LRLNCMD ;DALOI/CA/FHS-MAP LAB TESTS TO DEFAULT LOINC CODES ;1-MAY-1999 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**232,278,280**;Sep 27,1994 ;================================================================= ; Ask VistA test to map-Lookup in Lab Test file #60 START ;entry point from option LR LOINC MAPPING Q:$D(LRDFONLY) S LREND=0 D TEST I $G(LREND) G EXIT I '$G(LRNLT) G START DEFAULT ;ENTRY POINT FROM LRLNC0 W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to see possible LOINC code matches" S DIR("?")="Enter no if you already know the LOINC code." S DIR("B")="No" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT),$G(LRLNC1) Q I $D(DIRUT) D EXIT G START I 'Y D ENTERLNC^LRLNCC I $G(LREND),$G(LRLNC1) K LREND Q I $G(LREND) D EXIT G START I '$G(LRCODE) D LOINC I $G(LRNO) D EXIT G START I $G(LREND),$G(LRLNC1) K LREND Q I $G(LREND) D EXIT G START I $G(LRNO) D ENTERLNC^LRLNCC I $G(LREND),$G(LRLNC1) K LREND Q I $G(LREND) D EXIT G START CORRECT W !! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is this the correct one" S DIR("B")="Yes" S DIR("?")="Enter no to select a different code." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!($G(LREND)),$G(LRLNC1) K LREND Q I $D(DIRUT)!($G(LREND)) D EXIT G START I 'Y,$G(LRNO) D ENTERLNC^LRLNCC I 'Y,'$G(LRNO) D LOINC I $G(LRNO) D EXIT G START I $G(LREND),$G(LRLNC1) K LREND Q I $G(LREND) D EXIT G START D LINK I $G(LREND),$G(LRLNC1) K LREND Q I $G(LREND) D EXIT G START D CHECK I $G(LREND),$G(LRLNC1) K LREND Q I $G(LREND) D EXIT G START D MAP I $G(LRLNC1) K LRCODE Q D EXIT G START EXIT I $G(LRNLT) L -^LAM(LRNLT,9) K DA,DIC,DIE,DINUM,DIR,DIRUT,DR,DTOUT,I,LRCODE,LRDATA,LREND,LRLNC,LRLNC0,LRLOINC,LRELEC,LRIEN,LRNLT,LRSPEC,LRSPECL,LRSPECN,LRTIME,LRTEST,LRUNITS,S,Y K DD,DO,DLAYGO,LRLNCNAM,LRNO,X,LRNUM,LROLDCD QUIT TEST D TEST^LRLNC0 Q LOINC ;Lookup possible LOINC matches in LAB LOINC file #95.3 D FIND^DIC(95.3,"","80","M",LRTEST,"","","I '$G(^(4))","","LRLOINC","") CODE ;ask which code to map I +LRLOINC("DILIST",0)=0 D Q .W !!,"No matches found." .S LRNO=1 W ! S I=0 F S I=$O(LRLOINC("DILIST","ID",I)) Q:'I!$G(LREND) D .I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-",'(I#18) D Q:$G(LREND) ..S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR ..S:$S($G(DIRUT):1,$G(DUOUT):1,1:0) LREND=1 .W !,I,":",LRLOINC("DILIST","ID",I,80) K DIRUT,DUOUT W !! S DIR(0)="N^1:"_$S($G(LREND):I-2,1:$P(LRLOINC("DILIST",0),U),1:0) S DIR("A")="LOINC code to map this test" D ^DIR K DIR,LREND I $D(DIRUT) S LREND=1 Q S LRCODE=LRLOINC("DILIST",1,+Y) D DISPL^LRLNCC Q LINK ;Link the code with file 64 S LRNLT=+$P(^LAM(LRNLT,0),U,2) LR64 ; K DIC,DA W !! S DIC=64,DIC(0)="ENMZ",X=LRNLT D ^DIC I Y=-1!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) K DTOUT,DUOUT S LREND=1 Q S LRNLT=+Y Q CHECK ;Check to see if already mapped to a LOINC code Q:'$P($G(^LAM(LRNLT,9)),U) D SHOWPRE I $D(DIRUT)!'Y S LREND=1 Q ;DELETE EXISTING DEFAULT MAPPING S DA=LRNLT S DIE="^LAM(",DR="25////@" D ^DIE K DA,DIE Q MAP ;DIE call to add DEFAULT LOINC CODE I '$D(LRDFONLY) S LRDATA=$P(^LAB(60,LRIEN,0),U,12) ;DATA NAME I '$L(LRDATA) S LRDATA=$P(^LAB(60,LRIEN,0),U,4) S LRTIME=$P(^LAB(95.3,LRCODE,0),U,7) ;TIME ASPECT S LRUNITS=$P(^LAB(95.3,LRCODE,0),U,14) ;UNITS L +^LAM(LRNLT):1 I '$T W !,"Another user is editing this record!!" H 5 Q S DIE="^LAM(",DA=LRNLT,DR="25////"_LRCODE_";25.2////"_LRTIME_";25.3////"_LRUNITS_";25.4////"_LRDATA_";25.5////"_$S($D(LRDFONLY):"@",1:LRIEN) D ^DIE L -^LAM(LRNLT) MAP2 ;HERE SHOW WHAT WAS MAPPED Q:'$D(^LAM(+$G(LRNLT),0))#2 W !! W !,"NLT: ",$P($G(^LAM(LRNLT,0)),U) W !,"WKLD CODE: ",$P($G(^LAM(LRNLT,0)),U,2) K DIC,DR S DIC="^LAM(",DA=LRNLT S S=$Y D EN^DIQ Q SHOWPRE ;DISPLAY LOINC CODE ALREADY MAPPED TO NLT S LROLDCD=$P(^LAM(LRNLT,9),U) W !!,"This test is already mapped to:" W !,"Default LOINC code: ",LROLDCD_"-"_$P(^LAB(95.3,+$G(LROLDCD),0),U,15)," ",$G(^LAB(95.3,LROLDCD,80)) W !! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to "_$S($D(LRDEL):"delete",1:"change")_" this default mapping",DIR("B")="NO" S:'$D(LRDEL) DIR("?")="If you enter yes, the current default LOINC code will be overwritten with the default LOINC code that you have chosen." S:$D(LRDEL) DIR("?")="If you enter yes, the current default LOINC code will be deleted." D ^DIR K DIR Q DELETE ;DELETE/UNMAP DEFAULT LOINC CODE S LREND=0,LRDEL=1 D TEST I $G(LREND) G EXIT D CHECK K LRDEL G EXIT Q Q