LRPHEXPT ;SLC/CJS/RWF-EXCEPTION LOGIN OF ACCESSIONS ;8/11/97 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**43,121,221**;Sep 27, 1994 S X="N",%DT="T" D ^%DT S LRODT=DT,LRNT=Y LR1 ; D ^LRPARAM QUIT:$G(LREND) ;-> 4/25/95 LJA ; D FNDLOC^LRDRAW G END:LRLLOC["^" I LRLLOC=""&'$D(^XUSEC("LRPHSUPER",DUZ)) W !,"You don't have the LRPHSUPER key to enter 'ALL'." G LRPHEXPT I LRLLOC="" W !,"You're doing the entire collection" S %=2 D YN^DICN W:%=0 !,"Maybe you'd better think about it some more." G END:%'=1 K LRSN,LROR,LRCOM,LRTCOM,LRNOCOM W !,"Enter Order Numbers not collected: " LOOP S LRFIRST=1,LROR=0 D . D LP1^LRPHITEM I $O(LROR(0))>0 W !,"Let's handle the exceptions first.",! D . N LRLLOC,LRODT . S LROR=0 F S LROR=$O(LROR(LROR)) Q:LROR<1 D EXCEPT^LRPHITE3 W ! D EQUALS^LRX W ! W !!,"Now enter any orders that are not canceled but you don't want ""collected"", yet.",!,"If all remaining orders are collected, skip this entry." W !,"Any order #'s entered here will remain on collection list until 12 midnight.",!,"The orders will not 'rollover' to the next days collection list." K LROR S LROR=0,LRNOCOM=1 D . D LP1^LRPHITEM S %=2 W !!,"Ready to accept the rest of the orders" D YN^DICN G END:%'=1 D INV G:LRLLOC'="" E1 S LRLLOC="" F S LRLLOC=$O(^LRO(69,LRODT,1,"AC",LRLLOC)) Q:LRLLOC="" D E2 G LR1 Q E1 D E2 G LR1 E2 S LRSN=0 F S LRSN=$O(^LRO(69,LRODT,1,"AC",LRLLOC,LRSN)) Q:LRSN="" D . I ^LRO(69,LRODT,1,"AC",LRLLOC,LRSN)=1 I $S($D(^LRO(69,LRODT,1,LRSN,.1)):'$D(LROR(^(.1))),1:1) D P15^LRPHITEM W:$P(^LRO(69,LRODT,1,LRSN,1),U,4)="C" !,LRLLOC," ",$S($D(^(.1)):^(.1),1:".") Q INV K ^TMP($J) S %X="LROR(",%Y="^TMP($J," D %XY^%RCR K LROR F I=1:1 Q:'$D(^TMP($J,I)) S LROR(^(I))="" Q % R %:DTIME Q:%=""!(%["N")!(%["Y") W !,"Answer 'Y' or 'N': " G % END K %,A,J1,K,LRFIRST,LRFORD,LRLLOC,LRNOCOM,LRNT,LRODT,LROR,LRSN,X,Y,Z,DIC,LRLLOC,LRAA,LRAD,LRAN,LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,LROID,T,LRSN,I,%H,%X,%Y,DIWL,DIWR,DO,DPF,LRBED,LRCS,LRCSN,LRCSS,LRDC,LRDTO,LRFLOG,LRIOZERO,LRIX,LRLWC,LRM,LRORDR,LRORDTIM K LRGCOM,LROUTINE,LRPR,LRRND,LRSSX,LRSTIK,LRTSN,LRUNQ,LRUR,LRWD,LRWPC,POP Q