LRLNC63A ;DALOI/FHS-HISTORICAL LOINC MAPPER UTILITY ;01/30/2001 15:19 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**279**;Sep 27, 1994 XQA ;Send alert message S XQA("G.LMI")="" D SETUP^XQALERT Q RANGE ; Change for high/low ranges $S( statement to a numeric value K LRP,VAL,VALX I 'LR5 S AGE=+$$DATE^LRDAGE(DOB,LRCDT) I AGE<1 S AGE=99 F LRP=2:1:5 D . S VAL=$P(LRDATA5,"!",LRP) . Q:'$L(VAL) . Q:VAL'["$S(" . S VALX="S VALX="_VAL . X VALX . S $P(LRDATA5,"!",LRP)=VALX,LR5=1 Q XTMP(LRSUB) ;Setup XTMP("LRLNC",1,LRSUB)=Result NLT code Q:$D(^XTMP("LRLNC63",1,LRSUB)) N LRCHK,LRTST S (LRCHK,LRTST)=0 F S LRTST=$O(^LAB(60,"C","CH;"_LRSUB_";1",LRTST)) Q:LRTST<1!($G(LRCHK)) D . Q:'$P($G(^LAB(60,LRTST,64)),U,2) . S ^XTMP("LRLNC63",1,LRSUB)=$$NLT(LRTST),LRCHK=^(LRSUB) I '$G(LRCHK) S ^XTMP("LRLNC63",1,LRSUB)="-1" Q NLT(X) ; N Y S Y=$S($D(^LAM(+$P($G(^LAB(60,+X,64)),U,2),0)):$P(^(0),U,2),1:"") Q Y LIST ;List those test not have result NLT codes defined K ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J) N LRANS,LRSB,LRCNT,LRX S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",1,0)="List of tests missing RNLT codes in LABORTORY TEST (#60) file," S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",2,0)="found during LOINC Historical Mapping process." S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",3,0)="These test(s) will have no historical LOINC mapping performed." S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",4,0)=" " S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",5,0)="[Test IEN] Test Name Type " S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",6,0)="" S LRCNT=6,LRSB=0 F S LRSB=$O(^XTMP("LRLNC63",1,LRSB)) Q:LRSB<1 S LRX=^(LRSB) D . Q:LRX>0 . S LRCH="CH;"_LRSB_";1",LRTST=0 . F S LRTST=$O(^LAB(60,"C",LRCH,LRTST)) Q:LRTST<1 D . . Q:'$D(^LAB(60,LRTST,0))#2 . . N LRANS,LRV,LRANS . . S LRV=LRTST_"," . . D GETS^DIQ(60,LRV,".01;3","E","LRANS") . . S LRCNT=LRCNT+1 . . S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",LRCNT,0)="["_LRTST_"] "_$G(LRANS(60,LRV,.01,"E"))_" -- Type: "_$G(LRANS(60,LRV,3,"E")) MAIL ;Send mail message containing tests not having RNLT codes. ;Therefore not historical LOINC mapping could be done. D . I '$O(^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",6)) D . . S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"LST",7,0)="Negative Report - All test have RNLT codes definded" . N XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMY,XMSUB . S XMSUB="LOINC Historical Mapping Exception Report" . S XMTEXT="^TMP(""LRLNC63"","_$J_",""LST""," . S XMDUZ=.5 . S XMY("G.LMI")="" . D ^XMD MAP ;Provide a list of mapped test in ^ delimited format N NODE,LRSB,LRNLT,LRSPECN,LRCDEF,LRLNC,LRTST S LRMCNT=0 S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"MAP",1,0)="List of test mapped to LOINC codes formatted with '^' as field delimiter." S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"MAP",2,0)=" " S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"MAP",3,0)="DataName#^Test Name^Specimen^Specimen IEN^RNLT^NLT