LRORD ;DALOI/CJS - LAZY ACCESSION LOGGING ;2/6/91 12:54 ; ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**100,121,153,286**;Sep 27, 1994 EN ;; I $D(^LAB(69.9,1,"RO")),+$H'=+^("RO") W $C(7),!,"ROLLOVER ",$S($P(^("RO"),U,2):"IS RUNNING.",1:"HAS NOT RUN.")," ACCESSIONING SHOULDN'T BE DONE NOW.",$C(7),!," Are you sure you want to continue" I $T S %=2 D YN^DICN W:%=0 !,"If you continue to accession, you may block accessions from yesterday from",!,"rolling over." G LRORD:%=0 I %'=1 W !,"OK, try later." Q EN1 ;;from LROR4 D ^LRPARAM K ^TMP("LRSTIK",$J),DIC,LRURG,LRSAME,LRCOM,LRNATURE,LRTCOM S LRORDTIM="" S:'$D(LRORDR) LRORDR="" D DT^LRX I $D(LRADDTST) Q:LRADDTST="" S LRFIRST=1,LRODT=DT,U="^",LRECT=0,LROUTINE=$P(^LAB(69.9,1,3),U,2) S:$G(LRORDRR)="R" LRECT=1,LRFIRST=0 I '$G(LRECT),LRORDR="" W !!,"WANT TO ENTER COLLECTION TIMES? Y//" D % S LRECT='(%["N") G KILL:$E(%)="^" I LRORDR="LC" W !!," Ordering for ROUTINE LAB COLLECT ONLY",$C(7),! S LRLWC="LC",LRLLOC=".",LREND=0 D NEXTCOL^LROW5 G KILL:LREND I LRORDR="SP" W !!," Ordering for SEND PATIENT ONLY",$C(7),! S LRLWC="SP" I LRORDR="WC" W !!,"Ordering for WARD COLLECT & DELIVER ONLY",$C(7),! S LRLWC="WC" I LRORDR="I" D ^LRORDIM G KILL:'$D(LRCDT) L5 I LRORDR]"",LRORDR'="LC",LRORDR'="I" S %DT="AET",%DT("A")=$S(LRORDR="WC":"COLLECTION",LRORDR="SP":"PATIENT VISIT",1:"")_" DATE: " I $T D DATE^LRWU G KILL:Y<1 S LRORDTIM=$P(Y,".",2),LRODT=$P(Y,".",1),X1=Y,X2=DT D ^%DTC IF X>370 W !,"Can't order more than 12 months ahead!!" G L5 I $D(LRODT),$P(LRODT,".")?7N,'+$E($P(LRODT,"."),6,7) W !!?7,$C(7),"Please enter a date, ie. 4/1/90",!! G L5 I $D(LRODT),$P(LRODT,".")
0 S DIC="^LAB(62.6,",DIC(0)="AEQMZ" S DIC("S")=$S($D(LRLABKY):"I '(LRORDR=""LC""&'$P(^(0),U,4))",1:"I '(LRORDR=""LC""&'$P(^(0),U,4))&'$P(^(0),U,3)") D ^DIC K DIC G KILL:$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT),G1:Y<1 S LRFLOG=Y G0 S $P(LRFLOG,U,3)=$P(^LAB(62.2,+$P(^LAB(62.6,+LRFLOG,0),U,2),0),U,2) S LRFLOG(0)=^LAB(62.6,+LRFLOG,0) S (LRWP,I)=0 F S I=$O(^LAB(62.6,+Y,1,I)) Q:I<1 D . S Y(0)=$G(^LAB(62.6,+Y,1,I,0)),LRWP=LRWP+1 . S ^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,$S($P(LRFLOG(0),"^",5):I,1:LRWP))=Y(0) . ; Lookup by number user enters. . S ^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,"B",LRWP)=$S($P(LRFLOG(0),"^",5):I,1:LRWP) . ; Lookup by test - used by LEDI (LRORDB) when user creates list "on-the-fly" . S ^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,"C",+Y(0),$S($P(LRFLOG(0),"^",5):I,1:LRWP))="" I LRWP>40 S LRFIRST=0 ; Don't automatically display "long" test lists. G G5 G1 S LRWP=0 W !,"Select one or more tests from which you will be generating your entries." GET D Q15^LRORD2 D ^DIC K DIC("S") G:Y<1 G5 S LRWP=LRWP+1,LRY=Y S ^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,LRWP)=$P(LRY,U,1,2) ; "B" Used