LRLNCX ;DALOI/FS- ROUTINE TO EXTRACT VISTA TEST NAMES FOR LOINC MAPPING;1-FEB-2001 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**232,278**;Sep 27,1994 ;; ; Field Separator = "|" ;LR60 = IEN from ^LAB(60 ;LRSP = SPECIMEN pointer to ^LAB(61 ;LR60N = TEST NAME FOR ^LAB(60 - *? are translated to spaces for RELMA ;LRSPN = SPECIMEN NAME - attempt to get LOINC Abbrv if linked ;LRUNIT = REPORTING UNITS FROM ^LAB(60,IEN,1,LRSP,0) ;1-70|WBC BLD K/cmm ;Capture the output into a text file to import into Relma. ;Remove 1st and last lines before importing into Relma EN ; K ^TMP("LR LOINC",$J),LREND,LRAA D MSG W ! G END:$G(LREND) S LRFS="|",LR60=0,LR60N="" G @LRANS 3 ;Selected all tests 2 ;Selected accession area - screen on LRAA(#) D ASK G END:$G(LREND) F S LR60N=$O(^LAB(60,"B",LR60N)) Q:LR60N="" D . S LR60=0 F S LR60=$O(^LAB(60,"B",LR60N,LR60)) Q:LR60<1 D . . Q:$G(^LAB(60,"B",LR60N,LR60)) . . I '$D(^LAB(60,LR60,0))#2 K ^LAB(60,"B",LR60N,LR60) Q . . Q:$P(^LAB(60,LR60,0),U,3)="N"!($P(^(0),U,3)="") D OUT Q 1 ;create individual test list. K ^TMP("LR LOINC",$J) S ^TMP("LR LOINC",$J,0)=DT_U_DT_U_"LRLNCX TEST LIST" K DIR S DIR(0)="PO^60:NQEMZ" S DIR("S")="I $L($P(^(0),U,3)),$P(^(0),U,3)'=""N"",$P($P(^(0),U,5),"";"",2)" F D ^DIR Q:Y<1 S ^TMP("LR LOINC",$J,Y(0,0)_+Y,0)=+Y_U_Y(0,0) I $O(^TMP("LR LOINC",0))'="" D ASK G END:$G(LREND) S LRNX=0 ;W !,$TR($$SITE^VASITE,U,"|")_"|"_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,1) F S LRNX=$O(^TMP("LR LOINC",$J,LRNX)) Q:LRNX="" D . S LR60=$G(^TMP("LR LOINC",$J,LRNX,0)) . Q:'$G(LR60) . I $L($P(LR60,U,2)) S LR60N=$P(LR60,U,2),LR60=+LR60 D OUT G END Q OUT ; I $G(LRAA) S LRNOP=1 D Q:LRNOP . S LR8=0 F S LR8=$O(^LAB(60,LR60,8,LR8)) Q:LR8<1!('$G(LRNOP)) D . . I $D(LRAA(+$P($G(^LAB(60,LR60,8,LR8,0)),U,2)))#2 S LRNOP=0 S LRSP=0 F S LRSP=$O(^LAB(60,LR60,1,LRSP)) Q:LRSP<1 D . S LRSP0=$G(^(LRSP,0)),LR61=$G(^LAB(61,LRSP,0)),LRUNIT=$P(LRSP0,U,7) . S LRSPN=$P(LR61,U),LR64061=$P(LR61,U,9),LRLSPN=$P(LR61,U,8) . K LR64N I LR64061 S LR64N=$P($G(^LAB(64.061,LR64061,0)),U,2) . S LRSPN=$S($D(LR64N):LR64N,$L(LRLSPN):LRLSPN,1:LRSPN) . D WRT Q WRT ;LR60N [test name] - translate "*" or "?" to spaces W !,$E(LR60_"-"_LRSP_LRFS_$TR(LR60N,"*?"," ")_" "_LRSPN_LRFS_LRUNIT,1,80) Q ASK ; K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Ready to Capture" D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT) LREND=1 Q MSG ; W @IOF W !,"(NOTE) You should use the Add/Edit Topography Specimen HL7 Code" W !,"[LR LOINC LEDI HL7 CODE] option before you proceed." W !," ----- ----- ----- ----" W !,"This option will create a Local Master Observation File (LMOF)" W !,"from your local LABORATORY TEST (#60) file." W !!,"Only 'CH' subscripted test having a dataname and having a type" W !,"of 'BOTH', 'INPUT' or 'OUTPUT' will be extracted." W !,"The LMOF file will use the vertical bar '|' as the field separator." W !,"The 1st. field is the test internal number and internal number" W !,"of the spec. (i.e. 1-72 will represent test 1 and specimen 72)." W !,"The 2nd field contains |test namespecimen." W !,"The 3rd field is the reporting unit only (if any)." W !!,"You will need to capture this printout into a text file." W !,"Using a text editor, remove extraneous lines from the beginning" W !,"and the end of the file so that only extracted test names remain." W !,"Save the edited file. Use this file in the import function of the" W !,"Regenstrief LOINC Mapping Assistant (RELMA)." W !,"Consult the Regenstrief RELMA documentation for specifics." K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT) LREND=1 Q:$G(LREND) SEL ;Select method of extraction K DIR,LRAA S (LRANS,LREND)=0 S DIR(0)="SO^1:Individual single test;2:By Accession Area;3:All Test" S DIR("A")="Select extraction criteria" D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT) LREND=1 I Y>0 S LRANS=Y I LRANS=2 D . K DIR . S DIR(0)="PO^68:ENZM",DIR("A")="Select accession area " . S DIR("S")="I $P(^(0),U,17)'=""S""" . F D ^DIR Q:Y<1 D . . S LRAA=Y . . S LRAA(+LRAA)=LRAA,DIR("A")="Select another accession area " Q END ; K DIR,DIRUT,LR60,LR60N,LR61,LR64061,LR64N,LR8,LRAA,LRANS,LREND,LRFS,LRLSPN,LRNOP,LRNX,LRSITE,LRSP,LRSP0,LRSPN,LRUNIT,Y Q