LRLNC63B ;DALOI/FHS-HISTORICAL LOINC MAPPING MODIFIER ;01/30/2001 15:19 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**279**;Sep 27, 1994 EN ; K DIR W @IOF W !!,$$CJ^XLFSTR("This option will allow you to manage how specific DataNames",80) W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("will be mapped to LOINC Codes for historical data.",80) W !!,$$LJ^XLFSTR("You are able to override file definitions to correct past LOINC mappings.",80) W !,$$LJ^XLFSTR("Select the CH subsripted test, indicate the suffix to be used.",80) W !,$$LJ^XLFSTR("You can indicate if this suffix should override previous LOINC Mapping.",80),! W !,$$LJ^XLFSTR("This option will REMAP your entire database.",80),!! W !,$$LJ^XLFSTR("This option should only be run on weekends after hours.",80),! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=" Do you wish to continue " D ^DIR Q:$G(Y)'=1 K ^XTMP("LRLNC63",2),^XTMP("LRLNC63","LST"),^TMP("LR",$J),^TMP("LRLNC63",$J),LRCNT,LROX SELECT ;Indicate which DATANAMES LOINC definition to be changed. K LRMOD,LRY,NODE S LRY=1 F W !! Q:$G(LRY)<1 D . K DIR,X . W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Selection can be a 'CH' Atomic or Panel test.",80),! . S DIR("?")="Selection can be an Atomic or Panel test." . S DIR("?",1)="Only those tests with a Result code will be stored." . S DIR(0)="PO^60:EMZ",DIR("S")="I $P(^(0),U,4)=""CH""" . S DIR("A")="Select test you want to modify mapping" . D ^DIR . S LRY=Y Q:Y<1 . S LRYY=$P($P(Y(0),U,5),";",2)_U_LRY . D EXPAND ; DISPLAY ;Show what has been recorded K DIRUT,LRY I '$O(^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,0)) W !?5,"Nothing was selected, Process Aborted",! Q W @IOF W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Here is a list of what you have selected.",80) W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("[O] indicates override current mapping.",80),! D . D ^%ZIS Q:POP . U IO . N DIR . S DIR="E" . S NODE="^TMP(""LRLNC63"","_$J_",0)" F S NODE=$Q(@NODE) Q:$S(NODE="":1,$QS(NODE,2)'=$J:1,1:0) D Q:$D(DIRUT) . . I $Y>(IOSL-3) D . . . I $E(IOST,1.2)="C-" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) . . . W @IOF . . . W !,"Here is a list of what you have selected." . . . W !,"[O] indicates override current mapping.",! . . D SHO . W:$E(IOST,1)="P" @IOF . D ^%ZISC CHK ; ; K ^TMP("LR",$J) W ! I $D(DIRUT) S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=" Do you want to STOP" D ^DIR G:$G(Y)=1 END K DIR S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="You wish to add more" D ^DIR I $G(Y)=1 G SELECT I $G(Y)=U G END ; W ! S DIR("A")=" Do you want to delete an entry" D ^DIR G END:$G(Y)=U I $G(Y)=1 D EDIT G DISPLAY I $O(^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,0)) D . S LRMOD=1,ZTSAVE("LRMOD")="" . S NODE="^TMP(""LRLNC63"",0)" . F S NODE=$Q(@NODE) Q:$S($QS(NODE,2)'=$J:1,1:0) D . . S ^XTMP("LRLNC63",2,$QS(NODE,5))=@NODE FIRE ;Run the mapping tasking function D QUE^LRLNC63 Q END ; K DIRUT K ^XTMP("LRLNC63",2) Q SHO ; N LRX,LRXY S LRX=@NODE W !,$QS(NODE,3)_" "_$S($P(LRX,U,6):"[O]",1:" "),?7,$E($P(LRX,U,3),1,30),?40,$E($P(LRX,U,4),1,25),?70,"/ ",$P(LRX,U,5) ;S LRXY=$QS(NODE,1)_" "_$P(LRX,U,3)_" - "_$P(LRX,U,4)_" / "_$P(LRX,U,5)_" "_$S($P(LRX,U,6):"Override Yes",1:"") ;W !,LRXY Q EDIT ; K DIR,DIRUT S DIR("A")="Delete this entry" S DIR(0)="NO^1:"_LRCNT D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) S LRY=Y I '$D(^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,Y)) W !?5,Y_" Entry not Valid",! G EDIT S NODE="^TMP(""LRLNC63"","_$J_","_Y_",0)" S NODE=$Q(@NODE) I $QS(NODE,2)'=$J W !?5,Y_" Entry not Valid",! G EDIT D SHO S DIR(0)="YO" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) I $G(Y)=1 K ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,LRY) G EDIT Q EXPAND ;If panel test expand to get parts K ^TMP("LR",$J) S LRCFL="" K DIR,LRTEST,LRX,T1 S LRTEST(+LRY)=+LRY_U_^LAB(60,+LRY,0),T1=+LRY S LRNX=0 D EX1^LREXPD S DIR(0)="PO^64.2:EMZ",DIR("A")=" Select Suffix Code" D ^DIR Q:Y<1 S LRSUF=$P(Y(0),U)_U_$P($P(Y(0),U,2),".",2) K DIR S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Override previous LOINC mapping" D ^DIR I Y=1 S LRSUF=LRSUF_U_1 I $O(^TMP("LR",$J,"TMP",0)) D . S LRN=0 F S LRN=$O(^TMP("LR",$J,"TMP",LRN)) Q:LRN<1 S LRNX=^(LRN) D . . Q:'$P($G(^LAB(60,LRNX,64)),U,2) . . S LRCNT=$G(LRCNT)+1 . . S ^TMP("LRLNC63",$J,LRCNT,$P(^LAB(60,LRNX,0),U),LRN)=LRN_U_+LRNX_U_$P(^(0),U)_U_LRSUF Q