and User Guide documentation for Laboratory EPI LR*5.2*281." NTE17 ;NTE~17 HEP B POSITIVE HEADING S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,17,"HDG",1)="NTE~17 Report of Hepatitis B positive" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,17,"HDG",2)="This represents a line listing of persons reported during the month who had a" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,17,"HDG",3)="positive test for hepatitis B (based on accession date and not results" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,17,"HDG",4)="reported date). Definitions for data to be extracted are provided in" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,17,"HDG",5)="Technical and User Guide documentation for Laboratory EPI LR*5.2*281." UPD ;UPDATES HEADING S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",1)="UPDATES" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",2)="This section presents patients who had a transmission of information during a" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",3)="month on an EPI defined topic that was incomplete. These patients have" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",4)="information that has been transmitted during the current processing month in" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",5)="order to complete the EPI files. This information usually contains inpatient" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",6)="information about discharge date, ICD-9 coded diagnoses and occasionally will" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",7)="contain laboratory based testing. This line listing of patient, SSN, and" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",8)="admission date and discharge date is provided to assist with analysis should" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",9)="an processing/error report occur with your monthly automated transmission of" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"UPDHDG",10)="this data." PHARM ;PHARMACY DATA HEADINGS S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"PHHDG",1)="Pharmacy-based data extracted for EPI data base." HEPC ;HEP C RISK ASSESSMENT HEADING S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",1)="Detailed Listing of Hepatitis C Risk Assessment" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",2)="These Health factors/Resolved terms for hepatitis C risk assessment are the" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",3)="national Health factors used for roll-up of risk assessment data. They may not" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",4)="reflect the terms actually utilized (seen) in the Clinical Reminder package at" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",5)="this facility. To determine which local/facility Clinical Reminder health" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",6)="factor(s) correspond(s) to the national term, please contact your facility" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",7)="Clinical Reminder application coordinator. Note that hepatitis C infection" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",8)="is based on a previously ICD-9 coded diagnosis of hepatitis C at your site/" S ^XTMP("LREPIREP"_LRDATE,"HEPCHDG",9)="facility." Q