LRPARAM ;SLC/CJS/DALISC/FHS - SET LAB PARAMETERS ;8/11/97 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**98,121,153,201**;Sep 27, 1994 INIT ; S U="^" I '$D(ZTQUEUED) S IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS I '$D(ZTQUEUED),$S('$D(DUZ(2)):1,'DUZ(2):1,1:0) W !,"SORRY ! You must have a site defined. (NO DUZ(2))" S LREND=1 Q I '$D(DUZ(2)) W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"SORRY ! You must have a site defined. (NO DUZ(2))" S LREND=1 Q I 'DUZ(2) W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"SORRY ! You must have a site defined. (NO DUZ(2))" S LREND=1 Q EN ;Entry point for external package calls - [Will not reset IO definitions] N X,X1,X2,Y K LRPARAM,LRDATA D . N X,DIK,DIC,%I,DICS,%DT . D DT^DICRW . S LRDT0=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DT,"5DZ") S U="^",VA200="",LRPARAM=1_"^"_$P(^LAB(69.9,1,0),"^",2,255) S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=300 ; LRPARAM("VR") is set to the version of lab installed at this site. ;This variable can be used by other packages when interfacing with ;laboratory routines (ie. OERR) S LRPARAM("VR")=$G(^DD(63,0,"VR"))_U_$G(^DD(100,0,"VR"))_U_$G(^DG(43,1,"VERSION")) D ; Each Institution can have several associated divisions . ; The divisions are used to control editing of clinical results . ; performed by another instituion. . N N,SITE . S LRPARAM("ASITE",DUZ(2))="",N=$O(^LAB(69.9,1,99,"B",DUZ(2),0)) I N D . . S SITE=0 F S SITE=$O(^LAB(69.9,1,99,N,1,"B",SITE)) Q:SITE<1 S LRPARAM("ASITE",SITE)="" S LRPCEVSO=$G(^LAB(69.9,1,"VSIT")) ;Indicates of PCE/VSIT is turned on S X=^LAB(69.9,1,1),LRBLOOD=$P(X,"^",1),LRURINE=$P(X,"^",2),LRSERUM=$P(X,"^",3),LRPLASMA=$P(X,"^",4),LRUNKNOW=$P(X,"^",5) I $D(^LRO(69,DT,0))[0 S ^(0)=DT,^LRO(69,"B",DT,DT)="",X=$P(^LRO(69,0),U,3,4),X1=($P(X,U)+1),X2=($P(X,U,2)+1),$P(^LRO(69,0),U,3)=X1,$P(^(0),U,4)=X2 K X1,X2 LABKEY ;If DUZ is a LRLAB or LRVERIFY Key holder then LRLABKY is defined. The 1st piece of LRLABKY IS 1 IF DUZ has the LRVERIFY key and the 2nd piece = LRSUPER key. ;If DUZ is holder of LRVERIFY and LRLIAISON then the third piece is 1 ; The fourth 1 indicates if the user is allowed to edit Host results. ; LRLABKY=1^1^1^1 INDICATES THIS USER HOLD ALL FOUR SECURITY KEYS K LRLABKY I $G(DUZ),$D(^XUSEC("LRLAB",DUZ))!($D(^XUSEC("LRVERIFY",DUZ))) S LRLABKY="" S:$D(^XUSEC("LRVERIFY",DUZ)) $P(LRLABKY,U)=1 S:$D(^XUSEC("LRSUPER",DUZ)) $P(LRLABKY,U,2)=1 I $P($G(LRLABKY),U,2),$D(^XUSEC("LRLIASON",DUZ)) S $P(LRLABKY,U,3)=1 I $P($G(LRLABKY),U) S $P(LRLABKY,U,4)=1 D . N LRDATA . S I=+$O(^LAB(69.9,1,99,"B",+$G(DUZ(2)),0)) Q:I<1 . S LRDATA=$P($G(^DIC(19.1,+$P($G(^LAB(69.9,1,99,I,0)),U,2),0)),U) . I $L(LRDATA),'$D(^XUSEC(LRDATA,DUZ)) S $P(LRLABKY,U,4)=0 I $D(LRLABKY),$D(^LAB(69.9,1,"RO")),+$H'=+^("RO") W $C(7),!,"ROLLOVER ",$S($P(^("RO"),U,2):"IS RUNNING.",1:"HAS NOT RUN.")," ACCESSIONING SHOULDN'T BE DONE NOW.",$C(7) D . I '$$TM^%ZTLOAD W !!?7,"Taskman is not running ",!!,$C(7) Q . I $P($G(^LAB(69.9,1,"RO")),U,2) Q . N ZTSK S ZTRTN="LROLOVER",ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H,ZTDESC="LAB ROLLOVER TASKED FROM ^LRPARAM" D ^%ZTLOAD K ZTRTN,ZTDTH,ZTDESC . W:$D(ZTSK) !!?10," ROLLOVER HAS BEEN TASKED -- TRY ACCESSIONING LATER ",!!,$C(7) VIDEO ;Get Video settings for reverse and blinking features S LRVIDO="$C(91)",LRVIDOF="$C(93),$C(7)" I $G(IOST(0)) S X=$G(^%ZIS(2,+IOST(0),5)) Q:'$L($P(X,U,4))!('$L($P(X,U,8)))!('$L($P(X,U,5)))!('$L($P(X,U,9))) S LRVIDO=$P(X,U,4)_","_$P(X,U,8),LRVIDOF=$P(X,U,5)_","_$P(X,U,9) Q VR() ;Return current version of Laboratory Package installed ;Other packages may call this line to determine version of lab loaded. ;No integration agreement required. Q $G(^DD(60,0,"VR"))