suffix^LOINC Code" S LRMCNT=3 S NODE="^XTMP(""LRLNC63"","_$J_",""MAP"")" F S NODE=$Q(@NODE) Q:$QS(NODE,2)'="MAP" D . S LRSB=$QS(NODE,3),LRSPEC=$QS(NODE,4) . S LRNLT=$QS(NODE,5) . S LRSPECN=$S($D(^LAB(61,+LRSPEC,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"Missing") . S LRCDEF=$QS(NODE,6) . S LRLNC=$QS(NODE,7),LRLNC=$$GET1^DIQ(95.3,LRLNC_",",.01,"E") . S LRTST=+$O(^LAB(60,"C","CH;"_LRSB_";1",0)) . S LRTST=$S($D(^LAB(60,LRTST,0))#2:$P(^(0),U),1:"Unknown") . S LRMCNT=+$G(LRMCNT)+1 . S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,"MAP",LRMCNT,0)=LRSB_U_LRTST_U_LRSPECN_U_LRSPEC_U_LRNLT_U_LRCDEF_U_LRLNC MAPMAIL ;Send mail message containing mapped test D . N XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMY,XMSUB . S XMSUB="LOINC Historical Mapped LOINC tests" . S XMTEXT="^TMP(""LRLNC63"","_$J_",""MAP""," . S XMDUZ=.5 . S XMY("G.LMI")="" . D ^XMD CLEAN ; K ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J) Q DECIMAL ;Check for possible LRDFN's >999999 - LRDFN maybe set to LRIDT format S (LRNXT,LRSEQ)=999999 Q:'$O(^LR(LRSEQ)) S ^XTMP("LRLNC63","SEQ",LRSEQ,"START")=$$NOW^XLFDT F S LRNXT=$O(^LR(LRNXT)) Q:$S(LRNXT<1:1,$G(^XTMP("LRLNC63","STOP")):1,1:0) D I $$S^%ZTLOAD(LRSEQ_" Stopped at "_LRNXT) S ZTSTOP=1 Q . I '$G(^LR(LRNXT,0)) S ^XTMP("LRLNC63","SEQ",LRSEQ)=LRNXT Q . D LK6304^LRLNC63(LRNXT) . S ^XTMP("LRLNC63","SEQ",LRSEQ)=LRNXT I $G(^XTMP("LRLNC63","STOP")) D Q . N LRNOW . S LRNOW=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,1) . S ^XTMP("LRLNC63","SEQ",LRSEQ,"END")="USER STOP"_U_$$NOW^XLFDT . S XQAMSG="LOINC Historical Mapper Sequence "_LRSEQ_" STOPPED @ "_LRNOW . D XQA . L -^XTMP("LRLNC63","TASK",LRSEQ) S XQAMSG="LOINC Historical Mapper LRDFN sequence "_LRSEQ_" completed @ "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,1) DONE ; Send alert message when LRDFN sequence range mapping is finished L -^XTMP("LRLNC63","TASK",LRSEQ) S ^XTMP("LRLNC63","SEQ",LRSEQ,"END")=$$NOW^XLFDT D XQA UPDATE ;If mapping complete, send list of tests not having result NLT codes ;Update fields 95.3,95.31 in LAB(69.9 file with date and last LRDFN K LRSEQX,LRNOP,LRFDA,LRERR S LRNOP=0 F LRSEQX=1:20000:LRLST D Q:$G(LRNOP) . I '$G(^XTMP("LRLNC63","SEQ",LRSEQX,"END")) S LRNOP=1 Q:$G(LRNOP) D LIST^LRLNC63A S LRFDA(95,69.9,"1,",95.3)=DT S LRFDA(95,69.9,"1,",95.31)=+$P($G(LRLST),".") D FILE^DIE("KS","LRFDA(95)","LRERR") Q RERUN ; This will restart the historical mapping from the beginning. ; To restart call QUE^LRLNC63 N DIR,DIRUT,Y W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR(" This will re-run LOINC Historical Mapping from the beginning ",80) W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("reseting all globals to zero.",80) W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR(" To restart from a stopping point use the",80) W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("LAB DATA LOINC Mapping Option.",80),!! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you certain you want to proceed" D ^DIR I $G(Y)'=1 Q K ^XTMP("LRLNC63") D QUE^LRLNC63 Q