LRMITSE ;SLC/STAFF - MICRO TREND ENTRY ;3/4/93 17:07 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**96,257**;Sep 27, 1994 ; from LRMITS ; collect input data for trend report ; LRAP(drug node)=organism # if antibiotic pattern defined ; LRDETAIL detailed report with patient results ; LREND flag to end program ; LRHELP help frame ; LRLOS length of stay ; LRMERGE none/spec/col sample/any "N"/"S"/"C"/"A" ; LRM(type of report,"A")="" all values ; LRM(type of report,"S",value #)=value name selected values ; LROTYPE(type of organism)="" organism types "B"/"F"/"M"/"P"/"V" ; LRSORG(type of organism,organism #)="" if specific organisms selected ; LRSORT Defines antibiotic reporting order by alph or print order ; LRSUSR(interp)="" interpretations forced to 'R' ; LRSUSS(interp)="" interpretations forced to 'S' ; LRUNK "Unknown" - used for any value ; LRTBEG begin time ; LRTEND end time ; W @IOF,?30,"MICROBIOLOGY TREND REPORT",! ; initialize variables and defaults K LRAP,LRM,LROTYPE,LRSORG,LRSUSR,LRSUSS DIV ;MULTIDIVISIONAL PATCH LR*5.2*257 - 3/01 ;ASK IF WANT REPORT BY DIVISION S LRASK="DIV",LRHELP="LRMITS OPTION" W !!,"Report by: DIVISION" S LRPX=$S($D(LRM(LRASK,"A")):"All",1:"No") K DIC,DIR,LRM(LRASK) S DIR(0)="SAM^A:All;S:Selected;N:No",DIR("A")="(A)ll Divisions, (S)elected Divisions, or (N)o Division Report? ",DIR("B")=LRPX S DIR("?")="Enter 'A'll, 'S'elected, or 'N'o.",DIR("??")=LRHELP S DIR("?",1)="Select 'A' to obtain a report grouped by all divisions." S DIR("?",2)="Select 'S' to obtain a report grouped for selected divisions." S DIR("?",3)="Select 'N' if you DO NOT want a report grouped by division." S DIR("?",4)="Enter '^' to exit." D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S LREND=1 Q I Y="A" S LRM(LRASK,"A")="" ; if specific values are requested, obtain selections I Y="S" D .S DIC=4,DIC(0)="AEMOQ",DIC("A")="Select Division: " F D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S LRM(LRASK,"S",+Y)=$P(Y,U,2),LRSDIV=+Y K DIC I $D(DTOUT) S LREND=1 ; S LRDETAIL=0,LRHELP="LRMITS OPTION",LRLOS=0,LRMERGE="S",LROTYPE("B")="",LRUNK="Unknown" S (LRSUSR("I"),LRSUSR("R"),LRSUSS("MS"),LRSUSS("S"))="" S OK=1 S LRBLIK="" D FILSCAN ;<------DRH patch 96 Q:'OK I $D(^TMP("LRM",$J)) D QUERY F LRX="O","S","L","D","P","C" I $D(^LAB(69.9,1,"MIT","B",LRX)) S LRM(LRX,"A")="" ; default reports I 'OK S LREND=1 QUIT SORT K DIR S DIR(0)="SAMO^A:Alphabetically;P:Print Order",DIR("B")="A" S DIR("A")="Sort the Antibiotic output by: " S DIR("?")="Enter 'A'lphabetically or 'P'rint Order" S DIR("?",1)="This allows you to choose how the Antibiotics will be" S DIR("?",2)="sorted. Alphabetically will sort by the mnemonics and " S DIR("?",3)="Print Order will use the order defined in file #62.06" S DIR("?",4)="ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S LREND=1 Q S LRSORT=$S(Y="P":1,1:0) ; K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Use default reports HERE",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y'es or 'N'o",DIR("??")=LRHELP S DIR("?",1)="Default reports are setup in the Laboratory Site file, 69.9." S DIR("?",2)="If you answer 'NO', you can select individual antibiotic trend reports" S DIR("?",3)="grouped by: organism, site/specimen, location, patient, physician, and/or" S DIR("?",4)="collection sample. You can select all items or a single item for each group." S DIR("?",5)="Example: a trend report on a single patient." D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) G SORT K DIR,LRX ; get specific input if not using default data I 'Y D ^LRMITSEC Q:LREND D ^LRMITSES Q:LREND ; if no reports selected quit I '$D(LRM) W !,"No reports were selected!" S LREND=1 Q ; get date range W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="D^::AE",DIR("A")="Start Date" S DIR("?")="^D HELP^%DTC",DIR("??")=LRHELP D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S LREND=1 Q S LRTBEG=Y\1 ;S LRTBEG=$E(Y,1,5)_"00" K DIR S DIR(0)="D^::AE",DIR("A")="End Date" S DIR("?")="^D HELP^%DTC",DIR("??")=LRHELP D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S LREND=1 Q S LRTEND=Y\1 ;S LRTEND=$E(Y,1,5)_"00" I LRTEND0 D . S LRCN=0 . F S LRCN=$O(^LAB(62.06,LRTIC,1,LRCN)) Q:+LRCN'>0 S NODE=^(LRCN,0) D .. S NODE=$P(NODE,U,2) Q:NODE?1P.E!(+NODE'=0) I 'NODE D MISSNG .. F LRTAC="I","S","R","MS" S:LRTAC=NODE LRGOT1=1 .. Q:NODE="" I $G(LRGOT1)'=1 S ^TMP("LRM",$J,NODE)="" S LRCNT=LRCNT+1 .. K LRGOT1 K NODE,LRCN,LRSCN,LRTIC,LRTAC Q MISSNG ; Q:$G(LRBLIK)=1 ;W !!,"You have required fields without data. Please check file 62.06 for deletions.",$C(7) ;Commented out for future use S LRBLIK=1 Q QUERY ; Present to user non std entries from ^TMP classify per std. ; LRSUSR(interp)="" interpretations forced to 'R' ; LRSUSS(interp)="" interpretations forced to 'S' W !!,"I scanned your Antimicrobial Susceptibility File and was" W !,"surprised to see you have non-standard entries in the default" W !,"interpretation field." W !!,"In order for me to proceed, I need to know what the entry means." K DIR S DIR(0)="SOM^1:RESISTANT;2:SUSCEPTIBLE" S DIR("A")="Please enter your response here" S LRNTRP="",OK=1 F S LRNTRP=$O(^TMP("LRM",$J,LRNTRP)) Q:LRNTRP=""!'OK W !!!,?32,"*****",LRNTRP,"*****" D . Q:'$D(LRNTRP) D ^DIR . S:$D(DIRUT) OK="" I 'OK QUIT . I Y=1 S LRSUSR(LRNTRP)="" . E S LRSUSS(LRNTRP)="" K ^TMP("LRM") K LRNTRP ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- Q