to lookup by number user enters. S ^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,"B",LRWP)=LRWP ; "C" Used by LEDI (LRORDB) S ^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,"C",+LRY,LRWP)="" S LRTSTS=+^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,LRWP) D GS^LRORD3 S:+LRSAMP=-1&(LRSPEC=-1) LRWP=LRWP-1 G GET:+LRSAMP=-1&(LRSPEC=-1) S ^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,LRWP)=^TMP("LRSTIK",$J,LRWP)_U_LRSAMP_U_U_LRSPEC G GET ; G5 G KILL:LRWP<1 S:'$D(^LRO(69,LRODT,0)) ^(0)=$P(^LRO(69,0),U,1,2)_U_LRODT_U_(1+$P(^(0),U,4)),^LRO(69,LRODT,0)=LRODT,^LRO(69,"B",LRODT,LRODT)="" S LRURG="",LRAD=DT,LRWPD=LRWP\2+(LRWP#2) D ^LRORD1 KILL D ^LRORDK,HOME^%ZIS Q % R %:DTIME Q:%=""!(%["N")!(%["Y")!($E(%)="^") W !,"Answer 'Y' or 'N': " G % EN01 ;LAB COLLECT ORDER ENTRY ORDER S %=2 W !,"Do you want copies of the orders" D YN^DICN Q:%=-1 S:%=1 LRSLIP="" I %=0 D QUIZ G ORDER S LRORDR="LC",LRLWCURG=$S($P(^LAB(69.9,1,3),U,2)'="":$P(^(3),U,2),1:9) G LRORD EN02 ;SEND PATIENT ORDER ENTRY SENDPAT S %=2 W !,"Do you want copies of the orders" D YN^DICN Q:%=-1 S:%=1 LRSLIP="" I %=0 D QUIZ G SENDPAT S LRORDR="SP" G LRORD IMMCOL ;IMMEDIATE LAB COLLECTION I '$P($G(^LAB(69.9,1,7,DUZ(2),0)),U,6) W !!?5," This option is not available at the time ",!!,$C(7) Q S LRORDR="I" K LRODT G LRORD ; EN03 ;WARD COLLECT ORDER ENTRY WARDCOL ; S %=2 W !,"Do you want copies of the orders" D YN^DICN Q:%=-1 S:%=1 LRSLIP="" I %=0 D QUIZ G WARDCOL S LRORDR="WC" D LRORD Q ; ; LEDI ; Laboratory Electronic Data Exchange ; This entry point is used to select patients from ^LRT(67, file ; Routine LRDPAREF controls patient selection, patients must already ; exist in ^DPT in order to be selected. D ^LRPARAM I $G(LREND) D ^LRORDK Q N CONTROL,LA7,LA7SCFG,LA7X,LA7Y,LR64,LR696,LRLABLIO,LRRSTAT,LRRSITE,LRSD,LRTSN S LRREFBAR=$$BAR^LA7SBCR I LRREFBAR<0 D ^LRORDK Q S LRRSTAT="I" S LRRSTAT(0)=$$FIND1^DIC(64.061,"","OMX","Specimen in process","","I $P(^LAB(64.061,Y,0),U,7)=""U""") D SITE^LA7SBCR2(.LRRSITE,"Scan Remote Site Barcode (SM)",LRREFBAR) I LRRSITE("ERROR") D Q . W !!,$C(7),"ERROR -- ",$P(LRRSITE("ERROR"),"^",2),! . D ^LRORDK ; ; Get shipping manifest ID manual input I $G(LRRSITE("SMID"))="" D . F D SMID^LRORDB Q:LREND!($G(LRRSITE("SMID"))'="") I $G(LREND) D ^LRORDK Q ; ; LRORDRR="R" variable indicates host accessioning of remote orders S LRORDRR="R",LRORDR="" K LRODT D LRORD,^LRORDK Q ; ; ; LRORDRR =TYPE OF ORDER, LRECT =ASK COLECTION TIME ; LRFLOG =ACCESSION TEST GROUP, IF DEFINED ON ENTRY, PRESELECTS GROUP ; QUIZ W !,"The order copy is automatically sent to the CLOSEST PRINTER," W !,"if a closest printer is defined for the device you are using." W !,"Otherwise, you will be prompted with ORDER COPY DEVICE.",! Q